The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4312, peak matchup

"Multiplication rule?"

Zhang Bin didn't care about the contempt of the other party, but his eyes were once again shot the hot radiant.

His face is filled with a colorless color.

Because he felt that the multiplication law is terrible. If you can cultivate it to level 45, isn't that anywhere to increase the battle of 45 times? What's more, 45 times will not be the limit.

Perhaps it can be higher.

Zhang Bin also mastered the magical scaling, but the scaling is also defective, and it is not possible to increase the power of other laws, that is, the source is not the same, after all, the gods are equal to the world of the rules.

The zoom method is to zoom other laws, almost impossible.

At least, Zhang Bin can't do it.

However, the scaling is still very magical, which makes itself a bigger, can zoom in sharpness, and even make your own outstanding power to skyrocket, saying that the power of the body is not a zoom force. Of course, you can also zoom your own defense strength.

That is to say, the scaling method is almost based on an entity.

However, multiplication rules seem to enhance other rules.

The other party just has doubled the speed of the gyro, and if it is suitable, it can be improved.

This is terrible.

It is definitely the rules of the sky, and the true god of this law is definitely the most terrible giant.

"The true God of the Multiplication, what kind of realm he cultivated?"

Zhang Bin couldn't help but ask.

"Do you ask Mathematical God?"

I have a strange expression on the face. "He has made the addition and subtraction, four real gods, but there are many adventures in the back, now it is a hundred real Gods. Beyond the big dominates. It is definitely the most in this world. A powerful true God is powerful. Mathematics is really god, you can only look up in your life. "

"One of the people?"

Zhang Bin is really a complete earthquake, so horrible existence, what will it be powerful?

Even, he is also very curious, Zhang Dong does not defeat mathematics?

After all, Zhang Dong is the horror of the other world.

Strong combat power, may not be the true God of sub-mathematics.

And the truth, it must also exceed the way of mathematics.

Just like your trial, it is the first of Wan Dao, which can trite to trial.

In the future, I strongly, I will find some of the tools, and I may not be the horror giant.

As for the blue and , it has been completely scared, the world of elephants, there is such a horrible true God?

If this is the true God invaded the Pagoda world, he wants to kill all the real gods, capture all the entries, how will the result? Can the Pagoda World resist?

"Well, now I have to send you to the way."

After the sky, his field of God is completely released, and the rays are detailed.


And the gyro in his hands disappeared.

Instead, it is a sharp sword.

This sword is very special, and the snow is white, and it is also a golden light.

A dark, a cold breath.

Undoubtedly, this is the tool, and it is a horrible road.

"A sword is born in yin and yang, and the field is banned."

I shouted to the openness, and he stepped out step, and went to the field to come to Zhang Bin.

Crazy sword to Zhang Bin's forehead.

Yin and Yang law condenses, life and death are also in a moment.


The sound is scream, as if there is a yin river, one is the yang, one is clouded.

With infinite mystery.

This is definitely unparalleled, not general God can resist.

"Wan Dao Zhen God, I am the first, tried Wan Dao, crushed the gods. Trial ..."

Zhang Bin's hands appeared in the hands of Libra, and the body made a mighty momentum.

His Ufa is also carrying forward, and the light light is burst into the eyes.

Mully swept the world.

The trial rule condenses the void.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Bin's hands appeared in the hands of Libra, and Libra also shouted in a majesty.

Zhang Bin slammed the Libra on the other side's yin and Yang sword.


A horrible giant rang, sparks splashing to 10 million miles.

Hurricane also appeared in an instant, swept the world.

The yin and yang law collapses, and the yin and yang river is also dissipated.


I have a big shouting, but he stabilizes the body, it is continuously retreat.

After the foot, I retired 50 steps, he stopped.

And Zhang Bin also did not have a good time, he was still retreating continuously, and after the foot was retired, 49 was stopped.

The difference between the two is not big, Zhang Bin takes a little on the wind.

Then they were oppressed by two tigers, and their faces became very serious.

Because they know, the other party is the enemy.

Yin and Yang Avenue's trial avenue of Zhang Bin, although it falls in the wind, it is only a gap.

In order to create a short day, I want to come in the dark area of ​​Hongmeng, and I have not yet gave birth to the bead.

Even if it is pregnant, it is difficult to find it.

Therefore, it is estimated that they have not taken yin and yang, the trial of the trial.

So, the two of them have no gaps.

Even if there is, there is only one wire.

"Heaven, this is definitely subverting, the top genius of Hongmeng," "

Blue and see it is shocking and shocking.

"It seems that I have read you, you can actually create a trial rule, want to trial Wan Dao, trial the gods, not simple. Today I want to kill you, it seems to spend some hands and feet."

The two eyes that open, shot in Zhang Bin's face, "I will kill you, win everything, I will replace you, become the most talented God, trial everything, crush everything "

"I also read you, I didn't expect, not only to create a balance, but also created horrible yin and yang, your talent is very amazing. If I kill you, win everything, then I will also be a lot of powerful. Come come, today we will win. "Zhang Bin's magnificent skyrocket, murderous is also skyrocketing.

"Hehe, ... you want to kill me, it is impossible, I can retreat at any time. But you can't do it, because you are in the sky." I have shown the face. " The color of the play, "So, I can only grab everything, but you can't grab me."

From this point of view, his wisdom is also super terrible.

It is necessary to occupy the wind on the speech, enhance your momentum, and fight Zhang Bin.

Thus, when the war, the advantage is dominated, and Zhang Bin is off.

"Although you can escape, I have a chance to kill you. Let you escape."

What kind of wisdom is Zhang Bin, how can it be in the words of the speech?

He is just two words, change the other party's retreat to escape, so that the other's heart has fallen into the seed.

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