Since two beautiful women have doubts him, things are a bit troublesome.

Zhang Bin must ensure his safety, he is not willing to build his safety on the trust of two beautiful women. What's more, the Blue Home is so big, so many gods, they may also be suspected.

Therefore, he did not delay, he took out a transfer array, and he threw it on the ground, it was ready to enter.

Then pass away.

In fact, Zhang Bin came back again. His purpose is to follow the blue and to go to the third floor.

After all, he has not cultivated into a big god, and it is not qualified to go to the third layer.

He is not necessarily cultivated in the blue house.

After all, he killed so many strong enemies. Most of them are big gods, and the king will make God.

There is too much treasure that is carrying with you.

It is nothing to practice to the gods.

Just, in the third floor of the god, Hongmeng is more rich.

The progress of cultivation will be faster.

"Are you a son?"

He is completely dumbfounded, and she rushed into the past, and I pounced into Zhang Bin's arms.

Hold him tightly, how can you not release.

She is not a fool. Since Zhang Bin horse is going to leave, she naturally knows that the bow is a six truth.

Zhang Bin horses launched the transfer array, and suddenly the white light flashed.

He and you have no trace.

In a cave in the deep underground, it lit up white light.

A transfer array is placed here.

Of course, Zhang Bin has been looking for a secret cave from the world.

The transfer array is arranged here.

Since the array is already cultivated to six levels, he will refine the transfer of the second layer of the gods.

Of course, it is not possible to transfer from the first layer and the second layer of the god.

That requires a more advanced array.

"Hey, now you are finally falling in my hand ..."

Zhang Bin put out a fierce look and said that the evil said.

And he is also tightly grabbed the little waist.

A pair to do bad things.

"You ... don't you be a son?"

is also a bit nervous, the face changes.

Started to struggle, "Let me go, let me go ..."

It is the softness of this girl. Zhang Bin is also soft.

I have just told him directly that she and the Blue Sauquel are Zhang Bin, let him go right away, he will know that this girl is really good to Zhang Bin, that is, I am worried about his safety. If she is selfish, I don't tell him this secret, so I can be with him every day. But Zhang Bin is in extreme danger.

So, at that moment, he has forgave her.

So he didn't tease her, say: "Okay, ok, don't be afraid, I am Zhang Bin."

Suddenly, his face has changed, it has become Zhang Bin.

Even, a heavens are also empty, suspended on the head.

"The son, you are too bad, always tease me, but also intentionally install a big bad person."

stop struggling, her face, with a fist with Zhang Bin's generic chest.

But Of course, you should not be reluctant.

"Where did I install a big bad, is it a good person?"

Zhang Bin deeply took into a fragrance of a intoxicating person, and I asked, "As for you, there is no way, who makes us so beautiful."

"Bonology, you tun me ..."

Hey and happily, she fell to Zhang Bin's arms.

The two are intimate for a while, Zhang Bin said: "Okay, you can go back. Otherwise, Miss is worried."

"I - Can you go back? I want to serve you every day, you are alone, no one cares. You can take care of the seven truth." Hey used Zhang Bin with no love than loving, looking forward to ask.

"Then I can't turn my little red and Xiaobai, and I turned away a beautiful girl. The blue family is not desperate with me." Zhang Bin got a brow.

In fact, he also hopes that there is a beautiful and loyal .

That cultivation is more worry-free.

And there is a little bit of helon, for ordinary genius, for dismissive, but for Zhang Bin's top genius, it is worship to the bones.

So don't worry about her loyalty.

However, is not his , but it is blue.

It's a bit uncomfortable to turn away.

"I will contact Miss."

took a notes and started to write above, "Miss, I am awkward, the bow is a son, he feels that his identity is leaked. So, he will go, I want to go with the son, serving the waiter He, let him practice more. Also, the son still wants to take Xiaohong and Xiaobai. Miss, do you agree? "

"This girl is eating."

In the green waterhouse, the blue qi is inappropriate.

Blue Blue is also touching forehead, depressed.

When Zhang Bin left through the transfer, they knew.

After all, although the green water cave is not prohibited, they can pass the way to pass the volatility.

At this moment, they both in Zhang Bin's room.

Now the blue swing has received the tone of the , it will understand that it is awkward to tell Zhang Bin in the first time, Zhang Bin immediately left.

You know, Blue Shut is doubting, but she didn't say it.

The reason why I told , I am reminding you, don't don't have a good to the bow.

But didn't think of it, this girl is directly instructing, and I also left with Zhang Bin.

In the future, she wants to see Zhang Bin again, it is more difficult.

However, he is able to work with Zhang Bin Day and Night.

This heart is hurt, she is very hurt.

In fact, there is much more, you can't think about this kind of heart, she just worried that Zhang Bin's security, told Zhang Bin, she didn't think about Zhang Bin, but Zhang Bin suddenly launched the transfer. The array of passed her.

After that, he thought of Zhang Bin, serving him every day.

It is not her heart.

"This is perhaps Zhang Bin's idea."

Blue Qingqing woke up, said seriously, "He likes this silly girl, he is really stupid, stupid, he don't worry about her loyalty."

"Do you agree?"

Blue is very unhappy.

"If you disagree, he is very unhappy."

Blue Blue, "and, don't agree, will not return. Instead, it is stasible."

"Then I can do it with him, I will practice with him?"

Blue is ashamed.

"I am afraid that he doesn't believe you, after all, you are a princess of the Blue family."

Blue Blue said, "And, what is your identity? If you are like this, he may not cherish you. Don't make such a request. There is a bridge, and he will marry you in the future, and the wind Venture light. "

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