The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4317, thousands of enemies, heaven and earth discoloration

Sudden dirt collection, earth transformation.

A temple is also rapidly pulling.

Then Zhang Bin put his own realistism like it.

Of course, there is no yang and yang law.

In fact, he wants to authorize and can't do it.

Because the Law of the Pagoda World is not yin and yang, other gods are no way to understand.

This is also why Zhang Dong's truth law is not included in the Law of the Parada World.

Zhang Bin stood in front of the temple, blaminging the stress and horrible momentum of the sky, his voice suddenly sounded in any corner of the magic world, "I am six true God Zhang Bin, I want to hit my idea. God Can come over, don't look hard. "

"My God, the son is that one person has to fight countless strong enemies. How horror means, how big is the amount of courage?"

I sent a bad shout in Zhang Bin's treasure tower, and her face was full of colors.

"The wisdom of the son is used to do this. You can kill a batch of powerful gods. Because they are limited by the World of Magic, they can't play all the strength. It is very easy to kill it. Of course, just for The son is in the outside, the son is no way to kill so many strong enemies. Because most of them are big gods, God, God Emperor, and even the God of God. Once kill so many gods, the son is outside It is also safe. Because the enemy is less. "Blue's face is full of admiration and worship.

She is an admiring extreme for Zhang Bin chooses to enter the magic world and publish it.

Zhang Bin has such a top genius, it is not easy to grow up.

It can be said that it is an enemy everywhere, and it is a strong enemy.

Creating the world, dominating.

As long as they can kill Zhang Bin, capture Zhang Bin's key, then they may replace Zhang Bin, become six real gods, or even seven real gods.

Just like Zhang Bin seized the opening of the road, it deprived that the other party was the same as the founder of the yin and yang.

When Zhang Bin broke through a bottleneck, Zhang Bin was the founding god of Yin and Yang law.

The opening is equal to the five real gods.

Such temptations, the gods of the dark attributes, no heart.

What's more, there are some bright attributes, that is, I don't want to accept trials, so they don't want to let Zhang Bin.

At least, they want to destroy the heavens, let the trial rule turn thoroughly, and will never progress.

In an instant, many gods entering the magic world are like tidal.

"What is the idiots?"

A group of people in Ma Jia is ruined, and the face is looked.

They are very powerful, most of them are gods, and even the king.

However, they know that if they go to the bottom of the abyss, it is difficult to kill Zhang Bin.

So, they are also coming in to explore the situation, waiting for Zhang Bin to leave.

However, they did not think that Zhang Bin actively appeared, this is simply looking for death.

Does Zhang Bin are actually impatient?

They also rushed the past very depressed.

Soon, I came to thousands of gods at the foot of the mountain.

Most of them are dark attributes.

Even, there is a beast god, they all become a look of God.

I can't see it.

They all use greedy eyes to look at Zhang Bin standing on the hill, a look of moving.

"All, I know that you are very admiring me, so I have built the temple here, you can enter the sacrifice."

Zhang Bin stood in front of the temple, said, "I will give you a laughter." I will give you you. "

"Nima ... Do we care about your law? We come in here, just want to kill you, win everything."

Many gods have a angry, and they are broken in the heart.

They want to fight, kill Zhang Bin, the treasure and body.

However, worried that the gun is playing the bird, but by Zhang Bin to kill, it is miserable.

So, although they want to move, but no one dares to rush.

"How? You all have another plan? Do you all want to kill me?"

Zhang Bin's eyes shot a cold light, "give you a chance. If you don't want to deal with my god, stand it over there."

His voice just fell, and there were some gods to open.

Most of them are gods of bright attributes.

They may be to help Zhang Bin, or it may be a water to catch fish.

Even, some of them also took out the fragrance, entered the temple, and started praying.

They look forward to obtaining the law to authorize.

I look forward to seeing Zhang Bin as an enemy.

So, no matter what is the purpose, they will always take advantage of it.

Zhang Bin, of course, also known that it is mixed with enemies, so he will not authorize it now.

However, he made the goal of the temple and reached it.

Separate many enemies.

Reduce one-third of the quantity.

Then his pressure is also alleviated.

"You all want to kill me, win everything?"

Zhang Bin looked at the gods that did not move, smiled and said, "So, have you all prepared for death?"

"Ha ha ha ..." Suddenly there is a madness laugh, "Zhang Bin, although you are six real gods, the talented super excellent, it is what we need to look up. However, you only cultivate into the early days of God, far away Not strong, you are showing it, just because I am not affectionate? We are so many giant, you want to kill you too simple and easy, we just have a little distressed, how to assign your treasure. "

" ..."

"Hahaha ..."

" ..."

The gods laughed.

They are all told, and they don't necessarily want to win Zhang Bin's body.

It is not necessarily to get Zhang Bin's tool.

As long as you can kill Zhang Bin, you can achieve your goals.

That's in the future, there is still a trial of the trial, it is not so easy. Even if you can appear, it is impossible to have Zhang Bin so talented, so it is much more dedicated, and you should not be tried.

Undoubtedly, most of them are sinful people.

The small part is entrusted by the family.

Their family crimes are tired, of course, is not willing to accept trials.

"What is your name? What kind of realm is cultivated?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were squinted, shot, like a knife.

Asked coldly.

"Why should I tell you?"

This guy is very embarrassing, not only changed, and it is not willing to say his own origin.

After all, Zhang Bin himself appeared, too weird, so he is still worried that Zhang Bin can escape.

Naturally, I am not willing to disclose my identity.

"Look at you, it seems to be the realm of God?" Zhang Bin asked.

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