The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4326 encounters a horror monster

"Remove ... There is a monster."

Zhang Bin's knowledge is more powerful than they, so Zhang Bin is the first induction of three monsters, and also induced three monsters suddenly attack.

Original Zhang Bin is in the end, if he wants to escape, it is easy to do.

However, Zhang Bin did not escape.

If he escapes, the two gods will die.

That is not what he is willing to see.

Of course, he didn't look at three monsters.

They are very powerful, and even less than Zhang Bin, because Zhang Bin and the monster are almost simultaneously induced to each other.

Explain that their knowledge is almost powerful.

If the other party is three, Zhang Bin just one.

As for the strength of their two, it is unbearable three monsters.

The two gods were also very vigilant, they heard the harsh blank sound.

Their face floats fear and desperate color.

Rapidly retreat.

The steps are still broad, and the five people can be discharged.

So, two of them are very easy to retreat.

And Zhang Bin rushed to the same lightning.

A sharp sword appeared in his hand.

This is his new super artifact, God emperor artifact.

He also burst countless rays, the law condensed, constituting a strong field of God.

The sword in the hand went out.

In an instant, the three swords were taken, it was on the three monsters.

Dangdang ...

The harsh sound sounds, spark splashes.

The three monsters are fly back.

However, Zhang Bin also felt the power of a horror.

He actually stabilized his body, turned over the ground, and rolled down.

The horror is that the three monsters come again.

Moreover, the thorn on the body has suddenly burst out, as if countless arrows are blaep to Zhang Bin.

"Killing ..."

Madan and Hop were also rushed up, and there was a shield in their hands and blocked.

In an instant, countless spaghetti on the shield.

Dangdang ...

A dense voice is issued.

Puff puff……

However, two of them suffered horrible power, the shield hit on the body, the chest bone was broken, and the blood fog was sprayed in the mouth. Then they are also falling down. Roll down.

At this moment, they all felt that this time was undoubtedly.

These three monsters are too powerful.

"Although the two gods are not very powerful, they are very righteous. They didn't take the opportunity to escape, but helped me to resist such a deadly attack." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he didn't dare to have any reservations, grabbing them Two, put them into their own space containers.

At the same time, he jumped up and became 7 heads of 14 arms, holding seven jigs in his hand.

Pulling up, and there were three monsters crazy.

The eyes of the three monsters lit up greedy light and seemed to recognize Zhang Bin's tool.

That is extravagant, with a murder attack.

They are like electricity, like ghost.

However, they are not the field of showing God.

It seems that they are not good at too many rules.

Just is fast, powerful, and has a flesh power that is extremely horrible.

Defense is also terrible.

"The monster in the dark area seems to be strong, is there a magical treasure in the dark area, can be strong, and the speed can be improved."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he suddenly showed the time, space, and scaling of terror.

Suddenly fighting.

Libra has become a dark golden ray, which is squat on a monster's head.


A loud noise.

The monster was knocked over, and the mouth was also screaming.

One time, it turned out.

However, this monster is really powerful, and the head is still not broken.

"Hey ..."

In addition, the two monsters were completely angry, and they pounced toward Zhang Bin as lightning, and Zhang Bin from continuing to attack the monster.

However, Zhang Bin's yin and yang sword suddenly came out.

At the same time, two swords were cut, and they were squatted on the head of two monsters.

Dangdang ...

Like the iron.

The two monsters were like a fatal blow, but also overdown.

Scrape screaming.

Blood fog is sprayed in your mouth.

The power of the yin and yang law is also visible.

Zhang Bin continued to attack crazy.

The handling is just like the rain in their body.

I bombarded it for a dozen minutes before they killed it.

But amazing is that their skin is intact.

Obviously, this skin has a magical defense ability.

Therefore, Zhang Bin used to kill them for so long.

Zhang Bin took Master and Hop.

"God, do you kill these three monsters?"

The two guys looked at the bodies of the three monsters on the ground with a shocking gaze, and the face was full of colors.

They know what the three monsters are strong.

"I have prepared some powerful people, which is used to use."

Zhang Bin lie.

"It turns out."

The two suddenly realized.

There are some gods, go out to treasure hunt, it will be prepared to prepare more super powerful, and even the monster of the killing of the killing, these three monsters are very strong, but they are the strength of the gods.

It can be killed by a relatively advanced character.

However, they also admire Zhang Bin, because Zhang Binnee and three monster wars have been very long, even if it is used, it is also very powerful, obviously, Zhang Bin's Tianfang is better than them.

"Is this monster's corpse value?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Any organism from the dark area is huge. The three monsters are of course very valuable, especially their skin, should be able to refine a good defense magic. Value is higher. Their body may have special The crystal, that is, a strong body and soul. "Madan said," You make a fortune. "

Crystal? "

Zhang Bin was surprised that he was still a crystal in the biomass in the dark area.

"I take the crystal out, you will know."

Hope and Martan are excited at the same time.

They took out the small knife and quickly dig the three monsters of the eyes of the three monsters.

A total of six eye beads.

Green colors, crystal clear, extraordinarily beautiful.

Exudes a strange breath.

"Is this the crystal in the monster?"

Zhang Bin is very curious, it is clear that it is the eye.

"It's the bead, but it is a magical ability. You can drink soup. It can be strong and the soul. Because the monster of the dark area, they must work hard to cultivate their eyes, in order to see the environment, countless genius It is all absorbed by the eye beads. It contains the drug for many magical drugs. "Masteran explained that" their muscles also have the same role, but the effect is far more than crystal. "

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