"Too strong."

Zhang Bin really looked at the eyes, and the world of the world was so horrible, and he could not endure Zhang Dong's palm. This is simply a matter of nothing.

And Zhang Dong's strong, far beyond his estimation.

"Zhang Bin, don't worry about it, now you only need to cultivate and accumulate in the world of Baota, stronger, not to come to the dark area, such a dangerous place, although the treasure is more, although you can make you more Fast, but it can make your foundation uncomfortable. "Zhang Bin did not turn around, so he looked at the distance in his hands and said faintly.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Zhang Bin respectfully, "I want to know, what happened to my master time?"

"Dance rhyme? She will go to explore the dark area, and I will not return." Zhang Bin said, "My body has been looking for her, but so far, I haven't been found. However, she must be alive, just being It's all for imprisonment. "

"I will try hard to try it as soon as possible. I will definitely go to the dark area to save her back."

Zhang Bin's face was full of perseverance.

"Dark area, the world is many, the strong is like a cloud, that is, I don't dare to say invincible. I want to save the dance rhyme. I don't think it is as you think. Because, it is necessary to ban the existence of the dance rhyme, I will inevitably be a terrible. I hope You can stronger step by step, when I need your help. "Zhang Bin looked at the void." If my premonition is wrong, the enemy will come to the door. "

"What is the strong enemy? Is it the strong enemy of imprisonment?"

Zhang Bin slammed, the face was also alerted.

"It is not necessarily the strong enemy of the imprisonment, but the most horrible world destruction." Zhang Dong said, "My town is keeping the treasure tower world, and the many real gods teamed up to kill the retreat of countless world destruction. But this time However, there is no grasp. Because my body discovers in the dark area, there are thousands of worlds, being destroyed by the world destruction, and it is between millions of years. Many worlds, too many worlds, Even ten times, 100 times, thousand times. The direction of the world is rushing on our pagoda. "


Zhang Bin was a cold in the world, and there was such a horrible world destruction? I have destroyed thousands of worlds, and they are going to the Tower world.

"In fact, I don't want to tell you this."

Zhang Dong said faintly, "But if it is coming in the future, I still hope that you can help me, if we can't resist it, you have to escape the ability."

"I will try hard to practice, and I will be strong as soon as possible."

Zhang Bin's face became extraordinary.

"Go, don't care too much about improving the realm, but to pay attention to the process of cultivation, try to make the foundation. Don't pay attention to too many precious treasures, such as the law, such as too many gods, it is easy to let Your foundation is uncomfortable. Every realm is to get the right Tianwei Di Bao, it is only a foundation, and it is a real tempering. "

Zhang Dong said.

"This is a beautiful man who is upgraded. It will be a bit used for you." It can also improve the power of Libra. "After Sishi said, she immediately took off a UW, and a flash has fallen. Bin's head, and the Libra is connected together.

"Thank you for your predecessor ..."

Zhang Bin finished, he narrowed his body, drilling from the underground hole.

And he also contracted the way of stone and completely blocked the hole.

That's in the future, there is almost no insects to enter here, and here can also be said to be a secret and safe base of Zhang Bin.

As for the dark area, Zhang Bin will never go.

That's too dangerous.

There is no cultivation, enter the dark area, and it is similar to suicide.

Even if it is so powerful, it is only near the entrance of thousands, but it is a world destruction of the horrible world. If it is not Zhang Dong's shot, Yan Ji can't resist, maybe flee can't escape. .

"How is this child's courage?"

Looking at Zhang Bin left, Yan Ji's eyebrows said, "Dare to come to the dark area. This time is not us, he will die."

"Don't worry, he is not a reckless person, but it is very cautious and be careful." Zhang Bin said faintly, "this time, he came to the dark area close to the dark area. It is a means of displaying him. Oh, otherwise, he will not come out. I just want to warn him, don't be too proud, don't think that he can deal with everything. Of course, it is also looking forward to him, it is very powerful. His talent is very good. His talent is very good. Norgia, I am very important to him. "

"Okay, I turned out that Mrs. You are making bad, almost scared him."

Yan Ji is delicate.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Dong issued a big smirk and delivered quickly in the dark.

Let all the worms and monsters that have heard the laughter are not moving.

All was shocked.

Zhang Bin has returned to the bottom of the following.

He thought about it, or commanded a variety of worms and tapdoma again.

He is not a fool, although Zhang Dong tells him not to care too much about genius.

But he still knows that God has, the better it is, the better it.

Even if the body is not used, give two borders, it is also very good.

This kind of treasure, once encountered, it will not let go.

He understands Zhang Bin's tone, don't try to get the treasure that you can do, it is very dangerous.

So, I saw that there was a corpse of the monster and monster body on the ground, and the body of the world's destroyer was very excited. If he got, it can be powerful.

But that is, the extorting will help.

So, he did not have good, two horror experts did not give him.

Then Zhang Bin took up the true God of the House.

Go out.

It is not surprised to return to the entrance to the third layer of the gods.

Zhang Bin made a full push door.

This time, the door was relaxed to open.

Zhang Bin went in.

Several guards here are only surprised to look at Zhang Bin.

If you don't ask him, you will go in with Zhang Bin.

They know that they can push the gods entering the door in the middle of the gods, inevitably have extraordinary origins. It is definitely a super genius in the descendants of the God.

It is not that they can sin.

"Good and rich Hongmeng Ziqi."

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, and the face was also satisfied.

The Hongmeng Ziqi here is definitely not in the dark area, even more rich.

It is a very good cultivation.

"The third floor of the magnificent gods, I finally came."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

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