The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4344, the exchange method is authorized

"This is just a coincidence. In fact, I came to join the princess's adventures, but I didn't think that today is her birthday."

Zhang Bin said a little helplessly.

The princess of Xianglian is too beautiful. He Zhang Bin appeared here. Zhang Bo is absolutely will not believe that Zhang Bin does not pursue the meaning, so Zhang Bin has no help.

"Hey, you don't hide."

Zhang Bo smiled and said, "It's actually my mother, let me ask you, do you like the princess of Xianglian, if you, she will help you, and ensure that you can accompany you. "


Zhang Bin touched the forehead, it was a headache. "I am really not to pursue the princess of Xianglian. I am here to cultivate and add someone. Also, you also know that the princess of Xianglian can say that it is my teacher, I In this case, you can also protect her. "

"I understand, you don't want someone to help, you have a princess of Xianglian."

Zhang Bo suddenly said that "Xianglian Princess is indeed worthy of your spending, her tacit is very good, no inferior to time, her time talent, better point. If she is good luck, I may even become Zhen God. Anyway, even my parents praised her. I think she is very suitable with you. "

"Okay, okay, what is messy." Zhang Bin screamed, "Tell your parents, don't give me a mess, my own thing I do. Now, we exchange the law authorize?"

"Do you want to change my two laws with a law?" Zhang Bo said, "Unless you compensate for the law of a Thunder property."

"Lying in the trough, I am in that hole, the predecessors of Si Ji know that I have to clearly, I still have a Legend of Thunder Attributes, she actually tells Zhang Bo?" Zhang Bin is a bit depressed, "Yan Ji The predecessor is also too loving Zhang Bo? Is this not harming him? "

I didn't have a good way to say: "Do you forget it, just because I have created six laws, it allows you to master five, kill pigs, nursing chicken, soul, crushing, resistant. You have a great price. "

"I have been authorized from the Law Sea from the World of Pagoda. You can't force your head."

Zhang Bo is smiling.

"Your dad is so powerful, what is the treasure can't get? Still hit my thunder attribute, the idea of ​​the beads?"

Zhang Bin said that he did not say good.

"My dad is very powerful, but my grandfather is not ashamed, my brother Zhang Heng is also strong. You can kill the big master. In fact, they gave me a lot of laws. 3007 laws, I took it. However, I have a pet. It is a Lei Leopard. I haven't taken the Lead of Thunder Attributes. The Rules of the Renrenity Property is too difficult to find, I can only hit your mind. "Zhang Bo said.


Zhang Bin got almost vomiting blood, this bastard is actually apronial.

And he requested the Lead of Thunder Attributes, not taking it, but gives a pet.

"I still have two borders, I have not taken a piece of law."

Zhang Bin was depressed under the heart, he didn't say good.

"Next, how do I swap on the law of the law of other attributes?"

Zhang Bo looked at Zhang Bin with a weird eye. It is obviously to see Zhang Bin's joke, and then he took out a glass jar, all of which were all laws, more than 2,000 properties, how tens of thousands of attributes.

But there is no legal bead without the seven-way attributes of the Thunder property and Zhang Bin.

"Lying in the trough, are you coming to me?"

Zhang Bin jumped up, and Zhang Bin was also very envious of Zhangbo, with countless cultural resources.

I can't get better than it.

However, his heart is a pride, Zhangbo clothing has been used so many Tian Ma land, but he is not his opponent.

It is easy to crush himself.

"Hey ... look at your little qi, I feel funny. The rule of a distant attribute in the district. Let your heart hurt, come out soon. I will pick three pieces. "

Zhang Bo smiled and gave Zhang Bin 10,000 hits.

However, such a good thing, Zhang Bin will naturally not refuse.

He gave the law of the legality of the thunder to Zhang Bo, and then selected three laws, respectively, the power properties, purification properties, and estimates attributes.

Power performance rapidly increase his strength, purifying the attribute is also a rule of the money, sometimes there is magical.

As for the introduction of the natural capital, Zhang Bin is relatively lacking.

Improve the income, then the progress of his cultivation will be fine.

Moreover, the algorithm has a great help to treasure hunt and avoid danger.

Although it is said that in the gods and beasts, the algorithm is in the actual use of a lot, but it is also possible to calculate it.

Then, Zhang Bo took out a Zhang Dong's true God of god.

This is of course the true godlock that belongs to the truth.

Through the secret law, Zhang Bin has obtained the authorization of the truth law.

And he also directly licensed to Zhang Bin.

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin found that the rules of the world of watermelon have a mysterious contact.

He faintly felt about the law of watermelon world.

There are 3060 rules in the sea of ​​watermelon world.

Some more than the Bao Tower World.

This should also be a small world, just in the world of the Tower World.

Therefore, the law of watermelon's world of the watermallsee has a mysterious link in the sea and Zhang Bin, but it has not yet pregnant a seven rules that belong to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin, is of course not hesitation, authorizing the yin yang law to Zhang Bo.

Of course, they both entered the glue, taking special fairy medicine, and quickly cultivated.

It is not until cultivating the nine layers of the close.

As far as their cultivation of the heavens and experience, it is only a month to cultivate a month.

"Lying in the trough, this is a big world, the elephant world, there is a 4806 kind? It is amazing. I will tell my dad right away, I must go to see and conquer this world, I want to marry the world's most beautiful Princess. "

Zhang Bo is also a mysterious connection with the rules of Elephant World, so he issued an excitement, his face has also floated the color.

"You don't mess. The big world is like the world, there is a beautiful god, and it is true for the most horrible mathematical law, the addition and decrease, the opening, the random, the solution ... It is best not to provoke." Zhang Bin It is thoroughly speechless and then said seriously.

"One of the people? So?"

Zhang Bo was excited, and there was no fear on his face. "My dad is invincible, the truth law is coming, any strong enemy must be kneel down. It should be defeated each other. Where do you not know where?"

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