The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4325 enters the Dark Region

Zhang Bin asked in detail to ask them two situations.

They are named Master, a name called Hop.

It is not the descendants of God.

However, their national funds are good, there is a possibility of cultivating the king, and even God.

So, they dream to cultivate into the gods as soon as possible.

Then they can go to the third floor of the god.

And in the third floor of the god, that is not simple, there is the leader of the king.

In this way, what is the law is to be sound.

Their opportunities are more.

However, if they work money, they are still countless years, and they can't get too much cultivation resources. They can't cultivate the gods.

So, they only want to go out and go to the dark area to treasure hunt.

If they fall in the dark area, it is almost no possible possible.

Because they didn't do any arrangements, their remarks they left were also swallowing too many soul energy, and then resurrected.

Even because the energy of the soul is swallowed, it may be presented by God, and the magic weapon left is won, and the soul imprint is erased.

Then they basically be completely fallen.

And the gods in these graves, they are basically not resurrected.

"The third floor of the gods attract you?"

Zhang Bin is very curious, "Let you want to risk to the dark area to treasure hunt?"

"The third floor of the Shenjie is a true blessing land, treasure countless, many of the gods. Fish dragon is mixed, and often fights with the beasts. If it is a military power, naturally you can get huge rewards." Madan said, "and even The three-layer chance is better than the fourth layer, the fifth layer is better, even in the third floor, can even cultivate into a creation of the world. So, many of the gods are living in the third floor, as for the fourth floor, fifth Layers, there is not much god, just place for treasure hunt and cultivation. Place of playing is still the third floor. "

"It is said that the third layer of the Shenjie is a central area of ​​the gods, hiding the most magical treasures. The beast gods want to capture this treasure, and they have frequently launched war."

Hop is also said.

"What is the treasure?"

Zhang Bin is also very curious.

"No God knows what is treasure."

Hop said.

"Don't you say that we also want to get some treasures in the god community? What kind of treasure?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"The treasures of the beast are more, such as a mysterious map, is about the dark area near our world, marking a lot of dangers, minerals, treasures, but what is really got to get. It is said that The beast is still a top-level goddess, and there is a rich god mine, a magical refiner material. It is said that there is also an ancient god tomb, there is a super treasure. I may even have Hongmeng Shenbao in the tomb ... "Ma South Instrument said.

"The ancient god tomb? What does it mean?"

Zhang Bin was united.

"There is a god area of ​​the beast, but because it is too long, I can't see it, that is, a burial soil, mysterious, horror, it is true God, I don't dare to deep. It is said that there is God corpse, gods, strong, and even said that there is a dead funerary soil. Array acknowledgment, ban. To nature also hide numerous treasures. Some treasures are now very rare. "

"Once, God found a fragmentation in the depths of the Undead God. That is to say, there is a real god there."

Madan and Hope said later.

"Lying in the trough, I have buried the true god that creates a fragment? Is it, can't make them resurrected?"

Zhang Bin shocked the voice.

He is clearly known that how magical crestation is, it is very easy to resurrect.

When he was in the source of the universe, it would be seen that Fang Fei was resurrected because of a piece of conflict.

At that time, she also pointed out how Zhang Bin cultivated.

Unfortunately, in the end, she was arrested back to the gods.

Unfortunately, I haven't found her message until I haven't played.

However, Zhang Bin is soon got an answer, and those who got the crested fragment fade, but they are not enough, so the creation of fragments will not fully resurrect them.

"As for why they can't resurrect, ghosts know. But the dead funeral soil is really a treasure, it is said that it can find the law of the beads. As for the top artifact, it is even more wrong." Madan said, "Walk away," Don't worry with you, we have to go to the dark area to treasure hunt. Do you want to be with us? "

"Well, I will go with you."

Zhang Bin nodded and agreed.

Anyway, he is going out from exit.

As a result, they hanged the gods in three people and went out from exports.

Although there is a god guard, it does not stop them, just look at them with mercy.

Push the door requires a lot of power.

However, they still did it.

As for it, it is very simple.

They can go to the entrance of the first floor of the gods, which is easy to push the door from there.

When I go out, it is a dark.

Reach yourself.

The breath of death is extravalent.

Even, Zhang Bin's heart beats.

That is because I feel the dangerous reaction.

"Use the knowledge to see, we must don't worry."

Hope said seriously.

In an instant, Zhang Bin also released his own knowledge.

His knowledge is very powerful.

So, he quickly discovered that he stood on a step, but the steps were a steep road. Extend from below, hovering up.

This road is red, exudes a rich bloody.

This is the pagoda, and here, the pagoda is not very huge, about only one diameter of 100 meters. As for the height, he can't see it. Because his love can only see the distance of 100 meters, the darkness is too thick, covering everything, letting the knowledge have been affected.

The other side is the rock of the dark.

Exctends an unsteady atmosphere.

"I want to find treasures, I have to climb up, but I will climb it, it is very difficult, and many gods didn't climb up." Madan said seriously.

"Isn't it safe on this road?"

Zhang Bin is very curious.

"Although I said that I didn't go to the top, I didn't have to enter the dark area, and I won't be too dangerous. And the insects in the dark area, I don't like this, because Hong Meng is not rich, almost no food. However, they may also break in, as long as they find God, they want to hunt, naturally it will be. "Hap said.

"In this case, we all converge in the breath. Slowly go up."

Zhang Bin said seriously.

So, they both showed a stealth law and converged all the breath, and they began slowly.

The face is full of alert.

About 50 meters from the distance, they stopped.

A fear of fear is floated on a face, because the ground is lying on three bloody corpses.

Their heads are broken.

And there are several monsters that are crazy to bite the body.

Their body is not big, only the fist is so big.

As if the hedgehog is full, it is full of sharp poison thorn.

Their feeling is extraordinarily keen, in an instant, I'm in the same time.

That is chemical into three black light, and the shot to Zhang Bin three gods.

The speed is too fast, as if it is flying ...

(Seven chapters sent, seeking tickets and subscriptions.)

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