The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4618 Perfecting the Trision

"What? Hongmeng used to be a huge world of green mountains and green water? Because the war destroyed everything?"

Zhang Bin shocked his voice, and his face was full of not dare to confuse the color.

"Civilization is destroyed." Longzhu said, "But there are some human survival, they lost their homes, lost the practice of cultivation, and even lost memory. So, they rely on instinct, and dark The terrorist monsters in the area are killing. Their weapons are stones. Just call them as the stone age. Don't underestimate them, they are very powerful. From the killing, from the blood sea of ​​the corpse. So, all the way experience the stone era The stone breaks the sky, the stone is really terrible. Although it falls, but re-cultivation, it will become extremely powerful. For him, it is also a tempering, once an opportunity, once break the current realm Opportunity. Don't have any bad enemy. "

"I won't look small."

Zhang Bin muttered.

He is bright in his heart, his talents are great, suffering from the embarrassment of Hongmeng.

Therefore, all kinds of hardships are also coming.

However, if you spend it, it will become stronger.

This is also an opportunity for yourself.

Switch, he is curious: "What is the stone sword going? How can it be so hard and sharp? What is the great Hongmeng Shen?"

"I have no way to answer you." Dragon Ball said, "If you can open the cave, you should find the answer."

Zhang Bin will no longer ask.

He began working hard.

Consolidate the realm and understand the law.

Increase energy.

Of course, he first refines the third layer of the Chao Language.

Throw in the monster and the corpse of the worms of the worms.

Let Hongmong refining Tianchi decomposes, letting refining the new refining of the new refining.

"There is a new refining, we will break through, so you can break through a few bottlenecks ... become a lot."

Zhang Bo, Liu Yan, Tianlong, Tao, Tianlong Jingxue, silk Yiyi, Ye Wei, three princess, all extremely excited and look forward to it.

They are of course a card in a big bottleneck.

After all, it is not possible to break through the refining, and you must take the will.

After a month, Zhang Bin has concluded two bottlenecks in a row and cultivated to the later stage of God.

This is of course the trial of refining nuts.

However, it is only possible to make Zhang Bin quickly break through two bottlenecks.

Because there are only so many medicines of the insects and monsters in the realm of the world.

Of course, in the future, it is still possible to use the Tianwei Di Bao to give birth to a good refining.

Accelerate the speed of practice.

"Ping ..."

Zhang Bin sat in the knee, his hair fell.

As if countless dragon.

The way the silk is condensed on his hair.

The trial rule is also condensed above.

Since getting the law of Si Ji, it is the highest level, plus some sentiment and cultivation experience from Yan Ji.

Zhang Bin's use of silk law has also been greatly improved.

The races of the 28th level are already very advanced.

His hair is now able to easily kill the giant giant.

Not only the role of silk, but also the blessing of the trial rule.

"And let me refine a hair, be sure to make it more powerful than the hair of the silk. Look at the Libra is that the power will not improve, see the trial will not become more perfect?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he immediately tried it.

Strive to refine a hair, making it incomparable, soft, silk, trial rules are also dense, and there is no gap.

The hair really becomes the burden.

Black with a golden light.

Excorps a rich majest.

"go with……"

Zhang Bin's heart, this hair took out, stabbed on the rock.


It turned out to be deeply stabbed.


Zhang Bin has sent an amazing voice, and the face has also floated.

He felt that this hair is more suitable for Libra than the hair of the silk, and it is far beyond.

"Libra combination ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

Suddenly, his hair passed through the scales, and then stayed on the scale of the Libra.

And Libra is also lifting.

Explosive radiant light.

The majesty of terror is also rolling out, swept the world.

"It seems that it really gains different, is there a labeling?"

Zhang Bin's face has been surprised and surprised.

Then his face changed.

Because he suddenly found the invisible passage connected to Tianlong World through his own Dantian.

The rules of the Tianlong World World are constantly volatile.

The trial rules have made a light of mortgage.

After a while, I stopped.

"There is no collapse, it is obviously not too much change."

Zhang Bin muttered, but he still began to carefully feel the Libra.

Then he was surprised to discover that the trial of the trial contained in Libra is really different, there have been some small adjustments, but the power will certainly improve the improvement.

He can't wait to practice.

Since there is a good foundation, it is still very easy to understand these changes.

Time will pass quickly.

He cultivated for a hundred years in the light millet, and he finally concluded clearly.

"Trial, trial of all life in the world, life and death, I have a scales in my heart, sinful can't escape ..." Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

He's trial rules of the Dantian law sea, burst into light, and it has been expanded from a hundred times.

The majesty is rolling, and other rules are shaking.

And the Libra is chemically formed into a light, and it entered Zhang Bin's heart.

Suspend there.

Zhang Bin felt that he can see through the hearts of the heart, seeing the sin, seeing the enemy's strength, deciding the enemy to die, can see the crisis, see the trap, see the secret of the heavens ...

"Lying in the trough, the cattle ..."

Zhang Bin shocked the extreme, and his face floated with strong ecstasy.

The trial of the current trial may be basically perfect, it is so cow.

"Hey ..."

The horrible voice sounds in the rules of the Tianlong World.

The area of ​​the trial rule began to collapse, annihilated.

Finally, it is completely no longer existed.

Tianlong World, there is no ability to give birth to such a horrible avenue.

Therefore, it can only be completely collapsed.

Zhang Bin, of course, is at the same time, he is really stunned, shocking, it is true that there is really no way to give birth to the super Avenue - trial.

It turned out to be collapsed.

This is also amazing.

"What happened? The trial rule collapsed?"

Numerous giants are all thoroughly.

Including the Black Dragon Big World, as well as the giant giant of the Tower World.

Because all world trial rules have collapsed, it does not exist.

"Don't the world be destroyed?"

They are all amazed, and the law of the world is observed in the world.

I found that other laws did not collapse, they also put down.


However, Zhang Bin's Dongfu has turned a chance.

A black hole appears, rotating in madness.

The sound among the meditation is also ringing.

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