The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4310 Horror Treasury, Time Genius

"Miss", the son, he cultivated Hongmon, and cultivated 3006 laws, while breaking, did his natural robbery will be horrible? "He is inexplicably nervous, two jade hands are holding tight, excited Zhang Bin didn't have a robbery.

This little Nizi has now put a heart on Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin is all of her.

"Hey, in your heart, how much is he more important than me?"

Blue .

"Miss, I am, I am, in my heart, the son is as important as you are. I have to serve you for a lifetime in the future." He said a bit awkwardly.

In fact, the Blue Shui is really right, because of love, she really wants Zhang Bin to see more important than Blue.

She is lying.

"In my heart, the son is also the most important, I will forgive you the little girl who is full of lies."

Blue :

"It is also, the son can defeat the powerful enemy in the big realm. It can be seen that he is more than one million times than ordinary Shen. So, this time should be hurt to hurt the son." When you suddenly, I am relieved, my face It also floats a smile like a flower.

"The son is true God, his natural robbery naturally is different from the ordinary gods, named God, the power is very horrible. It has also been true to the past, thus the situation of falling." Blue It is not so optimistic and said seriously.


The sound of the horrible sound, the black cloud is rotated quickly and turned.

Then there is a deep passage.

It seems to pass to a very distant place.

Then, the momentum of a neutralization is also passed from the channel.

A God wearing a golden armor will fly out.

It turned out in front of Zhang Bin in an instant.

He seems to be almost the same as Zhang Bin, very young.

His realm is also the same as Zhang Bin, in the early days of God.

His face is full of pride, the chin is a 45 degree angle with the ground.

It is a super genius.

"Is it a robbery?"

The eyes of have grown up, and the face is full of not a letter.

In the god, the sky robbery is almost unable to see people.

It is a lot of laws that condense.

Although horror, because it is a single, it will not have too much threat.

"People robbery is affirmative, the son is too strong, the law of the gods is not hurt, and it is not possible to find the super genius who is in the same level, to show the robbery, I don't know what this person comes from Place? It can be eligible to show the robbery. "Blue said.

"Hahaha ... a small pagoda world, actually gave birth to six real gods?"

This teenager made a crazy laugh, "This is really great, I will drive away the Universiade, see how I kill you, capture your jog, then I can turn into 12 truth, then I will Will be strong, too much talented ... "

"God, open? He is also six real gods?"

Blue is completely screaming. At this time, they also understand that they are not from the gods, nor the beasts, but from the other world of Hongmeng.

Because Zhang Bin is robbed, Hong Meng constitutes a channel, so that the other party crosses the distance of countless dark areas, came here.

To make them two super geniuses finally fight.

Is this the way Hong Me wants to destroy the super genius?

Zhang Bin stood up, his face became extraordinary, and his hands appeared in the hands, and the eyes were shot, and the eyes were shot, and they were cold and asked coldly: "Your name is open ? Where is it? "

"I am from the Elephant World." There is a weird magic in the hands of the open, that is a gyro, is rotating in his hand.

He looked at Zhang Bin like the dead, and his face was full of greedy colors.

"Elephant World? Where is it? How far is the world of our pagoda?"

Zhang Bin's eyebrows and asked.

"I don't know how far the distance here, the dark area is too horrible, even if a little distance is also a fairy, you have to go from a world to another world, too hard, only big primeons can do. However, our elephant world It is much better than you in this pagoda. The research on cultivation is also a lot. You are just 3006 rules here, but we have 4,800 laws. So, you will die today. Everything is me. "

After saying to the Ko, he broke out 4800 rays, which constituted an area where he was extremely horrible.

Suddenly his momentum is also skyrocketing, murderous is also vacated.

Let the world become quiet.

It seems to be scared by such terror.

"4,800 laws? How is this possible?"

Blue , is frightening, face full of not bothering the color.

Such things have been completely exceeded their cognition.

And they are a general genius, naturally, will not encounter such horrible days.

Naturally, you can't get this strange thing.

However, it is estimated that other things, they can be robbed when they are robbed, and they may be robbed with Zhang Bin.

For example, Zhang Dong, he is too powerful, and it is estimated that it has encountered such a human robbery.

So, he can also cross the dark area and go to another world.

Even in the world, it is obviously the blood in the world of watermelon.

Don't say they, even Zhang Bin was shocked, and he was also very high overtime, thinking that although the other party is also six real gods, but the quantity of the rules he mastered is similar.

But now he knows is wrong, the rule of the other party is more than him, and there are many more, 1200 species.

This is a huge gap.

If it is calculated using a number, the force to open should be a quarter of Zhang Bin.

If the other party has an extraordinary background, such as his loved ones are dominated or dominated, then he will have a numerous genius, including the law.

Therefore, this teenager's war may be stronger than Zhang Bin's estimated.

"In your big world, is this genius this genius?"

Zhang Bin finally calmed down, curiously asked.

"Ha ha ha ... I have born, I have no enemies, six real gods, there is no ancient people, but I didn't expect that a small world in the district, and I can have the genius of the same level." Hold his gyro , "Now, have you prepared for death?"

"Do you also prepare for me to die?"

Zhang Bin did not fear, and Zhang Bin said.

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