The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4315 Refining the Yinyang Sword

"Blue , do you know what treasure is created? What kind of origin?"

Zhang Bin put this piece of three fists so big, and asked curiously.

"The crestation is said to be from a boat, huge," Blue Shu, "It is said that if it is the boat of the creation, you can get a bigification! For example, learn the most amazing Hongmeng cream, but also It can easily travel Hong Meng, instantly come, and even go to a more magical world. However, because of unknown reasons, the boat of the creation is broken, and it has become countless fragments, falling in all the people in Hongmeng, the world of the pagoda, Other worlds have, even, more dark. And the creation of fragments become the most amazing treasures. It is said that they must get a debris, in order to cultivate Hongmon, and the ability to sacrifice. However, from that time started The world of Hongmeng can't be associated with each other. There is a wide range in the dark area. What is the treasure in the end, what is the mystery, and there is also no God can know ... "

"The boat of creation?"

Zhang Bin's face has been surprised.

Of course, it is surprising to the origin of the boat, what is the refining?

What is the existence of such existence?

But this is of course no answer.

At least, he can't find an answer now.

It is estimated that Zhang Dong has no answer.

He is surrounded by two beautiful women, returning to the true God of the House.

He began to study the yin and Yang sword fine.

This is the tool, that is, there is a mission.

If he wants to refine, it is necessary to release the soul imprint.

However, it has not fallen yet, and the spiritual entrance of the tool will not open.

If it is strong, the device will definitely stop.

"The soul to open is not strong than me. If my spiritual power can enter, it is definitely able to break the soul imprint." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he took the road to enter the space of the beauty map.

Then he concluded his own field.

Suddenly, the yin and yang sword must escape, but it is grabbed by the statue of the beauty.

A seal is also appeared on the sword.

Let the yin and yang swords can't move.

Zhang Bin's heart, the umers became long, and tied in the yin and Yang sword.

If it is not sealed, it is sneaked in.

After all, it is the most magical treasure of Hongmeng.

If it is the protocol, but there is no kill owner, you want to erase the recognition, almost there is no way.

Even, the owner's mind can make the jigself.

That will explode very horrible power.

It can even hit the god that tries to refine.

However, when the opening did not let the jigs exploded, he will not explain him.

In the future, he may also have a chance to collect back.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is not too worried.

Plus the beauty figure has a magical ability.

It can be seal everything.

Let the open connection and the yin and yang sword in the space.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is not worried that it will destroy the tool.

What's more, the tool that is a repair ability.

The scales of the old Libra were injured, killing in a horrible magic weapon, sarcophagus.

Then still recover.

And since it is sealed, the defensive ability of the yin and Yang sword is reduced.

Therefore, the umerail is still sneaking into it.

However, it is very slow.

And so on sneaking approximately a few millimeters, it will not be able to enter.

Obviously, the material of the yin and Yang sword is very hard.

Ume people are also difficult to sneak all.

Zhang Bin had to have to put away the beautiful people.

He took out the rules of changing the gods, blessing a front, trial, witherment, scaling, etc.

Cut it hard in the yin and Yang sword.


The harsh sound is ringing.

The sword has a shallow trace.

Zhang Bin is big in the heart, he continues to cut hard.

Slowly, cut the sword.

A deep wound appeared.

Array areas are also arrived.

Zhang Bin did not hesitate, his spiritual power broke out and hurried in.

The array is very complicated, and it is also very profound.

Finally, Zhang Bin's mental efforts have been found in the depths of the array, found the soul imprint that belonging to open.

Soul, trial, destruction, death, wither, flame, thunder ...

Zhang Bin's full-line, crazy attacking the soul imprint.

The strength to open is slightly smaller, the soul is the same.

So, just for about half an hour, this soul imprint is completely broken.

Smoke elimination.

Zhang Bin did not hesitate, immediately lit up the array with spiritual power, branded his own soul imprint.

Suddenly, the yin and yang sword puts the light.

Send a crispy swager.

With the help of Zhang Bin, the yin and Yang sword is also recovering quickly.

It quickly recovered it completely.

As previously exactly the same.

"Ha ha ha ... I got a jigner, and it was a super cow's propulus of the junior." Zhang Bin made an exciting laugh, his face also floated.

This time the harvest is really too big.

However, he knows that he wants to develop yin and yang, then it is not so simple and easy.

Yin and Yang Avenue is created in the Elephant World, the law is also there.

The world of the pagoda may be the fairy medicine without the win and yang, there is no fairy medicine, and it is too difficult to understand the win and yang.

No, it is a 4,800 law to open it.

Most of the rules are coincident with the law of the Porsam world.

Do you have a law that can contain a small world?

The law of the world is actually in touch with the song?

However, but the small world can't contain the rules of the world?

In this case, the small world is impossible to have all the world's all-world attributes of fairy medicine and god.

And the genius living in the small world, the natural foundation is worse.

It seems that you must first find an immortal medicine in Yinyang Avenue.

Before, when I refined the Libra, the world was the fairy medicine that started the trial.

Now, I have already refined the yin and Yangjian, is it a fairy medicine that will give birth to yin and yang in this world?

When you think of this, Zhang Bin is extremely exciting.

He put the yin and yang sword in the light vaginal of the beauty map space, which is of course a lot of fairy medicine.

He himself is out, cultivating in the light of the true God of the Lotong.

Of course, he put the newly obtained cream into his heart.

In fact, there is not much change, just let his recovery ability have increased, and the speed of life in the body is faster.

"In the future, I can divide the cream into three, two of which are bordered, and the two are also able to cultivate Hongmon."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face also floated the color of the expectation.

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