The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4319, the real god shot

Perhaps I saw Zhang Bin, I killed thousands of gods, basically all gods, Shenwang, God Emperor, even God emperor, this is definitely a big event that shocked the god.

It is to make the beast god battle, and it will not have such a huge loss.

These did not frighten the gods of Zhang Bin's hand, so soon asked the excuse to leave.

Especially those who want the fisherman's profit, but also the soul of the soul, it is the most straight.

So, just a moment, all the gods walked clean, they all passed the transfer array, leaving the magic world.

Even the gods in the magic world treasure hunt are also frightened, and they will leave quickly.

Zhang Bin's heart, I took it out of Blue and I.

Laughing: "Now you have passed out, then this is so like this ..."

"Gong, you are too bad."

Blue .

"The son, you think it is too powerful, and you admire you too much."

also said worship.

They are ready to leave immediately, but the blue is suddenly turning back, saying: "The son, when will we meet?"

"We can contact us like realism."

Zhang Bin's face floated a trace of evil smile.

Blue and are a bit helpless, they have to leave three times.

Zhang Bin did not have any delay, and all the bodies were collected in the first time.

Enter the abyss ...

Entering the transfer of the world of magic, that is, continuously emits white light.

Many gods are continuously transmitted.

Their face is still full of horrified colors.

Obviously is frightened.

"What happened?"

There are some very powerful gods to keep here, most of them are God emperor and God emperor, and even create the world.

"The six real God Zhang Bin is really too strong, strong to the terrible point, he only cultivates the gods in the early days, but it is a slap in the world, and then he has become a devil, one person is slaughtered. Three thousand gods, most of them are gods, the small part is the king of God, the emperor. "

There is god yelled in horror.


All gods are completely earthquake, and the face is full of not a letter.

However, many gods that escaped say this, they have to believe it.

They immediately reported it, and reported to the great god, the gods, and the true god.


The blanked sound sounded.

Suddenly, there are many giant gods, creation God, and true gods come.

I don't know how they come here.

"All the people, the six Zhen Shen Zhang Bin is disabled, the gods are all evil. We must kill this bastard."

The death of the death is really killing.

As a master, strong, he talks, it is very authoritative, other true God is almost afraid to refute.

"Yes, we must kill him, otherwise, the gods are chaos."

Blood is really god, killing the truth, the darkness, etc. The real god is also talking, they began to attach.

The true God of many bright attributes is in silence.

There are a few most powerful true Gods, the snakes are not headless, they don't know how it is good.

"All the people, Zhang Binzhen this time is indeed doing something wrong. Killing our gods so many masters, let our strength have dropped a lot. If we let the beast gods, we must be flexed. Therefore, I recommend it to punish him. "The god of water is also a speech.

The water is undoubtedly the ancestors of the blue , is also a beautiful woman, the Blue family is a woman.

All women are surnamed.

It is an important person of the Guangming God, which is also in favor of punishment Zhang Bin.

This is a very weird thing.

However, the true God of the Dark God is big, excited to the extreme.

If it is the bright God of God, then they can kill Zhang Bin at any time. Remove this disaster.

"That is not too late, let's go in and completely kill him."

Golden Zhen God is drinking.

He is also the true God of the Lord, and when Zhang Bin is still in the source of the universe, he is already dealing with Zhang Bin, but it is not successful.

Now there is such a good opportunity, he naturally won't let go.

"You go, I won't stop you."

The water looks at him like an idiot.

The rest of the real God is also looking at him like a fool.

"Don't you think that I can't kill him?"

Golden is really anger.

"You can try it."

Many true God said faintly.

"Lying, it seems that you are all afraid of him? Is it dare not enter?"

Golden really almost did not vomit blood.

"The six Zhen Shen Zhang Bin, his talent is outstanding, and he wants to kill him in the same big realm. It is estimated that only Zhang Dong, Liu Chao can do it."

The death of the death, "We entered him, because we only played the strength of the Sino-Goddess, we couldn't kill him, but may also be killed by him, he has killed two big emperories. I Tell you that when he was cultivated to the little god, he had killed the gods. "

"We don't do it with your hand?"

Jin Zhen is anxious to say.

"I don't have to grasp, I will not participate."

The blood is also cold and cold.

"What do you want to do?"

Golden Shimi said with a smirk.

"I suggest that I have directly destroyed the world, and the Bin is in it, and naturally, it will die."

The death of the death of the dead.

As far as their strength, it is very simple to destroy a small magic world.

"This way is definitely not, any small world in the gods has a very special purpose. If you destroy one, you will bring a big disaster, and even the punishment of Hongmeng, the god of destroying this world, absolutely Will gray fly to smoke. "

The oldest God said coldly.

"That can't go to kill him, can't destroy the magic world. Is it only waiting for him here, if he has not come out, we are not waiting for so numerous years?"

Golden is really angry.

Many true gods are also facing each other, but they can't think of a good way.

Most of them are dominated, powerful.

However, I can't make an initial god.

This makes them feel extrajusted.

"I have a way. I can completely go out to Zhang Bin this disaster."

Suddenly, "My way is to completely seal the magic world, and the gods will be separated. So, the transfer array can not be used. Zhang Bin is always trapped inside. There is no good cultivation inside. Resources, and because of the seal of the magic world. Zhang Bin can't contact Hongmun France. He will never break through. Always can only be in the realm of God. Do you have to worry about him? "

"good idea."

Suddenly there is an excitement.

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