The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4309 breaks through, in the early days of God

"The law of hemp, the law of the beads, just let him have a law talent, thus accepting the law to authorize, the power is naturally improved. However, time, space, zoom, these three law, he is reluctant Using, although he can greatly enhance his talent, he wants to capture my body, then use it, because my body is more genius than him. And because of this, the other's war is still very limited, is not myself The opponent. And this time, they may have taken certain kinds of legal beads, so their war will be horrible, I can't be angry. "

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face became serious.

In this case, some gods have got a certain kind of law, even if they have such talent, but they worry that they will take the gods, or they will take it.

After all, it is the most important thing for those who don't have much hope to cultivate the gods.

"I have to break through."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he took a lot of treasures that were got from Ma Tian, ​​and the medicine and medicinal herbs were taken out, said: "Blue, , you will see, have these treasures to make me quickly Break through China? "

Two beautiful women look at it carefully, and for those medicinal herbs are checked.

Even, Blue is in contact with Blue and Blue, asking some of her medicine she doesn't know.

Finally, her face has been excited, and she has found a kind of medicinal herbs, saying: "This is a life-threatened goddean, which is the six-level god of the three thousand attributes. It is magical. The ability, can make God break through a bottleneck, of course, is a relatively low bottleneck, for you, from the little god through the gods, is a very low bottleneck. So, if you take a born Dan, it is Can break through. "

"Three thousand attributes of the six-level god medicine refining?"

Zhang Bin's face is that there is a colorful color, such a medicinal medicine is what he needs.

Because he cultivates 3006 rules.

In addition to this kind of biosained Dan, the rest of the medicinal drug estimates are not easy.

It seems that there are many strong enemies, and they have got the treasures on them. They still have a great advantage.

However, Zhang Bin also knows that this kind of student has a defective, because there is no defect, because there is no attribute of the six rules that he created, it is difficult for him to break through.

Therefore, Zhang Bin finds the godding of these six properties.

He has long been cultivated in the emperor of the immortal medicine brought by the source universe.

Moreover, it is arranged in a lightweight array.

Therefore, there are some immortal medicine to evolve into a god.

He let the blue will refine a special medicinal medicine, mainly the six rules of the following rules you have.

It is necessary to cooperate with the harvest of life, let him break through the god.

There is of course there is no resignation, she immediately begins to refine.

It is of course higher than Zhang Bin, after all, she has cultivated Danquan to ten.

Therefore, there is no accident, and the blue will soon refine a special medicinal medicine.

As a result, Zhang Bin sat in the Palestant Martial Arts.

He took the two medicinal herbs.

Then I started to cultivate crazy.

His Dantian's law is also turned crazy.

The rule of the gods is also all open, and he can clearly induct the six-level law form of 3,000 laws.

Have a huge enlightenment.

Moreover, the life of the biosaine, makes his feelings, do not know how many times.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is infered, breaking through.

Also experiment.

How can I don't understand the principles of the law that I don't understand?

And a vast momentum is also taken from his body.

Six colors are also flying out, and it is suspended in front of Zhang Bin.

The smash of the smart radio shot, cover Zhang Bin.

The propriet is the most magical treasure, which contains a new way, new rule.

As the owner of the tool, it is able to communicate with the tool, so that yourself break through.

If it is not taking Dan medicine, such communication requires a long process.

But because of taking a very precious medicinal medicine, he enhanced Zhang Bin's comprehension ability.

Communication is also easy.

"Heaven, the son, he really wants to break through. And, very amazing, he seems to be 3006 laws, how can this be done?" At the side, he looked at the excitement, her face It also floats ecstasy, anyway, see Zhang Bin's change, she is very happy.

"The son of him cultivation is the most amazing briefing of the gods. At the same time, 3006 laws are cultivated." Blue low voice said, "Hong Meng's creation, can only practice. And even true God, There is no cultivation of Hung Meng, because it is not complete, it is difficult to cultivate to dominate. Moreover, we must repair Hongmon, must get Hongmeng fragments. The gods and beasts have a few years of war, and they are a big reason. It can be seen that this is precious to what hopes. "

"In this case, how can he get Hongmond?"

I am shocked, and I asked very confusedly.

"The son, he has created six laws, and he is peerless. It has been asylum of heaven and earth. The Fuyun naturally returned. He got Hongmond's creation and normal. However, it is said that Hongmeng's cultivation does not have five, get the top three Ministry can practice into the dominance, there are two times behind, and I don't know if there is any true god. Perhaps Zhang Dong is got. "Blue Shan said.

"Zhang Dong is the fellow, such as the son, and the son is strong. Zhang Dong will pass two times behind him." Hey is an excitement of a face, and the two beautiful lights are also shot.

It seems that she has seen Zhang Bin's cultivation to the domineering, which is stronger than the master, rushing all the trendy scenes.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin's rule is madly rotating, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

I sent a horrible whistling.


Finally, an invisible bottleneck is also broken.

Zhang Binfa is also suddenly skyrocketing and has expanded a hundred times.

And there is a four-level rule.

The breath of the world is also taken out from Zhang Bin's body, so that the world is shocked.

The power of Hung Meng's creation is thoroughly exposed at this time.

After all, Zhang Bin is equal to the bottleneck of 3006 cases.

And ordinary gods can only make a law breakthrough, even if the strength is improved, it is not too much.

"Bang ..."

The robbery is finally coming, and the horror sound sounds in the cave.

The sky is also laminated with dark clouds, and it is rolled in the sky.

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