The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4316 Seven Zhen God

Zhang Bin did very much looking forward, because his two firmed have finally cultivated it.

His family also cultivated into gods.

For example, the magic, Betty, Xiaoqian have become God.

It is completely before you can come.

However, most of the relatives have not yet become gods, they can't come to the gods.

Therefore, Zhang Bin must personally take it.

He is true God, you can quietly go to the source universe from the law, and you can enter the gods in the gods. He just wants them to hide their inner planet.

Now Zhang Bin's internal planet is equal to a small world.

The creatures hidden inside are difficult to find out the world of Pagoda outside.

Time will pass quickly.

Soon the past half a month.

Among the glory, it has been in the past few decades.

Zhang Bin was surprised to find that in the space of the beauty map, it actually gave birth to an immortal medicine for yin and yang attributes.

Because it is a god, coupled with the cast of Shenquan, the blood.

Therefore, the evolutionary speed of the fairy medicine is very fast.

A more advanced fairy medicine has already appeared in decades.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin is happy to laugh.

He didn't have any delays, and immediately took the fairy medicine to start cultivation, and the Yin Yang sword began to communicate and sent it to the Yin and Yang Avenue.

Yin and Yang Avenue, contains the mysteries that are the most important in the world.

It is a yen during the day and night is Yin.

The man is Yang, the woman is Yin.

Born as a yang, death is Yin.

This is a big enlightenment with Zhang Bin.

He is also slowly understanding the walrow, and the yin and yang rules in the heavens and the earth are also poured into his body quickly, and enter many endors.

Let the world in his body are more perfect.

What makes Zhang Bin secretly happy is that he is very good for the talent of the yin and yang.

So, all the way is a sharp progress.

It's just like a rocket.

After all, cultivate to him, for the provenance, access, or even the way, all the door is clear.

It is also half a month, Zhang Bin actually cultivated the Win Yang Tao to the nine floors.

Then he broke through and arrived directly.

Because of the channel, the mystery of the god is in the junction.

Since it is just a god, it is the gods here, so even the robbery is not.

However, Zhang Bin is found that the sea has become changing.

Of course, it is just a level of law.

Moreover, Zhang Bin also felt in it, his yin and yang law, and another world's law, the sea triggered resonance.

Even, there was a voids that linked to the world's laws of the world and his Tantian law.

It is a pity that because it is too far, it is not very clear.

He is difficult to see what the world is like the world, it is difficult to know how many rules in the world's rules of the world.

But he can think of with an toe, that world is a big world. It has 4,800 laws.

It is precisely because it is too far away, Zhang Bin evens even cultivated Hongmon Chemicals, and it is also authorized to obtain the world's law.

Even if he can, he has no foundation.

Because those rules, he has not accessed, and there is no integration into the heaven and earth rules.

Naturally, it is unauthorized.

"I seem to feel faintly about the direction of the elephant world, and I will become strong in the future, but I can go forward before such induction. Even, I can team with other God." Zhang Bin In his heart.

However, he is clearly known that it is difficult to achieve this goal, it is difficult than the sky, and it is exceptional danger.

One is to cross the dark area, two of him go to the elephant world, is equal to the invasion, the guardian of the world will definitely stop, that is, a horrible war, that world is a good god, but also The realm of the big dominates, the terror of strength is definitely difficult to estimate.

Therefore, there is no grasp, it is equal to it.

Since Zhang Bin's cultivation is a magical briefing, it is a matter of cultivating all the rules, and all laws must be in the same realm.

Now Zhang Bin has a law, he must practice all out to improve it.

In order to continue to cultivate Hongmon.

Therefore, Zhang Bin continued to cultivate the yin yang law crazy.

Effort to communicate with the yin and yang sword.

At the same time, he took some precious medicinal herbs, genius the treasures.

Because he is now the early god, there is experience.

So, I have been breaking quickly.

Just three months, he cultivated Yinyang Avenue to the early days of God.

And other rules are in the same situation.

I also came once again, but it was very ordinary, that is, after all, the god thunder.

Can destroy everything.

But it can't hurt Zhang Bin, directly swallowed by Zhang Bin.

"The field of God ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, and he suddenly took 3007 rays and intertwined.

It constitutes a magical field.

This area is in an orderly, there is a trial of everything, and there is yin and yang to distinguish between camps.

There is a time space law.

Therefore, there is no such thing in this field.

It is absolutely able to crush most of the genius of the same level.

"God, now the son is already seven real gods, too amazing, too cattle."

Blue and shocked the extreme and worship.

They can't wait to go down.

"This is amazing, I have mastered 3007 laws, the rule of the world of the Bao Tao is only 3006 laws."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face has also floated the color of thinking.

Perhaps, due to the yin yang law, it has been pregnant in the law of the Elephant World. It takes the key to create a junction, but it is equal to the half-way home. Although Hongmeng admits, but will not be in the world of the pagoda. The rules of the sea are yang yang law.

It is estimated that the truth law of Zhang Dong is also the same.

However, this is good, the god of the Baota World will not think that I will create a law, then I will look at me.

I also have a base card.

It's time to leave, I have to go to the third floor of the god.

There is a better cultivation in the third layer, which makes me break through the bottleneck faster.

He didn't put away the true god hole, but brought two beautiful women with many insects.

Climb the abyss.

There is still a lot of gods.

The reason why Majia has not yet happened, it is looking forward to no God can discover Zhang Bin.

Then leave.

That future, Zhang Bin came out of the world, they can kill Zhang Bin, and capture everything in Zhang Bin.

"From ..."

Zhang Bin stood on a mountain and shouted.

Sudden earthwork, stone law, jade law started thoroughly ...

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