The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4586, see the magic

Tianlong Lingtian took Hongmount Tianlong, crossed the dark area, and finally arrived in the Black Dragon World.

And everyone also saw the look of the Black Dragon World.

It's just like a huge black dragon, hovering in the dark area.

Equipped, winding.

Excissions from huge peripheral and horrible suffocation.

The dark rays are also taken out.

Let people fear.

"This Black Dragon World seems to be no less than our Dragon World."

Many students include Zhang Bin and surprised.

"The Black Dragon World is the world of our world's world. Therefore, the law of the sea is not the same. There is also 10,000 heads here, except for three thousand avenues. The rest of the road is different, because It is all dark attributes. Of course, such as yin and yang, the trial is also there. "Tianlong has a treasure.

"Is it? Is that is not the way in our human world reaches nearly 20,000?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, and the face floated on his face.

I didn't come to this world before, so I can't build a true sense of God.

But now, it can be built.

Then you can collect the power of faith and incense.

The power of faith and incense is still not important, but if you want to cultivate into a creation of God, it is very important.

If you are not a little true God, you can't get the power of faith and incense.

Therefore, it can only be given by the elders.

It may be broken through the God of Creative God.

If it is the genius of Xianglian's princess, there is no elder to give beliefs and incense power, that is always cultivated, not cultivate.

Therefore, the talents who are recruiting Tianlong College must be small, or the ancestors are true gods.

The reason why the princess of Xianglian can enter the Tianlong College, because her husband is Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin is the true God, and naturally it is qualified.

Therefore, Zhang Bin certainly needs a lot of incense and belief, because his belongs, relatives need.

Even two of his two are also needed.

Of course, the princess of Xianglian also got a vision of the road in the funeas. In the future, she cultivated the vision of the vision to the true God who made a vision, and replaced the other party, it became a small realist, but also to collect it. Incense and belief.

Soon, they entered the Black Dragon World.

Although it is a dark property world, it is very beautiful.

Light is also very bright, Hongmeng Ziqi is also exceptional rich.

The world of this world is dark attribute, which looks extraordinary, powerful, and fierce.

It is the master of killing decisions.

Not so good.

They directly entered the Black Dragon College.

Black Dragon College is also very wide, the number of students is not asia Dragon College.

Directly under a wide training martial spot.

Of course, there is a tent of the magic property, there is a huge space.

All students are divided into one, they can be cultivated inside, don't worry, being bothered and snorted.

"Zhang Bin, we met again."

A heroic voice sounded, a big man flying, landing in Zhang Bin's tent door.


He is an emperor.

The main figure of the source of the banquet of the sea.

The sea of ​​the sea is coming out.

He brought a small city under the dark area, he stood not to know how many era.

Kill the beast who didn't know how much to attack, and I didn't know how much.

The war, hardships he have experienced, that is even Zhang Bin, there is no way to quad.

However, it was Zhang Bin to rescue him.

If you don't have a black cat, Zhang Bin is able to return to the human world with a magic, and then the Magic Food will be able to go to the gods in normal ways.

Fortunately, Zhang Dong appeared, and the black cat beast god.

With the god of the gods, I sent him to the cultivation and study of the Black Dragon College.

"How do you know that I am coming? And I found me so soon?"

Zhang Bin is very happy, please ask him in, curiosity.

"You are the first day of Tianlong College, how can I not know you."

The wind is rumored.

"The first day? Why don't I know?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Bin brother, when you defeated Wutong Tian, ​​it is already the first day of the Tianlong College. Don't you know today? This is more than ten years."

Zhang Bo came in, and Zhang Bo said and said.

So Zhang Bin has introduced the wind and everyone.

Everyone is very happy, and I have been very admired to the wind.

Such a man, although it is dark attribute, but it is a character of the top.

Therefore, even Zhang Dong appreciates him.

"I really didn't expect that Zhang Bin has grown so quickly, and it has been cultivated to the peak of God."

The magic is also sighed, and his face is full of admiration.

"Your cultivation is not slow, and now I am cultivated to the emperor."

Zhang Bin also said very well, "Your combat power must be strong, will not be the first master of the Dragon Dragon College?"

"This, I am fortunate to get the first. But there are still many people who are not asyed with me. One more than you, nothing."

The magic of Huathen said.

"Lying in the trough, the sky, the first place in the Black Dragon College? That is to participate in the battle."

Everyone is completely earthquake, watching the magic of the wind like the monster.

"I am because of Zhang Dong recommended, I have entered the Black Dragon College. I haven't eligible, because I am not a small God."

The magic is grateful to say, "Fortunately, my talent is not bad, even if it is not small, the battle is the first. Even the over-level defeat the first grade. So, the principal's female likes me, and the principal also agreed, Therefore, I went to the source of the Black Dragon World, became 10 small real gods. After that, it is only a top genius. "

"Ten really gods?

Everyone is very surprised.

"I still have a fire on your body, how did you get it?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"What? Is there a fire of chaos?"

Everyone's eyes have grown up, and the face is full of not bonus.

This even the dragon has a treasure.

You must know that he has not yet a high level of fire.

However, he believes that he can get one day.

Because his dad is the Dean of the Tianlong University, or the Alliance of Human Guangming Alliance.

"It was recently found a underground world called the coffin, and many students went to experience, I got well."

A exciting red halo is issued on the face of the Magic Food.

Get this magical treasure, even if he has experienced countless cattle and death, it is still very excited.

It is not possible that Taishan collapses before the face does not change.

"Coffin World? Where is it?"

Zhang Bin is extremely curious.

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