The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4862 promises

Zhang Bin said, this time he understood that each other will repeat him, wisdom, strength, talent, all tried.

Although the other party is very close to me, I feel very promising, but it is not at ease, so I am in the Tang Tang Empire.

No, there are other calculations.

If you really marry the whisper, yourself is the son-in-law of the Temple Empire, that is, I am not intentionally thinking about the power of the world.

The biggest possibility is to let him continue to rule the wind empire.

Although the Trendy Empire has incorporated to Datang, there is no difference in the past.

The crisis of the wind empire is in the past.

And I have got a huge benefit, one is a lot of beautiful women, two are the giant giant of hundreds of master masters.

Unfortunately, I don't care about the wind empire, and I don't care.

The main purpose is to let a Hong Kong dark area restore your life.

As for people who collect some bright attributes, it is the way.

If the wind empire is really willing to enter the Tang Tang Empire.

No need to marry, as long as they wholeheartedly help me, I will reuse them, and they will also get huge benefits in the future.

Unfortunately, they are hard to believe.

They are also in the early days of the Tang Tang Empire, and they are hard to believe in them.

And the Hu Queu is coming out of the scent of the princess, but it is a force.

If you refuse, you will be greatly guilty of the princess, this is an innocent beauty.

I can't bear to hurt her.

Do you want to refuse?

"Your Majesty, the princess of Xiang Jie is the first beauty of our heaven, and it is the first day. This year is only two thousand years old. It has been cultivated to the big master. The war can even resist the beginning of the sunshine. Countless young Junjie queued Pursue her ... The scent of the scent is also the heart meat of the wind, the palm of the pearl, let your Majesty, you can see the sincerity of our Taoist Empire. "Furong looked tightly Zhang Bin, I feel Zhang Bin Will refuse, suddenly the heart is anxious, and immediately say it seriously.

"After the mother, don't you say that I am going to do something else? Let's go."

Swee Jie Jie Jiu Jiujiu did not answer, and it was very angry, and he was very angry.

"Originally, I went to Snow Lotus, then let's go ..."

Furong Queen's heart secretly praised his daughter's assists, and immediately said that the rod came up.

"Furong Queen, please stay." Zhang Bin said, "Xiang Jie Princess is a good girl ... But this is very important, you can't agree immediately, I will call the minister to negotiate, and give you a reply, how?"

"The monarch is negotiable, it is necessary, it should be."

The royal family of Furong floated a surprise.

As long as Zhang Bin does not immediately refuse, it has a huge hope.

After all, the marriage has no harm to the Datang Empire.

As long as those ministers are not idiot, then they will agree.

The confrontation of the whispering princess has also floated the shame of Hongyun, secretly looked at Zhang Bin, and immediately hang down, the heart is like a little deer.

Obviously, Zhang Bin just praised her, and she was very happy.

Not angry.

As a result, Zhang Bin arranged Furong Queen and Xiang Jie Bai Princess stayed in a luxurious cave.

He himself is a lot of ministers and began to discuss countermeasures.

Even, he also invited Yu Wen to Cheng Tian, ​​of course, detailed and explained that the situation of Hongmeng today, his own ambition, and is currently difficult.

"Ai Qing, today's Feng Empire's Furong Queen is coming to marriage with Xiang Jie Princess ... How do you see? Do you want to agree?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Congratulations, Xiang Jie Princess is the first beauty of the wind, the first day, the countless young juvenile Junjie wants to marry her, but there is no qualification. If you are married, not only you can get A large empire, and it can also make a genius beautiful wife, and future descendants will certainly be extra genius. "

The first of Jizhao said excitedly.

Everyone was stunned, especially Zhang Bin, but also looking at him with a weird eye.

He is Ji Chao, and his father-in-law, his daughter is Giti. Isn't he not afraid that Giti lost in front of Zhang Bin?

This is nothing benefit to him.

"Your Majesty, only the Datang Empire has become powerful, and there is a possibility of competing for the world, and marriage in the world, you can make the Tang Dynasty empire a lot."

Ji Chall is seriously said, "How can Chen not support?"

"This old thing is too deceitable. He first supports, hesites and lungs. In the future, can you have the benefits of Jiji? It will certainly seal the Queiti as the Queen, Jiiti's child, it is a prince."

Some ministers woke up, they all broke in their hearts.

However, they certainly will not agree.

I have published my own opinion, and I said that marriage is beneficial to Datang Empire.

Let Zhang Bin married the whitening princess.

There is even the minister said: "I have to give birth to the beauty, but my Majesty has always disagreed. Of course, I have to marry a few beautiful women, deal with the Yun Yu Empire and the imperial empire, or use the marriage method ..."

Even Yu Wen has also said: "His Majesty, most of the people of the Temple of the Wind Imperial is bright attributes, and the giant of Fengjia is also bright attributes, and the marriage will be used, and there is almost no suffering. Visual."

So, the marriage is set.


Furong Queen and Sweek Princess sitting.

"Daughter, are you satisfied with Zhang Bin? If it is not satisfied, now it is still there?"

Furong said.

"Mother ..."

The whisper princess is a feet, "You laugh again."

"Where did I make you? I am asking your opinion?"

Huatong Queen said, "For the past, so many years of Junjie, you can't see it, although Zhang Bin is handsome, there is no one after the talent, the war is extremely, only cultivated to the middle of the city, even Mother is not his opponent, or even your father, it is not necessarily to play him. However, he may not enter my daughter's eyes. "

"After the mother, I don't care about you."

The whispering princess is shameful and embarrassed, and turns into the room.

However, after a while, she came out again, hesitively asked: "After the mother, you said, will he agree?"

"Silly girl, he has agreed, now inquiries about the opinions of the official."

Huang Queen said.

"But I heard that he also married the girl's daughter, the Ji Jia will agree? If you disagree, it may be yellow."

The whisper princess is a bit worried.

"Don't worry, Ji Jia will agree."

Furong said confidently.

Sure enough, very fast, Yu Wen Tian has come to visit, smiled and said: "Congratulations to the Queen of Furong, congratulations on the scent of the princess, and his Majesty and Wenwu have agreed ..."


After the queen of Furong, the scent of the princess is a surprise, shouting in your heart.

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