The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4585 How to deal with the bastard teacher?

After the get out of class, the cultivation of the cultivated jade cylinder is simply returned to Zhang Bin's Cave.

Zhang Bao was in a hurry to say: "What is the teacher going? A pair can't look at us? Do we have to sin?"

"I see him is our enemy. I have to fight well."

Liu Yan also said angry.

"Is it, the hyperinca is his son?"

Tianlong has a big ceremony, saying.

"Things are a bit wrong, you must react with the principal. The teacher may start with us, but he is cultivating to the big boy. Very powerful, we can't resist it."

The princess of Xianglian said.

"If you don't, first you will be strong? Let people lose him?"

Liu Yan said again.

"Okay, don't guess." Zhang Bin said, "If he really has a problem, the principal cannot let us rise to the 11th grade, the 12th grade, the 13th grade is ok. So, what he said is reasonable We are really unpleasant because the energy is too fast, the energy in energy cells is really not pure, but also need to be quenched well. "

"We are taking refining natives to improve the realm, energy cells are very advanced."

Zhang Bo refuting said, "That idiot teacher really has a problem."

"But our realm is not all taking refining native results, even, we have slept, it will enhance a realm." Zhang Bin said, "You don't have fire, it is indeed no problem, but we have advanced fire, But it really needs to be quenched well. "

"I am also soon there is a fire. And it is a chaotic flavor."

Zhang Bo squatted in his heart, his face floated the color of the expectation.

He knows that Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, even his grandfather, aunt, brother, all looking for the top fire attribute genius, if you can find it, take the fire, so you can enter into chaos.

Zhang Bin and Tianlong Jianxue entered the light in the light.

Of course, it is cultivated according to the secret.

In fact, it is to let the energy of energy cells reflow, quench again, and there is not much mystery.

However, Zhang Bin is found that after so quenching, the energy of energy cells has become a lot of pure, and there are many advanced, and of course it has also been reduced.

So he taking refining nuts and continues to get more energy, supplement consumption.

He felt that he was slowly turning.

And the feeling of strongest is exceptional.

However, this is a very long process. It is necessary to quench energy in all energy cells, how can I have a few hundred years.

Even in the light of the light, it is necessary for a few months.

Moreover, in the future, breakthrough, the fire will evolve, become more large, the flame will be more hot.

Or continue to return to the energy in the energy cells.

So, it is not a matter of life.

The cultivation is really not a step.

If it is someone else, practice is more difficult.

Zhang Bin is a lot easier, because he can practice two skills at the same time.

The repair refining is carried out simultaneously.

This also allows Zhang Bin's foundation to play more firm.

In addition, they are all cultivated on the back of the stone turtle, bathing with green light.

Life energy has been upgrading.

Zhang Bin has a strong speed is really terrible.

And Tianlong has treasure, Zhang Bo, Liu Fu, three princess, but they did not practice, but continued to be negotiated.

How to deal with that teacher.

If Zhang Bin heard, then it will be crying.

In fact, they are very safe at the college, even if it is a strong forest teacher, I don't dare to deal with them.

Because most of them have Hengbao, it is possible to start itself.

It is also possible to do it.

In particular, Zhang Donghe Liu Chao's Hengbao is even more.

Of course, Zhang Bin is not such a bang life, but he is with them every day.

They all moved to his cave.

After all, we must bathe the green light cultivation of the verses, and there is a lot of speed.

Therefore, Zhang Bin alone is almost no.

Zhang Bin did not worry too much.

the next day.

They set off.

I got a huge terrible giant dragon.

It has become a ray, which is bursting in the dark area.

The speed is incredible.

"This treasure cattle is forced."

Zhang Bin said.

This magic weapon is indeed, the students carrying the entire college, but also so fast, and any monsters do not dare to come over.

"This is my father's magic weapon - Hongmeng Tianlong, is the top Hongmeng Shenbao, the war is extremely horrible. Not as the most powerful constant, and your Hongmeng refining Tianchi is the same." "

Tianlong Jingxue took Zhang Bin's arm, and said.

"Hongmeng Tianlong? In addition to fighting ability, there is any special function?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"It is said that it is terror, which can deal with powerful constant. There is no other function."

Tianlong Condo is lowered, "So, I feel that Hong Meng refining Tianchi is more amazing, my dad heard that you have got this treasure, I am envious of the pole, saying that you take a dog."

"His Hongmeng Tianlong is also very magical, the war is extremely horrible, it is a treasure of fighting attributes. I am just a treasure for the auxiliary attribute. If it is possible, we must find a way to get the battle attribute. Shen Bao. "Zhang Bin said.

"The top of the battle attribute is very cattle, but my dad said, we can't rely on the fight, you must rely on yourself. So, I will use two fists to defeat the Tianlong Ling Tian, ​​and he also uses it Hongmeng Tianlong. "Zhang Bo said.

"You go aside."

Tianlong Jing Xue is angry.

" ..."

Zhang Bo is a bit awkward.

Hongmeng Tianlong is too huge, and it is very wide on the back.

All students are standing above, they are very excited and excited.

It will not fall at all, because Tianlong Ling Tian raised a shield and covered everyone.

Only he himself is outside the shield, it is proudly standing, and there is a very vast momentous and power pressure.

Yes, this time he personally brought the team.

Of course, most teachers are also accompanying.

This is equivalent to an outing.

Growth, open your eyes.

It is advantageous to practice students.

" ..."

Hongmeng Tianlong broke and sent a harsh voice.

There are countless monsters.

"The combination of the Human Alliance is successful, but there is no world destruction. The human world seems to have a lot of security."

Tianlong has a treasure.

"Right, don't they look at the other side of the Shenshui River? Is it possible to find a way to cross the past?"

Zhang Bin couldn't help but ask.

"Where is it easy? I haven't found a way. They try it normally. Refining the magic weapon. Or is the special Hongmeng Shenbao, crossed the past or maybe." Tianlong has a treasure.

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