The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4603 Chapter 4603 Pokopines in the bottle

"Not bad, even if there is no stone turtle in the future, I can use these stone regulations."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face floated.

This foot is more than a thousand, enough for a long time.

And he also understands that the giant is that it is worried that after resurrection here, it can't be out, so I have prepared so many stone mistakes, it is estimated that in additional small spaces, it must also be prepared.

"No, I can't take all. I have to leave a piece, then if he is really resurrected here, it can be used out, otherwise he is sleepy here."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he immediately put a box with another box.

Put it in the original place.

Then he continued to study the three jade bottles.

In the first jade bottle, a fire red medicinal medicine is placed, and there is more than 1,000 feet.

It seems that the energy incomparable terror is in it.

"Dragon Ball, what is this Tan medicine?"

Zhang Bin asked.

Now he knows that Dragon Ball is not simple, there is a very mysterious origin, so he is naturally to ask it.

Has been right, expired is invalid.

In the future, if he can't pass the assessment, he will lose the dragon ball and stone turtle.

Therefore, there are still two of them to get some knowledge and benefits.

It's not confidence in yourself, but because it lacks a stone turtle, if you have been looking for.

That Bin can't always stay in the big owner, not breaking through the constant.

After that, there is no help of the stone turtle. He naturally has no way to cultivate into the constant context in the specified time.

So, still don't work well.

"This Dan medicine is not used." Dragon Ball said faintly, "named mad violentant, take one, can improve ten times, but after half an hour, retrieving the original shape, and the force is a decline. And, if you are Take it, you don't even use Shuanglong to grab the beads. "

"This is a good treasure."

Zhang Bin is extremely exciting, and his face has also floated .

The ontology is not necessary, because there is a more than the absolute tricks of Shuanglong to grab the beads, but there are two borders.

It is a treasure that needs this kind of treasure.

Moreover, if it is sent to Zhang Dong, Liu Chao such a medicinal medicine, they may kill more powerful world destruction. After all, although Zhang Dong Liu Chao has stronger, it has created an incomparable acknowledgment, but it is also difficult to exceed 10 times power.

I have gained a lot from them.

There has been no way to return, blame is embarrassed.

Then Zhang Bin, opened the second jade bottle.

It is more than a dozen fruits.

Zhang Bin was like a fool.

Because this is what he is very familiar with the refining.

This is his most unpredictable treasure.

After all, he has Hongmeng's refining Tianchi, and there is a huge refining tree.

"Is it, this giant, once cultivated a refining tree?"

Zhang Bin asked in his heart.

"Master, I have said that I have said that the refining sky is not the only thing. So, don't be strange, these more fruits are not too big to you. However, one of them is good. Biertian tree The fruit that can be pregnant is high-level. It should be able to break through a bottleneck and cultivate it to God. "The refining Tianshu said," This should be a strong monster in the ancient times. "It is stronger than the present. The fruit is better. "

"It is also good to break through a bottleneck. Then I can have a strong twice, which is a monster that is a full-time big god, I can easily rush. I may even fight the giant giant in the early days of the world."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face also floated a touch of smile.

Now he understands that the giant is preparing to quickly improve the strength.

Therefore, he left this jade bottle, just took the fruits used to him.

The treasures of two jade bottles are not too precious.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's face has already floated a touch of death, and it is not so expected to be in the third jade bottle.

However, he did not hesitate to open the third jade bottle, and suddenly the rays took the light.


"God, Dantian real water? And is three drops?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were full of extreme, and his face floated a strong surprise.

His heart beats.

Such treasures are too precious, and even the top giant hormones of humans have to play hands.

But there is three drops here?

This is too extravagant.

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin fully understood that the giant intention is that three times expanded that Dantian uses Dantian real water, so that his Dantian reaches the extreme, no one can transcend.

It is said that in ancient times, Dantian is also extremely precious.

This giant can have so many, obviously super powerful existence.

In this case, where did his giant? Where do you go to the end?

Leave this area like a cage?

Still falling? There is no chance to even resurrect?

He shook his head and did not think about it.

I looked at the three drops of Dantian real water.

I am very suspicious, and the treasure here is indeed a rapid powerful.

But up to can only cultivate the emperor.

However, it is placed such a precious three droplets of Dantian real water.

Is it wrong?

In ancient times, Tan Tian is actually a lot?

Almost any genius can get a lot?

Or, in this cave, another treasure is also hidden?

Do you have any other underground space? As the steel world?

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin carefully put three drops of Dantian real water.

Search again in the cave fine.

Even him also rose a stone turtle and entered the rock.

Find everywhere.

Unfortunately, there is no discovery.

"Is it, what is the array of array? I don't feel?"

Zhang Bin muttered.

"The owner of the arrangement here is not strong. It is estimated that it is similar to you today." Dragon Ball said faintly, "So, there is no array of laws here, he can't get a more advanced treasure. Of course Now he is still alive, it will definitely become a giant huge, this place, he will not come again. "

"You are reasonable. If you really do. Maybe there is not much treasure."

Zhang Bin said a little depressed.

"You can't say that, the refining resources of the ancient times are of course many times. He will make a few low-level fires, or some of the low-grade treasures that can evolve, it is estimated to evolve into top."

Dragon Ball said.

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