Zhang Bin was able to carefully wingely.

It slowly went up to approximately one kilometer.

I finally entered a hole.

He showed a stealth law and imaginary caulk, blessing in the U.In.

At the same time, this cave was observed in detail.

The cave is dark as ink, and the eyes are almost can't see.

It is the knowledge, and it is only a distance of about one meter.

The distance from one meter is too small.

If you encounter a strong enemy, then you can't escape.

However, Zhang Bin is really curious, continuing to drive the beautiful martial arts slowly twisted on the ground.

Continue to come up.

The cave bending curvature is indeed coming.

The dark is getting more and more concentrated, as the thick mud.

A death and dangerous breath are also penetrated from the dark.

Let Zhang Bin, even in the umerail, secretly played a cold.

At this time, a monster appeared, it was a mouse like a globe, the darkness of the dark, wretched.

It is very powerful, in an instant, I'm in the dark, and a paw suddenly explored, and I grabbed the black American, and I sent it directly to my mouth. It seems to be bitten.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, he broke out from the merits.

The Libra in the hand is also awkward to this mouse.

Suddenly, the temperament, the murderous rolling.

The pressure is also rolled in the sky.


The mouse was shocked, and the Ume was escaped.

The speed is like lightning.

But Zhang Bin's Libra is faster, and it has been bombarded on its head.


A loud noise, the mouse is overwhelming.

But it is safe, jumping up and escape.

I have no trace of flashing.

"Lying in the trough, a mouse in the district is so powerful?"

Zhang Bin, his face is full of colors that do not dare to confuse.

Today, he uses the heavens to all hits, which is absolutely able to explode the mid-termism.

But actually can't die, the mouse?

And since this is so dangerous, Zhang Bin is going to return it immediately, then go to the third floor of the god.

Dark area, is currently unsuitable for him to explore.

However, he suddenly found that among the darkness, but there is a weak green light to flash.

This makes him extraordinarily curious.

He couldn't help but slowly lurked.

Slowly, he is close to green.

Then he saw that this was a strange place.

A naturally formed cave center area has a pool.

The central area of ​​the water chamber is a plant, which is a black, and this plant is a few green flowers, which is that this flower is blooming green.

The mouse that has been escaped, just opposite the pool, holding Zhang Bin's teeth.

A pair of appearance in intimidation Zhang Bin.

"What is this treasure?"

Zhang Bin's two eyes are light, he can think of with an toe, this green flower cider may be a super magical treasure.

"The owner, this may be the rule tree, and there may be a rule bead in the flower bud."

The rabbit shouted excitedly in Zhang Bin's mind.

"What? The law is the tree is coming out?"

Zhang Bin is really the first time to hear such a strange thing, surprised to the extreme.

"I got some information about Hongmeng from the Internet. In the Hongmeng dark area, living countless worms and monsters, they can master a lot of rules, because they have eaten the law. And the law is really a Hongmeng dark area. The plant is coming out. It is one of the most amazing treasures in Hongmeng dark areas. Many monsters and worms will war because of the law, not only because the law can make them master a law, but also a delicious food. " The rabbit said excitedly.

"This small tree only sets out five flowers. I don't know what the law is the bead?"

Zhang Bin is very happy and excited, and the face is also full of expectations.

This treasure he wants.

If it is possible to make him another law.

Then his combatability will improve.

"Generally speaking, a tree has only one attribute, and it is a law to bead." Rabbit said, "

The identification attribute is actually very simple. You rely on the owner, the flower bud will show your properties like the peacock open, remind you that it is a super treasure, don't harm it. "The rabbit said.

"Do you have such a thing?"

Zhang Bin was very surprised, he walked slowly.

At the same time, this cave was observed in detail.

At the back of the mouse, there is still a thumb that big cave.

Obviously it can be available to top.

This is not good news for Zhang Bin.

Because the outside may come to more and more horrible monsters and worms.

However, this treasure, Zhang Bin is absolutely not let go.

The only thing to worry is that the law in the flower buds don't know how mature?

Slowly, Zhang Bin came to approximately ten meters before the water tan.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

The green flower suddenly issued a dull thunder, and a green lightning is also shot from the flower buds. It looks like a beautiful pole.

"God, this is the legal beads of Thunder Attributes?"

Zhang Bin and the rabbit were exclaimed.

Thunder law, the most powerful law is one of the most powerful rules.

However, Zhang Bin is not too good at the Thunder law, so it is relatively small in the fight.

But when I came to the god, Zhang Bin didn't know that the Thunder's true God is super powerful, and it is one of the top-level energy of the Tower World, almost no real god dare to provoke.

If Zhang Bin has improved the talent of the Thunder, the power of the Thunder will also increase multiple.

Then he has more powerful basement.

And the way he is good at will also increase to ten kinds. In addition to the six ways to be created, there are time, space, zoom and thunder.

"Human, you will roll back soon, otherwise, I will let you regret it to this world."

The mouse was anger, and suddenly swallowed a breath, and the body was quickly expanded.

It became like a car.

Excorps the perpetual pressure and momentum of extreme terror.

"Don't I afraid of you?"

Zhang Bin suddenly released the field of God, and suddenly 3007 rays took shot.

Sir, murderous, and the pressure is like the sea.

"It's a genius, if I eat you, then I may have a lot."

The eyes of the mouse shot a greedy light, and projected on Zhang Bin's body, then I didn't move.

"If you eat God from many people, can you get benefits?"

Zhang Bin's eyes shot the brown light, and asked coldly.

Only by understanding this problem can we understand why the Hongmeng Dark area is so dangerous.

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