The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4318, one slap in the face

"What is this guy is the Great God?"

The gods are all thoroughly, and their eyes are also projected on him, and their faces have also floated the color.

Great God, there are not many in the gods, only a few thousand.

And I have always lived in the sixth floor of the god.

It is most of the gods to look up.

Dare to come to the magic world, it is simply a big risk. If it is not for your strength and talent super confidence, it will not enter.

And since it comes in, there is natural ambition, it may be that I want to capture Zhang Bin's body and all the tools.

Of course, although there is not much expectation to Zhang Bin's treasure, it still wants to get some.

So, they suddenly became the other side.

And this is what Zhang Bin is looking forward to. Although he is strong, if you have to fight a few thousand giants, it is still very difficult. If you kill a few super genius, such as God and God, it is much more relaxed.

"I am indeed a big god, today is to kill you."

This guy laughed, his body was also a powerful momentum and richness to the ultimate murder.

"Come come, let's pick one in one side."

Zhang Bin walked down step down and hooked his hand.

"Let's go together, kill him, first remove this disaster."

This guy is very deceived, yelling.

Unfortunately, the gods not only did not rush, but they slamd it over.

This is the role of wisdom, because Zhang Bin has an opponent's terrorist realm.

Let them embrace, naturally, I don't want to go to help.

They even expect Zhang Bin to kill him.

Then there is a less powerful competitor.

"The big god of you, didn't dare to fight with me? I see that you buy a tofu to fight. I just cultivate into the early days of China." Zhang Bin's face floated. .

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

This guy has a strong angry, and his hands appeared in his hands, the horror murderous spikes, and the world is shot.

"It turned out to be the Blood Sea Emperor - Valley Blood Sea."

I got a god, they all sent a speech, and their faces also have a fear of fear.

Because he is a bloody law, the descendants of the true god, especially good at blood law.

He likes to kill strong enemies and capture blood in their body.

Even, he also imprisoned a lot of beasts, powerful gods, drinking their blood every day.

Of course, his war is also extremely horrible, because he has long been cultivated to the great gods.

Master 3,000 laws.

Even, he is stronger than hemp.

Because his talents are better.

Never used the pearl.

Such a big emperor, in the gods, it is a bad name.

Also make countless gods fear and scared.

"Be son, be careful ..."

Blue is also recognized, and introduces the Sichuan Valley Blood Sea again.

This is simply a giant emperor.

It is the existence of Zhang Bin trial.

"That is a big fish."

Zhang Bin not only did not fear, but it was very happy and excited.

Think about it, if you encounter each other outside, you can't escape.

However, here, you have the ability to kill him.

"Death ..."

Sichuan Valley Blood Sea is also no hesitant and delay. He is crazy, and the field of God is also released, and the three thousand light is intertwined, blurred.

He stepped out step, he went to Zhang Bin, and he went to Zhang Bin's forehead.


The sound is extraordinary.

The murder is also a strong pole.

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy.

Zhang Bin's left hand suddenly explored, and he grabbed his ax.

Then his right hand slammed a slap in the head of the Valley Blood Sea.


A terrible giant ring.

The head of the Gurchuan Blood Sea is directly knocked.

From the neck break, the head is also chemical into countless fragments.

More horrible is that his soul is also held by Zhang Bin in his hand, and his field is rapidly contracted, and it will be easily imprisoned.

Almost didn't shook the eardrum of all Gods.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

All God is completely stupid, it is stunned, and it is also said that it will not come.

Why have they seen such a powerful middle god?

Directly kill the Kawaki Blood Sea in a slap in a slap?

This is simply a hanging day.

Don't say they, even the blue and in Zhang Bin Tibetan Pagoda shocked.

They knew that Zhang Bin broke through the gods, and the strength has risen nearly 100 times. It is nothing to defeat Sichuan Valley Blood Sea. However, it is so simple and easy.

Just like killing an antity.


At this time, the soul of the Gurchuan Blood Sea woke up, issued a big shouting, "Quickness, attack him, kill him ..."

"Kill kill ..."

Suddenly, the gods will be awake, they yell in crazy.

Kill Zhang Bin with a murder of the sky.

They are not a fool, but now it is clear that they are not for mercy, Zhang Bin will not let them go, so it is better to fight for a battle.

Anyway, they are God, which is basically not fallen.

As long as the conditions are suitable, they can still resurrect.

Maybe, work together, you can kill Zhang Bin here?

"Good ..."

Zhang Bin is roaring, and his field is released.

However, there is no area of ​​yin yang law.

He also became six 12 arms and danced 6 channels.

In the same way as the tiger, I killed the gods.

Dangdang ...

The horrible voice sounded, and many artifacts flew out.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of the scream is also ringing, and many gods fall as cutting wheat.

Lying in the horizontal earth.

One of them became a body.

Even the soul is exploded.

Of course, those souls of God, God emperor are not so easy to fall.

All escaped from the body, and rapidly escaped.

However, but it is not possible to escape, and Zhang Bin's field has suddenly expanded.

I will cover them in it.

Suddenly they are like a mud, they can't escape.

Zhang Bin is still slaughtering crazy, there is no heart.

He masters the trial rule is to trial such a evil.

These gods should die, that is, because there is such gods, the gods will be chaotic, do not know how many genius gods are killed, the strength of the gods, the strength of the Pagoda world, so it has not improved.

Ah, ah ...

Screaming is even more sad.

More evil spirits were killed by Zhang Bin.

Of course, there are also a few super powerful gods, escaping out, and I can't see the movie.

One of them is particularly strong, it seems to be a creation of God.

When he saw Zhang Bin's so terrible strength, he has escaped.

It has become a shocking long, instantly leaves.

Zhang Bin didn't have a way to leave him.

Currently, it only fled five gods.

The rest were killed by Zhang Bin.

Most of their soul fallen, the small part is imprisoned.

"God, this is too powerful, if he cultivates the gods, domine, what will it be powerful?" The gods who have no movement of Zhang Bin moved, there is a shivering there.

Because of life and death, if they are not standing out, they will now become a corpse, lying on the ground.

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