The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4321 What is this bastard?

Because Zhang Bin repairs the cultivation of Hung Meng.

Therefore, Dantian's law is a 3007 rule, even more perfect than the Bao Tower.

If the Dantian law is associated with the oysters of Zhang Bin.

Therefore, the eyeballs are equivalent to the source of the source, which is secretly supported by the law, many continents, planets, have a countless space rules, the heavens and the earth, the light thunder, yin and yang five lines, no.

Plants are growing, and animals are also continuously evolution.

"This is the source of the universe I practiced, in fact, I am a bead."

Zhang Bin used a spiritual force to condense a law, with everyone visited this beautiful mainland. "I am the source of the eye can be more than the source of the universe that I used to live. It is even more perfect. After all, the source is only involved. To the realm of God. As for the gods and beasts, the future is my eyelid world, now in evolution and perfect. I put you in this, bring the gods, that is not a ghost "

"Bin brother, you said that your eyes are the source of the universe?"

Three teasing were frightened. Looking at Zhang Bin like the monster, Ma Rufei said, "Then we will live in your body in your future, wait for you to give birth to the gods, we will go to your body. ? "

"My gods are still very imperfect, and you will certainly don't have to live in my body world in the future, but to live and cultivate in the gods, it can be strong and strong." Zhang Bin said.

"Bin brother, why can't we practice this world in our body?"

Chen Yue asked in trouble.

"That's because your talents are not very good. I haven't become god yet, even if I become a god, because I can't master the rules of more than 3,000 kinds of laws, it is hard to give birth to a real world. Even if I can, it is just that it is just just The energetic world, the power of gestation is not too big, and the creature that is baked is not too strong. "Zhang Bin said.

He is telling the truth, and the gods in the gods have cultivated the world world, but most of them are not creation of God, because they don't have such a good talent to master more than three thousand laws, the world law is not full, that is, the fault world.

"It turns out."

Three teasings, including Kunlun, Yunfei and others, are disappointed.

They are also particularly expected to cultivate the real world like the source universe in their own body, and have a countless powerful spirit, guiding them to cultivate, and even talk to the pregnant super beautiful woman.

That will be so happy.

"Tianfang can also make up for it, there is a treasure, the name is the bead ..."

Zhang Bin said to the law, and the last said: "In the future, I will cultivate extra very strong. You can explore the dark area. It is natural to get the law, which makes up for everyone's tachips, and even improve my own talents. In the future, we can practice into a creation of God. "

"That's great."

All people are completely exciting, and their faces have also floated ecstasy and expectation.

Inspiring, Ma Rufei said excitedly: "If I practice it into a creation of God, I have a super beautiful woman, I want to marry her, is it?"

"Sure enough, it's three sentences."

Everyone looked at Ma Rufei with a despised eyes.

However, their faces have doubts, and naturally want to know this answer.

Zhang Bin's brow is also deeply awkward, hesitated: "The life in the body. If it is not strong, it is estimated that it will not come, even if it is forcibly brought it, it may also be under the terrorist gravity of the gods. Collapse. What kind of situation is specifically, now I am still unclear, I will wait for me to cultivate God, dominate, then I can know. "

However, he will continue to think.

If you are in the future, you will get two volumes behind the cultivation of Hongmeng, practice to the strongest existence, you can give birth to a world like a Hongmont, naturally you can pregnant the existence of the genius, in the future, can they break itself The body, go outside?

If you can, how do you break it?

He shook his head, but he couldn't find the answer.

However, he deeply believes that any creature wants to break the world, must be strong enough to make the world can't press down.

However, it is too hard to be too difficult.

Almost there is no way to do it.

For example, if you want to be strong, it is almost impossible to suppress Hong Meng.

Hongmeng is too large and wide, and the power contained too horrible.

Naturally, two rolls from Hongmeng's creation is also difficult to cultivate to this point.

"Well, I will take you to the gods."

Zhang Bin said, "However, if you don't cultivate into god, you can't live freely in the gods."

He no longer delayed, with them directly returned to the gods.

Sure enough, there is no problem.

The gods don't even have any reactions.

Obviously, even can't see the world in Zhangbin.

After all, the world in Zhangbin is even more perfect than the god.

Zhang Bin has been divided into two differentiated fragments.

They work hard to practice in the first floor of the god.

Last time, Zhang Bin killed so many gods, got huge wealth.

Naturally you can get countless cultivation resources.

Therefore, the two are each established a base.

It is equivalent to an estate.

With too late disciples in cultivation.

And Zhang Bin himself, but gathered for a long time in the lightweight and his relatives, went to the second floor of the god.

He didn't bring your loved ones.

Because I am worried about dangerous.

Once his identity leaks, it will be extremely dangerous.

In the first layer of cultivation, it is safe.

Due to the gods, it is very easy to practice.

Zhang Bin has also been chemical as a look of bow, go to the front of the Green Water Cave, and shouted: "I am back ..."

Soon, Blue and will be reported, they are completely stupid, "How can I? What is the bow? How come back? Is this bastard?"

"Too good, it is so good, our friends are coming back."

Xiaohong and Xiaobai are extremely happy, excitedly shouting, "Fast, please come in."

"Worse, let Xiaohong and Xiaobai heard, otherwise, let him go, there is no matter what is going."

Blue and face each other and squat in your heart.

To be honest, they have two "bow literary" that is nothing sensation.

That is it just a big bastard.

I will see him.

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