The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4322 suspect

"Do you die by the beast?"

Two beautiful women had to take Zhang Bin, and asked his face and asked in an urgentity.

"I was only injured, and the beast was not hungry. Therefore, I didn't kill me. But I will take me. In the end, I fled it out, and I passed it through the transfer array. But I know you are still The magic world did not come out. I will only come back today. "Zhang Bin said in on the way," Otherwise, I can only go to work again. I haven't cultivated resources. "

"How do you still think about it?"

Blue is also a bit crazy.

Now that two insects have been accustomed to the days without bowwood, they will not be noisy.

However, this bastard appears again, and the two worms are not peaceful.

This bastard is too late to eat, but also secretly hindly.

"Hey ... I am very satisfied with the work here, not only can get a lot of cultivation resources, but also a million gods in one month, and I can also read the full cultural practice and classics of the Blue home. I certainly want Come back. Yes, the two worms are still missing. "

Zhang Bin said with a smile.

"Why do not you go to hell."

I am so angry, I can't get rush to bite.

"You are so poisonous, I hope me to die?"

Zhang Bin put out a pair of angry look, "No wonder, no men like you, Zhang Bin really gods even see you."

"You - Hu said."

I almost cried, "I am just the intention, not my intention. I don't want you to die."

And she also secretly opened in my heart, Zhang Binzhen really really ignored her, almost she didn't exist, even if she gave him a massage, he did not move.

Is it really because he believes that my heart is not, I ignore me?

"Since you are not your intention, then you should pay attention to it, don't cover it, it is misunderstood." Zhang Bin said, "A God has no cultivation, that is, it can reflect it at any time. No cultivation Who will like it? "

"Do you have cultivation?"

Hey, he shouted.

"I have no cultivation, that is my own thing, I don't want to achieve any good feelings, I don't want to marry what beauty. I am me, I have a life in myself." Zhang Bin said faintly, "but you will Different, want to do Zhang Bin's real woman, as you have this kind of self-cultivation, this heart, also match? You still change your own, otherwise you will never have the purpose. "

"You bastard……"

I got almost vomiting blood, she has never seen such a bastard.

This bastard is jealous?

It's really courageous here.

"Bow Wenwu, you return your own room."

Blue can't see it, the plate is saying.

Zhang Bin took a head and walked with two insects, and went back to his room to cultivate.

It's ,

"Okay, okay." Blue Shan said, "Look at this, he is thoroughly giving you. However, you must make some changes, can't be so thin, talk, I can't talk too casually. I feel, He is a bit not like you. "

"Does he really don't like me?"

The face of is full of panic, and the tears are almost flowing.

"As long as you change, he will like you."

Blue is comfortable.

She knows that he is actually a knife mouth, and the tofu is heart.

People are actually very kind.

So, she has always made it to make iron heart.

If it is a heart-saving woman, it will not be able to have her eyes.

"I ... I will think about it."

Hey, a face, walking towards your room.

"You didn't pay attention, the bow is also cultivated to the early days?"

Blue swim is rushing on the back of the .

"What is it? The mediocrity is a mediocrity, I will never have a good face to him."


Anyway, she said that she is in the heart.

"I used to be the same as the son, and now, in addition, with him, I got the six rules of the son." Blue said here, she didn't say it.

"what do you mean?"

I suddenly turned, and her face was full of color.

If the suspicion of Blue is right, then, that is the mediocrity is Zhang Bin.

But she is very bad to him.

"I don't know, I just said, don't say it, don't reveal the flaw in front of him, then he may leave immediately."

Blue swan is serious.

"How is this this?"

When you suddenly, he was anxious to go, panicked.

How can she dare not think that the bow is Zhang Bin?

Zhang Bin is a bow.

But what is it?

What can I do?

"The owner, you are so powerful. Go to the Blue Order, and I also teased the true God."

In Zhang Bin's room, Xiaohong squatted on Zhang Bin's shoulder, and said to say it.

"Master, I worship you too ..."

Xiaobang is also taking the gardering.

Yes, Zhang Bin has been cultivated to the gods. It has greatly improved the power of a lot of money, and he has received a huge improving the bumble and Xiaobai once again. 90 points.

This is a huge progress.

It is also a huge leap.

They thoroughly heard Zhang Bin as the Lord.

However, in order to confuse two beautiful women, they will still call the blue .

Anyway, they believe that the future blue is Zhang Bin's woman, the shouting owner is nothing to do, after all, is also the hostess in the future.

"Hey ..."

The door was knocked.

Zhang Bin's eyebrow, opened the door.

But I saw it and stand outside the door, saying pretty: "I - Can you come in?"

Zhang Bin, is this gimmick?

However, he still puts out a devastating and surprise, please go in.

He looked at Zhang Bin, after the death, after a while, she said: "Miss, I doubt that you are true God, so, if you are really, let's go, we don't I will say it, but since I think of Miss, there will be doubts about other gods. That is related to your life and death. "

"You doubt that I am Zhang Bin?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not born.

I am now playing two different roles.

A bone that makes them love, one let them hate tooth itch.

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