The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4334, Hongmeng Monster's Horror

"Hey, this question is good."

The mouse was whited. "God from the major worlds is the smartest animal cultivation. They have gotten the temptation of the world, so they have mastered many laws, even, they have bred a world of incomplete world. And The animals in our Hongmeng are not like such good luck. In addition to the laws obtained by Tiangu God, we must rely on the law to master the rules. The law is very rare, it is difficult to find, even if it can It is also necessary to explode horror wars. However, if we can hunt any god, eat it, then we can master a few rules, if it is a special genius, the law we can master, then the law we can master is also more many."

Soldn, the mouse said again: "For example, so talented, I have mastered 3007 laws, maybe, you are still the true God that is growing. I can have ten kinds of rules. This is the world. A rare adventure. "

"It is because of this reason, so you like to attack many people?"

Zhang Bin's eyebrows.

"That is the thing that Dasheng needs to consider. We have the existence of us. If it is good to hunt a god in the dark area, you will take a super uncle." Mouse said, "Human, you believe, I am just big When you call, you can say a lot of companions to deal with you? And you must be falling here. Not as good as us talking about? "

"Lying in the trough, a mouse, actually so deceitful? Do you want to negotiate with me?"

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart, but he said in his mouth: "What do you want to talk to me?"

"Human, I know that you are very powerful, I didn't grasp you, and I am not weak, you have not to grasp me, I want to escape, you can't stop." The two eyes of the mouse shot the light of wisdom. ,, So, if we wars, it will be two defeats, and I may have to seek help, then the rule tree is exposed, no longer belongs to me, and they kill you, I am also difficult to divide a piece. Then I lose huge, and you also lost your life. So, cooperation is the best way. "

"Cooperation? How to cooperate?"

Zhang Bin looked at the mouse with a surprised eye.

"It's very simple, you give me a law to authorize, I am a thunder's law."

The mouse puts the hands and one, "this is the most fair."

"But I have no way to give you a law, because I'm not true God."

Zhang Bin said.

He is of course a lie and does not want to disclose his bottom, and he is suspected that his mouse is in his words.

If it is not good, it will not only get the legal bead, but may also encounter a life and death crisis.

And he is the secret of true God, it is difficult to be seen from God and the monsters in the dark area.

After all, there are many big worlds in the dark area, and many talents have mastered more than 3,000, and even more than 4,000 laws.

Of course, if Zhang Bin is in the world of Baoda, it releases the strongest field of God, it is gone immediately.

In the middle of the god, Zhang Bin is also able to control the tools well, let other God can't recognize, only think that it is a very good artifact.

This is also the cause of Zhang Bin dare to go to the third layer of the god.

"You are not true God?"

The mouse is completely anger. "In this case, I will eat you."

After that, it stepped into Zhang Bin step by step.

Well pressure and murderous rolling like a big sea rose, crazy crushing over.

It is a realm of the middle of the god.

This is to kill Zhang Bin, then eat, you can master several rules.


Zhang Bin is shouting. "I think you still think about it. If we are here, it may vibrate the monsters above, they kill, your law is not only can't keep up, your little life is finished. It is eaten by them, they eat you, should you also master one or several laws? "

What wisdom he is, this is to listen to the news, then he can rest assured that the mouse.

At the same time, he is still trying to explore, is it a monster in the dark area? So benefit.

" ... How do you know that the more powerful monster eats me, can you master the rule?"

The mouse stopped, and his face was full of surprise and dared to confuse.

"This is something that many God knows."

Zhang Bin's face has a mysterious smile.

This is of course also lie, the God of the Pagoda world is too small to learn about the Hongmeng dark area, don't know the special ability of the monster of the Hongmeng dark area, just understand the insects of the Hongmeng Dark Region.

After all, the worm is easy to capture.

However, the monster is hard to catch, and they are also difficult to tame.

They always think about killing God.

Because they can get a huge benefit.

The insects is not such an ability.

So, insects can tame it.

Of course, the top of the Tower World, perhaps the monster of the Hongmeng dark area.

But it is not willing to say, because it is too scary.

And Zhang Bin can make such a speculation, because he has heard of the world's destruction, this terror is undoubtedly a monster of the dark area, and the reason why they can be strong to destroy the world, then there is The special ability, since they can eat some or several laws, then they eat other monsters, it is estimated.

It is because so horrible features, the monsters in the dark area are powerful to terrible situations, and the top monsters grow as the world destruction.

And his estimation has also been confirmed.

Let Zhang Bin secretly violently.

The Hongmeng dark area is too broad, in such a wide area, naturally life has countless monsters.

Divided to each other, swallow the other party's law attribute, naturally will soon evolve the unparalleled monster.

No wonder the dark area is extremely dangerous, inch is difficult.

Emperor's great emperor is just like a mountain, and only dares to export hundred meters in the world of Baota.

"I have already blocked exports, the outside monster is very difficult to enter. It is also difficult to hear the movement here." The mouse whispered, "Don't think about what I will have. Today, if you don't pay Great price, you can't escape back. "

"This mouse looks very smart, but it is very stupid."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but his mouth said: "In this case, then we will die."

"You take it out of the treasure on your body, if you satisfy me, then I will spare you."

The mouse is not anxious, it is whistling.

Obviously, the mouse is not stupid, but there is another plan.

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