The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4332 condenses the realism

What happened to Zhang Bin even more stunned.

That is the yin yang of the Elephant World Law, the yin and yang law of the sea, and the large amount of law was delivered to the temple. Here to quickly condense a real god of Zhang Bin, standing in the temple.

Even Zhang Bin also saw some of the gods of his familiarity, such as five elements, space, and time. They are the true God of the Pagoda world.

However, it is all condensed with advanced rules.

"I don't know, can they receive the faith and incense of an elephant?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and this is also a doubt of his heart.

That is how the big world gave the law of the law, the law, the law, and then authorized the law through the realism.

However, those who really refine themselves like really God, it may be difficult to link with true God.

They may be difficult to collect the power of faith and incense.

Let Zhang Bin are surprised that the Elephant World is a very cattle, 4008 laws, but 3,000 laws are the true God of the Baota World.

Obviously, the Tower World is also very special.

There may be very special positions in Hongmeng.

"Hey ..."

Switch, Zhang Bin passed the faintly contacted contact channel, induced, the rule of the Elephant World was madly rotated, and there were six laws to be derived.

It is the trial created by Zhang Bin, killing pigs, raising chicken, crushed, resistant, and soul.

And quickly evolved the seven-level rules.

Next, in many temples, there were many real gods like many Zhang Bin, standing in the temple.

"My God, this boy is a peerless genius, he is also six real Gods."

"No, he is a seven truth, because he also deprived the yang, the yang, the yang, the yang."


There are countless gods that are prayer in the temple have issued an incomparable sound.

Inspiring, they began to worship the worship.

And Zhang Bin also felt that a belief and incense of the incense passed through his yin and yang law and the channel of the elephant world, and he took into the sea, and then poured into his body. .

Take him with him.

"My God, I can get the incense and belief of the elephant world?"

Zhang Bin is shocking and surprise to the ultimate, how did he think of this, there is such a good thing.

You know, although he placed a lot of true gods in many temples in the Temple of the Pagoda, but they didn't collect too many incense and belief.

Because God of the gods and beasts know that he is seal in the magic world, it is difficult to force in the future, and the law is also difficult.

The gods are rarely prayed and worship.

And Zhang Bin is so powerful, it is necessary to collect incense and belief.

Now, the Elephant World will help him solve this problem.

He can collect countless beliefs and incense.

In addition to surprises, Zhang Bin caught in a deep thinking.

He is thinking, why the Elephant World can include all the rules of the Tower World.

But before he opened the world of the Tower, the Elephant Big World did not condense the rules of Zhang Bin.

Is it because I came to the dark area, so that the world of the Elephant has induced me to create six laws? Then I contain it in?

This is not right, if I am from the more advanced world, the Elephant World is not qualified to include my law.

Is it still because the Elephant World is actually close to our Poast world?

The area of ​​the elephant world radiated here is also considered.

In this region, the world can condense, and can also condense the realism of the real god, give the gods of many visitors?

However, if the true god of our pagoda does not appear in the dark area, the Elephant World is a rule that cannot condense the true God.

"Unfortunately, they didn't have the adventure of me, I deprive the rules from the Elephant World, and there is a channel with the rules of the Elephant World, so that you can collect incense and belief." Zhang Binpeng Morm, his face has also floated the color of the ecstasy.

Although the gods of the Elephant World have been for some cheap, the gods there cannot be mastered with the seven rules of his peers, and at least a low level.

He won't worry.

Being lower than him, the battle is far away.

And he has won countless incense and belief, even if the cultivation of the cultivation is very slow, the speed will not be very slow.

In the face of Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin has floated the color of a faint regret.

Because he knows that there are still many worlds in Hongmeng, there may be a world greater than the elephant world.

In those worlds, the sea, perhaps, also gave birth to the seven rules of its own.

However, because you have not been to those worlds, there is no way to collect the incense and belief.

He no longer thinks, suddenly stands up, his body blasted a sharp pressure and momentum of the world.

He felt that he had a lot of power, the strength and law have been greatly improved.

He stepped out, he has reached the six-way day.

He looked at the god mine in the top of the head.

Then he rushed to the American people, tied it, slowly looked down.

In fact, he has always had a doubts in his heart, that is why Hongmeng's worm and monsters don't develop gods themselves.

Then, they can complete the countless god mine, collect all the gods. They can naturally be strong.

"Master, I have already founded the information, the monsters and insects of Hongmeng dark areas, they did not have a way to take the gods. Although they have also mastered many laws, they are not the world. Even if they harvested the gods, God It is also to become a Hongmeng Ziqi, escaping. "The voice of the rabbit rang in Zhang Bin's mind," and their cultivation, mainly refining, the law is not much, the body and soul are strong, with Many days have attacked God and the law, the war is also very horrible, and it is not necessarily a true God. "

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized.

It turns out that the monster and insects can't receive the gods to go to the body, just like God, there is no way to swallow the Hongmeng Purple gas into the body, can only slowly absorb and refine.

Because of the breakthrough of cultivation, the life has entered another form, so that you can swallow a lot of Hongmeng Ziqi to change yourself, but after breakthrough, it can't be quickly devocated to Hongmongzi.

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