The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4320 playing the true god group

"This method is good, but it is not always for all."

The death of death, I said, "What have been there, he ran out, the trouble is big."

"Let's join hands to show seal, you must also have to join forces to open, where will I change?"

Shuimin said, "Let's mention, we also have the opportunity to kill him. If our gods have a very powerful super genius, such as seven roads, eight good gods, you can let him enter the magic world to kill Zhang Bin."

"That is not realistic, I see, I have been seal him." Blood is very worried about Zhang Bin's is gotten, so he immediately said, "I will never have any worries." Although he still has two borders, the tool is on the body, and his two borders will never become true God. Once we came to the god, we can kill it. Even if you don't kill, you will not be There will be no effect. "

"To pair, the seal is the best way."

The rest of the real God is excited.

"Hehe ..."

Blue and

Once many real Gods join hands, seal the magic world.

And Zhang Bin can come out through that channel.

In the future, Zhang Bin will become extremely safe.

Because there is no god, look for Zhang Bin again.

Zhang Bin can enjoy a good life to enjoy a good life.

And Zhang Bin's wisdom, but it is an incomparably horrible point.

Turning a lot of true gods.

Of course, some of some of the true gods estimate is to know that channel, but they don't say it.

Darkly helped Zhang Bin.

So, many real Gods are ready to seal the world.

For insurance, they continue to contact others.

If you have come to 1300 real gods, any one is very powerful, basically dominated.

They respect them from the rules that they are good at, and they begin to seal.

Suddenly the earthquake, the law is derived, and it is derived in the void.

It is covered in the world like a spider web.

This is the top rule, basically 45.

If you want to break the seal, you must also cultivate 1300 paths to level 45.

But this is not possible, they can't authorize the rules to such advances, and I am not affordable to level 40.

So, from today, they are high enough.

Don't worry again.

"Zhang Bin really god, you will always practice in the magic world. You will never think out."

The true God of death is true, the gods, Jin Zhen, the darkness, etc. The true God of the dark attribute is laughing in my heart. They also grow a breath, and I don't worry about being tried in the future.

And they are not worried about Zhang Bin escaped.

Because you want to escape, you must pass this transfer.

And they are already concerned about here.

They all cultivate the perspective to 40, easily fluctuate to any God's body, and wear the world in their body, that is, no Zhang Bin is hidden inside.

"Give, walk ..."

1300 real gods smiled with each other, and then there was no trace.

"It's amazing, it is very powerful. Fortunately, I have been earlier, otherwise, even if there is channel, it will still be sealed inside, I still don't come."

Zhang Bin took out from the water chamber, his mouth muttered, his face was also afraid of the color.

At that time, he used the fastest speed to go to the abyss, and he had a true God of God.

It is left from the passage immediately.

But just left, he saw that there were countless rules that surrounded by the world.

Unparalleled, equivalent to being the top rule seal.

Such a seal, Zhang Bin did not cultivate to dominate, it was absolutely not open.

If it is sealed in the magic world, and the rules of the Pavilion world can not contact, plus the cultivation resources inside, and he will never practice.

Two blessed because there is no tool, there is no way to cultivate it to incomparably.

Because in the world of magic, Zhang Bin's body doesn't even contact the borders.

However, since Zhang Bin has already come out, there should be no concerns about it naturally.

Moreover, it will be very free in the future, and only take a little attention to it.

However, Zhang Bin also put carefully. He immediately sneaked into the underground.

Shuttle in the gods and rocks.

It is to make sure that his trace is not found by any God.

After all, Blue and know that he is out, the water is the same.

Although Zhang Bin believes that they will not speak, but still need to prevent it.

"Miss, when will God contact us?"

The green water hole, he is looking forward to ask.

"I don't know, his true sense of God seems to have nothing to react. Do he really seal it inside? At that time, he didn't escape from that channel?"

Blue is also eyebrows, and the face is full of worry.

If this is the case, then it is concluded.

"It's impossible, the master's own way, and the time has passed for so long, he can escape. He does not contact us, just because he is going to be sealed in the world of the magic, his true sense law There is no reaction like nature. Otherwise, it will reveal the flaw. "He said," But so, we have to see him again, it is very difficult. "

The two beautiful women have a face, they have already gone.

Moreover, they also have a very bad hunch, Zhang Bin may not appear in front of them.

Because Zhang Bin worried about the identity, if there is a king, the emperor deals him, he can't escape.

As far as Blue Blue is, he only has a dead road.

And as long as you kill him Zhang Bin, you can naturally get a big earnings.

Such temptation is too huge.

Zhang Bin will not give anyone opportunities.

They don't know, at this moment, Zhang Bin has went to the Law of the Parada World.

Through your own rule channel, I went to the source universe.

"Fu Jun, I miss you ..."

Xiaofang, Liu Rulan, Tian Bingbing ... They all pounce into Zhang Bin's arms.

Hold tightly, how can you not be separated.

"My baby, you have become more beautiful, more powerful."

Zhang Bin is also very sighful. He looked gently, and he had to move it.

Inspiring, Zhang Bin took them into a continent of his eyes.

This neighborhood is specially built.

Put a lot of gods.

Therefore, there has been evolved that countless animals and plants ...

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