The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4345, Black Bo

"The truth is so embarrassed?"

Zhang Bin is also very shocking. He began to try to study and cultivate the truth, he felt that the truth law is mysterious, and it is very difficult.

However, he is magically discovered that his truth law is very good.

The cultivation speed is still very fast.

"If I cultivate the truth and the trial rule to a very powerful point, what will I am so powerful?" Zhang Bin is extraordinarily expected.

However, he quickly known that it is almost impossible.

You can not be the descendants of Zhang Dong, and Zhang Dong cannot authorize the top truth law to him.

In other words, Zhang Bin will cultivate the truth to level 40 in the future. It is absolutely 45.

At that time, he still had the seven rules that he created, especially the most powerful trial rules to deal with strong enemies.

However, in the growth stage, it can make yourself a lot.

From now on, Zhang Bin has a 3009 rule.

There are more than three of the pagoda world law.

Two of them came out of the cultivation room.

Waiting here is a waiter to ask a luxurious living room.

Many of them come and say hello to Zhang Bo.

And Zhang Bo did not introduce Zhang Bin. He did not think that these people had to be qualified to be friends with Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin is a seven real god.

Soon, the birthday party will start.

The princess of Xianglian is also in full, and her slim is on the stage, a little shy look.

Time, Wang Wang Dance is also standing on the stage, she wears the crown, wearing a golden robes.

Excissions from powerful pressure and momentum.

She looked at Zhang Bo with a singular look, and said, "Today, it is the 20th birthday of the little female Xianglian, all of which are juvenile Junjie, are all peerless genius ... Waiting for a special program, in fact It is a battle, if you can capture the first, the future is the candidate of the son-in-law of God. "

"God, I have to be friends today?"

Many genius teenagers are extra excitement, and the face has also floated strong ecstasy.

Although it is just a candidate, if it takes the first, it is also ten eight or nine.

And the princess of Xianglian is glare, plus the promotion of the promotion, all of the young men, where Zhang Bin and Zhang Bo are far less than the princess of Xianglian.

Therefore, marking the princess of Xianglian, it is a thing that is very cost-effective, and it is also what they dream.

Switch, they look at Zhangbo with a jealousy, if it is Zhang Bo, they have to participate, they have no hope.

"Brothers, your chance is coming."

Zhang Bin said to Zhang Bin, "You can hold the beauty immediately."

"I will not participate." Zhang Bin said faintly.

How many wisdoms are he seen at a glance, and when the time of the king dance is Zhang Bo.

This is a temporary decision, that is, because Zhang Bo is coming back again, but also exposes the strength of super terror, let alone, Zhang Bo is the true God of God, the world of watermelon.

Such a son-in-law is also hard to find a lantern.

As far as their dancers and Zhangjia's relationship, if they send people to talk media, it is ten tenth.

However, some people may gossip, saying that there is noble.

Moreover, the woman is going to speak media, and it is not good.

Come to a relative, Zhang Bo will inevitably be involved.

Then it is very perfect.

Since it seems to have so much, even if Zhang Bin is very good about the princess of Xianglian, he will not participate.

Although it is a peerless beauty, although his teacher, it is not getting along.

He naturally does not participate in the test.

"Brothers, you will be your heart."

Zhang Bo is of course not believed. He is smirk and said, "But if you don't make it full, you want to defeat all the masters, it is very difficult. It is me, and I don't have much to defeat everyone."

These teenagers are super genius, then there is a master with great gods a full realm.

Zhang Bo only cultivated to the middle of the gods, that is not to grasp the masters of defeating.

"You will have a chance. I believe that there will be special provisions. Limit the realm."

Zhang Bin has a bamboo, faintly sounded.

Sure enough, like Zhang Bin's expectations, time God smiled and said: "For fairness, the two sides must make the two sides in the same realm, so the way to use the genius platform."

The genius competition is a way to use often.

There is no way to do in the actual universe.

But in the gods, such a platform is very easy to refine.

Then, the two sides are in the same realm on the ring.

The ratio is the experience of talent and fight.

"Lying in the trough, you really guessed."

Zhang Bo was stunned, then he said: "Wait for the first one, sweep all the opponents. That will not expose your true talent. Safety."

"I will not go up."

Zhang Bin shook his head, "And, there is God very talented in them. If I defeated them, it will really become the sky. It is very disadvantageous to me."

"Isn't it as good as this? I will help you sweep everything, defeat all the competitors, then you go up. We will have two tricks, I will admit it, anyway, I am not your opponent, then there is no trouble." how is it?"

Zhang Bo cryed his face and said.

This is not his intention, because he received the voice of Yan Ji, let him do this.

"This way is good, they think that that is you deliberately admitted, to give me the princess of Xianglian, will not doubt that my strength exceeds you. Thank you."

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, but his face was floating.

At that time, he may not be challenged.

"I don't understand, how can my mother are so good? Is Zhang Bin really my mother?"

Zhang Bo is very depressed and wronged.

Originally he didn't want to participate in the birthday party of Xianglian Princess, he knew that there would be such a moth.

And Zhang Bin this monster, he is competitive.

So, once he does not participate, there will be no more affection.

But fucking is forced him.

This is simply a pit son.

Time Shen Wang is always looking at Zhangbo with the eyes of the eyes, which is obviously very omission.

However, as the news of the praise is spread out.

More genius teenage comes from the layers of the gods.

It is the super genius of true God.

Among them, there are a few very cattle, which also triggered the attention of time God.

Frequently watched the past.

"Zhang Bo, you are also coming? You have a not married wife. Also, come to compelling relatives,"

One looks a little wretched teenager swayed.

It is super .

But it is super powerful and genius. Even the beauty of the princess of Xianglian is bright, and the face has a surprise.

(I will return to Hunan today, only two chapters.)

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