The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4339 Taikulong City

The third layer of the gods.

Tai Ancient Dragon City.

On the bustling street, Zhang Bin took the slowly.

This city is one of the oldest cities in the third floor of the god.

And the Taolong City belongs to the city of God, and it is the capital.

At this layer, there is a three thousand serars, which are all established by the true descendants of true God.

Therefore, the three thousand Shenniao is extraordinarily stable, don't worry, there will be a coup.

And time, the country is the first ancient God.

Although, time is really missing in the dark area, but her descendants are still there.

Moreover, the time, the gods of the gods and the silk are girlfriends.

The back of the silk is Zhang Dong.

Therefore, the time of the country is huge, wide, and there is no other real God dare to fight.

At this moment, Zhang Bin took the streets of Taikulong City, realized that the ancient to the ultimate breath, fantasy countless years ago, the dance rhyme is building a country here.

He felt himself, it seems to be slowly integrated into this world.

Although he didn't see the dance rhyme, but it was a picture of her left, it was very familiar with her.

The statue of the beauty figure, the true god of the temple.

He has also seen many times.

And he Zhang Bin, undoubtedly, time, really gods in many plots, then cultivated the apprentice.

Libra is also the reason of the real God through the source universe.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin is impossible to create a magical trial.

And you can do this, it is very uncommon that the time is very unusual.

After all, the jigs are all in the world, or the world and the dark area of ​​the world are bophbated.

Obviously, time, the time, the mystery of the heavens and the earth.

Then she disappeared, and may also have the relationship between the Justice Libra.

Is it a diagnosis of the world?

Or is there any powerful existence?

Only the time I was so observed?

Even Zhang Bin's horrible can also check the fall of realism.

This is really terrible.

Zhang Bin will rescue time in the future, not so easy.

"Hostess, if you want to know some ancient secrets, the best way is to calculate the country."

Rabbit said in Zhang Bin's mind, "in the gods and dark areas, if you want to calculate a lot of hustle, it is only to cultivate the algorithmic rules to 40 or more. If you make a whole, if you are fully calculated, you will be able to calculate the time The fallen of true gods. "

"If this is true, Zhang Dong will know how to fall after the moment, I have long been saved." Zhang Bin refuted, "So, even in the real god is not enough. Now I am not going to find time. Drops, but to work hard, become powerful, then there will be possible to save people. "

"The owner, you are right."

Rabbit said.

Zhang Bin suddenly stopped, his eyes were also projected on an old building.

Adventurer's guild!

Zhang Bin took the foot.

There are too many magical treasures in the third floor of the god.

The Adventurers Assistant, that is, there are countless messages and tasks.

He didn't want to find a place to practice hard, but to practice, while adventure and experience.

When he took a break, he entered the light-fashioned cultivation.

The rest is coming out of treasure hunt, tuning mood, relieve fatigue, and also enhances your own strain ability and adding actual capabilities.

The reason why the country is coming, because Zhang Bin is kindly.

Don't worry about too many children, thus eruption of conflict.

The Adventurers Association is that people come to, bustling, and shoulders.

There is a lobby of the task, the team's hall, and the lobby of the task, and there is also a lobby for gaining a message.

Zhang Bin, of course, I went to the lobby for gaining the news.

Here, as long as you pay a certain gin, you can get the news you want.

"Brothers, what news do you want to know? I just have half of the reward. I will make you satisfied."

An old man was thrown in front of Zhang Bin, looking forward to ask.

His strength is also good, big god.

"If you don't know?"

Zhang Bin asked faintly.

"If I don't know, the script does not accept."

Old man said.

"You this reason is very good, I actually be right."

Zhang Bin touched the forehead.

And the old man also sailed Zhang Bin to a very clean place.

Say: "Okay, you can say a problem."

"I want to know the drop of goddess named fragrance."

Zhang Bin said.

He has let the rabbit look at the information on the Internet online, unfortunately, how can you find anything.

However, Fangfei has great enjoices to him, and he also got a piece of created fragments from Fang Fei.

That is a treasure worthless value.

It is the treasure that is really trying to get.

Later, Fang Fei was grabbed by God, but he swear, to save her.

Now he came to the goddess for so long, but he did not rescue Fang Fei.

Therefore, he came to the Adventurer's Guild to listen to Fang Fei's information.

"Fang Fei?"

The old man is deeply awkward, "Can you provide more information?"

"This ..." Zhang Bin is a bit difficult, Shen Yichang for a while, only to say: "In decades ago, she has appeared in the source of the universe, and later caught back. As for another information, I don't know. "

Fang Fei did not say her information with Zhang Bin.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is really nothing to know.

The old man immediately took out the same artifact as the mobile phone, and gained the network.

Query in his own collection of database.

Finally, he said: "The goddess named Fang Fei, there are 3963, you look carefully, is it in it?"

Zhang Bin also browsed in detail, this information is very detailed, and even photos.

So, is Zhang Bin's Fang Fei who needs to find, it is easy to judge.

Unfortunately, this 3963 people are not a Fang Fei, who is looking for.

"This is impossible, now the information of the goddess named Fangfei, the goddess of the beast is here, unless she is from eight million years ago. At that time, the three thousand Avenue was not perfect, even Even the timing may not be born. At that time, there was God, but they cultivated the way, they were in the dark area, cultivating the body and soul. It was almost unable to resurrect. So, there are a lot of gods falling during that time. I haven't resurrected. So, for the gods of the ancient times, it is almost not found now. "He said.

"Amo? Can you talk carefully?"

Zhang Bin wrote a moment, and he asked.

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