The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4617, arrogant stone

"It's so embarrassed, and it is resurrected here, you still have to wait here?"

Zhang Bin, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Tianlong Ling Tian is all in the anger.

They rushed over.

However, there is no one in the Dongfu.

The ghost shadow is also seen in one.

"Hey ... Sure enough, I will wait for this seat. This is a resumed, I will destroy you like a dog. This is a giant, killing you, I don't know how much. I didn't kill the ants. the difference."

The horrible sound came from the cave on the cave.

"court death……"

Zhang Dongran was anger, and he took the palm of the hole.


The broken sound sounded, the stone wall cracked, and there was a deep hole.

"Hey ... I am here."

The horrible voice sounded again, but it was passed from the floor.

"Listen to my way, chase."

Zhang Dong smiled.

So he pointed to the direction, and Zhang Bin was driving a stone tortoise, even if it sneaked into the ground.

Penically chase in one direction.

"It turned out to be a way of monitoring the magic weapon. It is no wonder that it can know the trace of this seat.

The stone is soaked quickly, saying, "But, you can't help this, this seat is the most good at the stone, the world is unparalleled. Waiting for me to flee into the dark area, the way of monitoring the way to lose power. I will kill back, you have to die. . "

He is not a blow, and the speed is fast.

It is not a stone tortoise.

Even faster.

So, I will lose his trace soon.

"If we are ambush at the coffin."

Zhang Bin said with depressed.

"That is useless, the coffin is inlaid in the rock, not very hard, can't open. There is only one instant to escape the coffin." Zhang Dong said, "and he can commit suicide at any time because he still arranged nearby. The resurrection location, resurrected here, just to first intimidate. "

"What should we deal with him?"

Tianlong Ling Tian's face has become very serious.

"I couldn't find him. However, once he entered our world of human world, I can know." Zhang Dong said, "Let him, he is resurrected, you want to completely recover, it is not so easy. At that time. At that time, Zhang Bin has grown up, we will be more powerful, afraid what he does? "

"Is he can find a strong or friend to come to him? Then revenge?"

Zhang Bin asked hesitatedly.

"That don't worry, since he suffered from the sky, the traces of this era will be erased, he will not remember him, his loved ones, will all fall, completely do not exist." Liu Super faintly said, "So, now he is an alone, it is found to find foreign aid. However, his memory is there, so he cultivated the speed will be faster. However, you have Hongmeng refining Tianchi, there is Refining the antiques, the speed will not be legged with him, then it is mainly to deal with him. The so-called causal cycle. "

"Then I am not afraid of him."

Zhang Bin's face has a strong confidence.

Since you can die once, he will die for the second time.

Although the other party may be the top giant of this era.

It can even know the magic weapon of Zhang Dong's horrible monitoring.

Soon, they returned to the world of coffin.

Kill all the strong monsters of this underground world.

All valuable medicinal materials are destroyed.

It is to worry that the other party will come back and use the cultivation of cultivation resources here.

That is the strength of the other side, I want to get cultivated resources in the dark world, but it is very difficult.

It may even be slightly in the ditch, and the death is not necessarily.

Back to the cave.

Everyone has asked the results.

"The bastard is very strong, it is indeed resurrected in the coffin world. Also let him escape." Zhang Bin said, "But he is strong, but it is very difficult. So I can rush him. The appearance, killing him directly. "

Everyone will put down.

And Zhang Bin also entered the glorial array, holding the stone sword that belongs to the stone day, thinking in fine.

The stone is undoubtedly a peerless genius from the stone age, cultivating the era of present, and then left the area, the strength may really exceed Zhang Donghe Liu Chao. It may be the horror giant on the intension.

He said that he has killed countless Zhang Dong Liu Chao, and it is not necessarily false.

And this kind of giant, because it is repaired, the speed is of course very fast, and may even avoid some of the shortcomings in the past, thereby become stronger, and he will definitely be a way to restore the strength, there will be no bottleneck.

Therefore, he recovered strength and won't be too long.

It may be 10,000 years.

The crisis is coming.

If you don't have a strong force in 100,000 years, then the consequences are unimaginable.

The Xuan Taoist House must be opened through the assessment of Dragon Ball.

Otherwise, you may have to tragedy.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's face became extra heavy.

Because this is hard to hard.

Even, there is a stone turtle that I don't know where it is.

His reasoning is talking about being confident, but it is comforted.

Even, he knows that Zhang Dong and Liu Chaos are not careless.

They are also very solemn.

They are also smart, naturally, can naturally speculate such a result.

They also set up ways to become stronger and cope with future crises.

However, Zhang Bin knows that this crisis is he is Zhang Bin, and two of them are just suffering from no disasters.

And their top genius can suppress one era, of course, is not afraid.

But it will not be so easy.

Like Zhang Bin, they dare to meet any challenge and dare to face any horrible strong enemy.

However, Zhang Bin still hopes that he can solve the crisis brought.

"Dragon Ball, do you know that the stone era?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Of course I know." Dragon Ball said, "The ancient times, the ancient times, the main era, the stone era, the ancient times, the revitalization of the law." Just six times. "

"Lying in the trough, so much era?"

Zhang Bin is very shocked. "How is it distinguished? What is the characteristics of each era?"

"I also said." Longzhu said, "However, I know that the ancient times and the ancient times are no dark areas, it is a very huge world, green mountain green water, beautiful. Over countless giant, they There is a name called engine, the war is still a lot of a lot, and the horror wars will be burst in the turret, there are countless works. There are even most, and even most can't resurrect. Wars destroyed Everything. Let Hongmund turn into a dark area. Bright no longer exists. "

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