The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4313 to reverse the situation

Although the heart is like a stone, the will is extraordinary, but he listened to Zhang Bin, he was still very angry, very angry.

He didn't talk to Zhang Bin, he danced the yin and yang sword and fully showed the field of God.

With the murder of the sky, rushed over and launched Zhang Bin's attack like the wind.

I saw him as if it was turned into light, and it became a virtual, from all sides, from any angle you can't think of, the speed is fast, so far beyond your imagination, his vibration is surprised, we are surprised to exceed your cognition.

In the field of his God is extra horrible.

It is thoroughly crushed the field of Zhang Bin's God.

Therefore, between the time, Zhang Bin is a hand, and can only work hard to dance, to resist the opposite of the opponent's non-porous crazy attack.

But you can't resist it.

He had to become a six-headed 12 arm, danced in six jigs, and tried to resist.

This is really stable, and I didn't let the other party attack defense.

Let the and the blue are not comparative, it has not been used up to the opening, because he has only used the yin and Yangjian, and there is no five other jigs.

Although he used a gyro representing a balance.

But now still has not been used.

And he has already occupied the upper wind, that is, it is pressed against Zhang Bin.

Don't Zhang Bin today be defeated?

If it is defeated, what kind of end, they can't think about it.

Because the other party will never let Zhang Bin, you will kill him and take everything.

Includes that six jigs.

As a true god, it will grow up, and it is hard to be difficult. If you need too much hard, you need to defeat too much powerful enemies.

Today, Zhang Bin has encountered the genius of the same level, and from the bigger world, the foundation is better than Zhang Bin, and the knowledge is more than Zhang Bin, and it is also nearly 1800.

Zhang Bin has to win, it is too difficult to win.

"Dangdang ..."

The two were still crazy, and the magic weapon bombarded each other, issued a very horrible voice.

Murderous is also rushing, air is also a frozen cold.

The opening is a vast war. He mainly applies yin and yang avenue, plus multiplication law, to improve the power, and the field of the gods that combine 4800 laws.

In this way, his attack power is doubled at any time, and it is completely invincible.

Zhang Bin's field was crushed. He could only use multiple jigrans to attack the other's attacks, but it was able to hold it, but it was completely lost the ability to attack, after all, to put multiple The propriator is playing in the yin and swords of the enemy, but it is very difficult, need super control, and it also needs to concentrate on all the spirit.

In this way, the wars have been almost ten minutes, they have already fighting thousands of tricks.

Zhang Bin finally couldn't live a bit.

I was not careful, he got the other party, the bones of the thighs were almost broken, and people also turned over.

The mouth is also a painful voice.

"Send you to the road ..."

It is a sense of enthusiasm to open the sword, and all the magicals are displayed.

He wants to kill Zhang Bin in it.

"Be careful……"

Blue and are extremely nervous, and their faces have become paleble.

They exclaimed.

"It's now……"

Zhang Bin was laughing, he suddenly made three laws - time, space, and zoom.

This is his most powerful base card. Although it is displayed, it is used to use the level of the beads.

This will not doubt it.

At the same time, his soul bead is also a black light that is like a substantial.

With the murder of the sky, the eyes of each other.

Since the time space law is fully displayed.

Even the powerful opening, his speed has also been greatly affected.

He stagnated a shortcoming moment.

It is such an instant, let him ate the big loss.

Black light bombards on his eyes.

He just came and closed his eyes.

However, this is the soul attack on the soul propuls, and the power is very horrible.


As if a thunder sound, black light is splashing.

There is a crack in the beads of the open eye.


He made a scream, and he retired.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin jumped up and crazy on his yin and Yang sword.


A horrible giant ring.

The yin and yang sword flew to half the air.

Just kidding, he is fully systematically showing the scaling rule and enhances its strength.

Suddenly used, beyond the estimation and endurance of the other party.

His proprietor is touched.

I was angry and surprised, and I continued to back, and he issued a counterattack.

A gyro was sprayed in his mouth, and it was chemically formed into a meteor shot to Zhang Bin's eyes.

"Time stop, space imprisonment ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in madness.

His time and space law, that is much better than before, less than ten times, but five times must be there. Otherwise, there is no possibility to prevent the masters of Blue Sui.

This whole is naturally incomparable.

Although the gyro is doubled in the multiplication law, the power has doubled, but it still can't resist the imprisonment of these two rules. Directly stopped.

And Zhang Bin went around and bombarded the scale, stone mill, killing the pig knife.

It is like a rainpoint.

The opening became six 12 arms, holding six magic weapons, madly resisting.

Show the most horrible magic.

However, he still fell in the wind and disappearing.

Zhang Bin's attack is too fierce.

Dangdang ...

Sound shock, spark splash, the sky is getting extra bright.

The two are like two mad tigers, in the madly wars.

Puff puff……

Sprayed a variety of people in the mouth, artifacts, are all those who can kill the king.

Unfortunately, here is the world of magic, and any fan will only show the power of the Sino-Goddess.

Therefore, under Zhang Bin's time and space law defense and attack, no magic weapon, and the inquiry is useless.

All became waste, can't hurt Zhang Bin.

"What is this ghost?"

The opening and urgent, the face became iron.

If it is not suppressed by heaven and earth, he will kill Zhang Bin, it is easy to let.

But now, he has fallen into a very dangerous situation.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin is an immersion, and the rules of nine kinds of good people are fully attacked.

The fierce, killing, is a wolf, and the festival is defeated.

"It is impossible, absolutely impossible, how can your time space zoom, how can it be so powerful? Even the six rules of your homemade?" The opening is finally discovered by Zhang Bin's secret, and I dare not dare. Recordful shouting.

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