"Among the ancient times, the Tower World is still in gestation. Hong Meng is almost a dark. However, Hongmeng Ziqi is especially strong, and the organism has also appeared. Although there is no pregnancy, but the final polar goal of cultivation It is a strong body and soul, so the animals at that time are refining and refining souls. They are actually very powerful, powerful to destroy everything. "The old man said," However, there was a god to create a law I have received a lot of believers and incense, and the speed is faster. I don't have a height of the premature gods. Thus, there is an incomparable terrorist war. The war stretches for a million years. The final god was defeated, then All is killed. The world's world of the world is the burial. There is also their old nest. It is a non-horrible array. In today, it has become a horrible ban. "

"It seems that the gods will not be able to keep up with the development of the times, thus being eliminated."

Zhang Bin said.

"In fact, the gods are very powerful, their individual strength, unbearables now the most powerful true God, their failed place is that they don't have believers, and they will not enjoy the incense." The old man said. "The most powerful little name of the world of Baoda is quite a thousand ancient times. At that time, he called him for the elderly emperor, but it would force the three hundred days to attack, the war has been over more than 300 days, and finally he suffered, escaped. I have entered the burial soil, I haven't come out, it is estimated that it is falling, but it is not gone, and I don't see the body. Even if it is today, there is no such thing as a single fight to defeat him. "

"Lying in the trough, fight against three hundred true gods? More than 300 talents of war?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were widened. The first time I felt the terrorist strength of the whole age.

If the other party is still alive, it has been cultivated to today, what kind of point will it be powerful?

"The law is just the means of fighting, it is the body and soul." The old man said, "Although the gods do not master the rules, the attack means monotonous, but it is power to open the sky, to resist the body. Unfortunately, The victory is all destroyed, and there is no idea to master the cultivation of the martial arts. "

"It's not that Hongmeng has a lot of world like the world of Tongta. Is it that the world is not very mysterious?" Zhang Bin is very curious, I can't help but ask.

"This is another ancestral secret. You want to know, you must pay for it first."

The old man looked at Zhang Bin, and his face was full of expectations.

"Say, how much is it."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

He killed so many powerful gods, captured their space containers, and the gods inside were stacked as mountains.

So, he is not a concept of gratin.

Also at all.

"A news, a thousand gods, just gave you Fang Fei's information, and then said that you have said pretense materials, now some information about other worlds. A total of three thousand gods."

Old man said.

"Give you."

Zhang Bin has a thick atmosphere and takes three thousand gods directly.

The old man is the eyebrow, and seeing Zhang Bin's eyes become extra enthusiasm.

He hasn't seen such a generous boy.

He immediately began to say that other secrets of the world's premievous times. "Our Baota World is said to be the world's most basic world in Hongmeng, although it is not big, but it is a talent, so the true God of our world is also there. Ability to explore the dark area, they also have to go to other worlds, know some secrets. Other worlds are more than some of the world of our Pagoda, so the three thousand Avenues is the true God of our Pavilion. However, after the Hongmeng Give birth to more worlds, many of the worlds directly entered the Era of the rules, as for the world that was already in the era of ancient times, the same flaw war, that is, the god and the god war. It is said to be strong, but also horrible The extreme. Finally, it is quite affected, thereby disappears between heaven and earth. After that, the Era of the law opened, from afar to now, it has been insecting. "

"The pretense of the ancient times is so powerful, but it is still defeated, not the individual strength is not as good, but the people are lone. Even if it is the battle, I haven't arrived at you. Is it possible to save? Can you still save? Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "This thing seems to be a bit weird, I seem to have smelling a conspiracy."

He has a great wisdom, but although he feels embarrassed, he still has no way to get an answer.

He can't wait to ask Zhang Dong immediately, then he will give a reasonable explanation.

"You mean, fragrant she is a god of the gods. So before I can't query?"

Zhang Bin no longer screamed for a lot of ancient conspiracy, but asked.

"This is the only explanation, I can guarantee that my information is the most complete, the same as the adventurers' guild, since she doesn't have her, she is a god of the ancient times. As for you It is estimated to be wrong in more than ten years ago. It is estimated that there is a wrong place. "He said.

"Is Fu Fang Wei really is a lot of god? After all, she is a body when she meets her, and she has an ancient breath. The Lord, but her hand has a piece of conflict, but the crestation is too small, can't start I can't resurrect her, but with the help of my fast, her creation is completely launched, and she is resurrected. However, her strength is still far without recovery. So, the war is very Weak. "Zhang Bin analyzed in the heart," The only quirky thing is that if Fang Fei is falling in the gods of countless years, how did her body appear in the source universe? Also, there are two gods in chasing Kill her, want to capture the cream. What is the identity of the two gods? "

Although there is still a lot of doubts in your heart, Zhang Bin is not good.

Because it will involve a debris.

It will definitely bring huge dangers.

Unless he murizes the mouth.

But he is in charge of the truth of the trick, of course, it is impossible to do such a thing.

"Right, I want to join an adventure team, then go to the treasure." Zhang Bin said, "However, my expectation is bigger. Do you have any suggestions?"

"How is your strength?" The old man's empty gloves white wolf, got three thousand gods, it was very happy, so for Zhang Bin so small demands decided to satisfy.

"The strength is OK, you can fight against ordinary medium gods."

Zhang Bin said.

He is still a modest statement, as far as is the strength, it is estimated that it can fight the master's late master.

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