The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4604 Replenishing the Treasure Pearl

Zhang Bin drove the stone tortoise left this space.

Of course, he took the refining native.

Like the estimation of Hung Mengyi Tianchi, he really broke through a bottleneck.

The cultivation of the emperor is satisfactory.

His war has risen twice again.

However, now he wants to break through the early days of the God, it is not so easy.

Because it is necessary to break through, it is necessary to work hard to grind the meaning, the understanding of the law, accumulate energy.

This breakthrough does not have any flaws.

However, Zhang Bin is very happy because it makes him save a lot of time.

He has to become stronger and a lot is fast.

He rushed to find a small space in the underground.

But the weird is, there is no other small space.

"That goes to the heart ..."

Zhang Bin's eyebrows, order.

So, the stone turtle pen is straight to the ground.

Didn't let Zhang Bin are disappointed, the scenario is really a space.

Obviously, the space container in ancient times has a similar structure.

This space is much larger than the space above.

Plants countless, monster worms are also numerous.

But like that small space, it is not very powerful.

The most powerful thing is the realm of Marshal.

Zhang Bin is made by the method, let the stone turtle appear, attract countless monsters and worm attacks.

It was found that they didn't turn whit, they would no longer ruin the stone turtle.

Zhang Bin took the stone tortoise in this space, and of course sneaked into the ground.

This time is much easier.

Because a place is arranged in ancient array.

It was seen by the stone turtle.

This is a very ordinary cliff.

Not too big.

"Stone turtle, can you break the law?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"The array here is not very powerful, and can not be self-destroyed, I can force it directly, then go in."

The stone turtle said faintly.

"That start."

Zhang Bin said that his face was full of expectations.

Of course, he took a very far distance with Hung Meng's refining Tianchi, and then hied it into a small Hongmeng refining Tianchi.

The stone turtle climbs the past and one step by step.


The array was touched.

The horrible voice sounded.

The spurs spread from the ground.

Pack the stone turtle thoroughly.

Crazy electric shock.

But it still can't hurt the stone turtle.

The stone turtle continues to be straightforward.

A enchantive flame broke out, caught crazy.


Next is the cold ice, fog, and poison ...

More than a dozen killings.

The rock ground is chemical into a powder.

Seeing Zhang Bin is a scalp.

Such a mailing, the estimate is the big master, and it is necessary to end.

Fortunately, I have such a magical stone turtle.

Can force the array.

Otherwise, there is no way to go in, get the treasure inside.

Finally, the array was broken.

A cave is revealed.

There is no name.

Obviously it is casual.

However, the other's realm is not high, but it is also very extraordinary in the array of such terror.

If you still live now, it is also super giant.

Soon, Zhang Bin took the stone turtle and took it directly.

There is no open door at all.

It is really a cave.

But it is relatively simple.

There are not too many treasures.

Just only have a big box.

As if the refrigerator is as big.

"This box is a good treasure, named refrigerator."

Dragon Ball sounded.

"Refrigerator? What good treasure? If you need it, I will send you 10,000."

Zhang Bin did not say good luck, when he was in the earth, which family did not have a refrigerator?

"This is not the kind of refrigerator you think, but a high-level version. This refrigerator can ice and hit time. Let the time are almost unsatisfactory, then, the treasure put in it will never be bad. So, what special Treasure. "Dragon Ball said.

"Hey? Can I be ice-in time? How is it almost unhappy?"

Zhang Bin was completely stupid, and his face was full of not a letter.

Such treasures are now not seen, and I have got one?

Also, the time belt in the dark area is to arrange special array?

Is the array of refrigerators?

If it is a method of studying such a mailing, it can be broken when it can break the time band.

Thinking of this, his eyes have taken a hot rays.

His hand also explored, grabbed the top door handle of the refrigerator and pulled it gently.

The door opened.

It is a small space.

Place a small piece of bouquet, put a strange liquid, floating a wine glass in the liquid, and the glass is a blood and a soul particle.

This is a place that is really used to resurrect.

"This liquid is estimated to be super treasures, but this is the treasure of the other party's resurrection, but I am not good to take away." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

"This is a specially configured energy liquid, which allows the soul particles and blood to resurrect. Directly cultivate the big gods. Not a good treasure. It is useless to you."

Dragon Ball said.

Zhang Bin also no longer tangled, he opened the door in the middle.

I look forward to it.

There is a jade tube, and there are three jade boxes.

The first jade box is three drops of Dantian real water.

I almost yelling in Zhang Binhuan, this time the harvest is too big.

He has three points.

Third, there is no such treasure.

But the first second parties are needed.

And his body also requires two drops of Dantian real water.

The second jade box is 10 capsules.

"What is this Dan medicine, Dragon Ball?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"This is guarded the Dan, with the Tanian real water, don't worry about the breakage of Dantian. Just don't need a master to help guard." Dragon Ball said faintly.

"Good treasure, I just take it, don't be Zhang Dong Liu Chao to help guard."

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color of joy.

"This kind of treasure is generally not used continuously. When you need it in the future, now you don't have this. If you are unfortunate, it is completely wasted."

Dragon Ball said.

"But it may also be taken away from the treasure." Zhang Bin said, "I still took more safe, but the two are all taken to take a drop."

In the third jade box, it is a kind of milky white treasure. It is also a drop, with eggs so big, and the light is bursting.

"God, this is the pearl?"

Zhang Bin happily jumped.

He read the jade tube imposed by Zhang Dong, which recorded ten treasures to expand Dantian.

The replenishment of the pearl is the treasure that is second only to Dantian.

It is also extremely precious.

Many powerful giants want to get one, but they can only dream.

Because it is rarely rare like Dantian.

Even, no one knows how the pearl is formed.

However, here is more than 100 capsules.

It is simply worthy of wealth.

This Bin can be given by it.

Zhang Bo, Liu Fu, Tianlong Has, Tianlong Jing Xue, Ye Wei, Xianglian Princess ...

Zhang Donghe Liu Chao is also to send some.

Zhang Bin quickly pressed the ecstasy in his heart. He fixed his eyes in that jade tube, and his face floated slightly, but more doubts.

Resurrection, do not have any exercises, because all in memory is all.

All, there is a jade tube, a very strange thing ...

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