The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4335, Battle

Zhang Bin also felt a bit wrong. This mouse was put on a pair of stupidity, but in fact, it was delayed, he no longer delayed, a arrow rushed over, the Libra in his hand took a horrible momentum. I bombarded the past.

" ..."

However, the mouse is also very cattle, and it flashes the same place, and it has been avoided.

Zhang Bin's Libra bombarded an empty, it was awkwardly on the ground.

Suddenly the earth shake, spark splash.

However, the rock here is too hard, so that is safe.

Only a faint trace appeared.

The horror is that the mouse has come to Zhang Bin's body, his mouth opened, and he bite his neck to Zhang Bin.

"Good agility and speed rules."

Zhang Bin secretly praised in his heart, he suddenly made a time space law.

Suddenly reducing the speed of the mouse, and he also turned in time.

I scales on the mouth of the mouse one day.


A terrible giant ring.

Spark splash.

The mouse fled out, and the mouth was also screaming.

However, this mouse's defense ability is really amazing. I jumped up and jumped it again. I once again pounced the past and launched an attack like a windshield.

Its teeth, paws, tails are all incomparable weapons.

It is also chemical into black shadows, from all sides of all sides crazy attack Zhang Bin.

It's too powerful.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin greeted, suddenly the pressure rolled, crushed everything.

Libra is also a once again, and it hits in the mouse.

Once again, the mouse was overturned.

The mouse was furious, climbed up and Zhang Bin.

So, one person is crazy and killed here.

It is difficult to understand that it is difficult to find out.

Zhang Bin has a lot of laws, which is basically unbeaten.

However, the mouse has superior defense capabilities, however, it is not dead.

After about half an hour, Zhang Bin finally took up the wind.

The mouse was defeated, and the wolf was unbearable.

Seeing that the mouse is a tragedy.

The snorked sound sounded.

From the end of the hole, dozens of mice were suddenly rushed out.

However, most of them are in the realm of Chinese gods.

And this mouse that Zhang Bin is killing, is undoubtedly a rat king.

This is a race.

They rushed to Zhang Bin in the same ground, and the rat king suddenly countered, and it broke out of the war. Crazy attack Zhang Bin.

Obviously, the rat king found Zhang Bin, and secretly notified the numerous belongings.

Let them come back to hunt Zhang Bin as soon as possible.

However, because the distance is relatively far, plus the dark area is too dangerous, they have to return safely, it is a period of time, so the rat king is talent and Zhang Bin Dongli, delay time.

Let Zhang Bin are both.

The wisdom of the monster in the dark area, really can't be underestimated, nothing is not in the people and God.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin is a clear laugh. His mouth opens, Hong Mund is flying out, instantly become big, countless worms, like the tide, and instantly submerge all mice.

These worms collected are very powerful. Basically, they are all in the realm of God, and the worm kings are all successful, dealing with the mice that deal with dozens of Chinese gods are simply a snatch.

"... ..."

Just one moment, dozens of mice were bitten by many insects, and rapidly biting a fragment, and eaten. Only white bones were left, and the eye beads were left.

" ..."

The mouse king is really too strong, too delicate, it will escape immediately, and it has become a black light, take it.

"Yin Yang Yi Sword ..."

Zhang Bin is clear, suddenly shouting.

He appeared in the left hand, and the lightning was launched.

That is the body of the mouse king.


The mouse has been screaming and turned over.

Then I was overlooked by countless worms.

Soon, this mouse has no sound.

Because it was biting by a worm, it was injected into the poison.

Kill it.

The most horrible place in worms is the poison.

Can hunt a lot of monsters.

Of course, insects is basically relying on the power of the group.

They are constantly cultivating, and they are cultivated to their hits.

Of course, they can also take the law beads to master a variety of rules.

Therefore, although the insects can't eat monsters and humans to get the law, it is not so good.

Xiaohong Xiaobai is the most powerful, soon, I will dig the eyes of the king, and I sent it to Zhang Bin's hands.

These two eye beads are crystal clear, exudes a strange breath.

It is a super treasure.

Zhang Bin is really very curious, he tried to take an eye beads.

Then he began to work hard.

This is really a super treasure, and the eye beads begin to melt rapidly.

It has become a rolling drug, and begins to slowly strong Zhang Bin's body and soul.

Moreover, Zhang Bin also found that the talent of his agility and speed law has been improved, because the two laws of Dantian have expanded near the sea area.

"My God, no wonder any creatures from the Hongngtane Dark area are super treasures. It is the mouse of the mouse in the realm of the mouse."

Zhang Bin lamented in his heart, and his face has also floated strongly.

He took another eye beads.

This time is not so good, there is almost no effect.

Zhang Bin also basically understands that any monster's eye beads, only the first one is only useful.

Of course, if it can kill more powerful mice, get its eye beads, take it, it is estimated or useful.

As a result, Zhang Bin took the eye beads of the old hedgehog monster.

Sure enough, I got the benefits and made his body and soul.

His defense rules have also been improved, and Dantian's defense law has expanded approximately one-half.

At this moment, Zhang Bin even had a strong impulse, just went to the dark area to hunt the monster, but he took Hongfeng, you can take many Hong Dynasty, then you can use the insects to deal with the monster. Then he absolutely strongly powerfully.

However, he still pressed this impulse.

The Hongmeng dark area is too dangerous.

He is still too weak, to take risks, the possibility of falling is extremely possible.

I can slowly cultivate and improve the realm in the Bao Tao world.

That is too safe.

He projected his gaze to the rule of the tree. He made a moment, and the Meisan rapidly became long, and then took it on the flowerbed, slowly sneaked into it.

Sure enough, there is a bead whiteling white light ...

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