The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4863 accounts for a big cheap

When I got a good job, Huang Queen took a letter with Xiang Jie Ji.

The whisper princess has repeatedly turned back, I want to see Zhang Bin to send her.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin did not appear at all.

He is busy cultivating.

I have already entered the graphic cultivation.

"Stupid girl, the time to welcome the relatives, I will go to our Tianfeng Empire to welcome you, you can't help you."

Furong said after the Queen.

"I didn't expect him to send me ..."

The whispering princess is shame and embarrassed, and it is full of red.

It seems bright and not square.

Soon, they brought four powerful guards to return.

"What? You promised to bring the wind empire into the Tang Tang Empire? Have you lost our daughter?"

When Furong Queen go back, Xi Toss is reported to the wind sweep the world, and the wind sweeps the world. It is almost disadvantaged, and the face has become iron green.

The teeth are almost bite.

It is the meaning of him to marry, and then their treadmaking empire will get along with Datang Empire.

The people of the Trendy Empire have accepted the trial rules, but it is not enough to join the Tang Tang Empire or the people of the Tangyu Empire.

This completely resolves the crisis.

But now it is not the case, the loss is big.

"This is still me, I want to find the law, otherwise, he doesn't want to marry us, don't care about our Trendy Empire."

After Huang Queu, I gave a crit.

"I don't agree, I will absolutely disagree, not married with them."

The wind sweeps the world, I feel deeply hurt, and I said that the urgentity is ruined.

"You don't agree?" Furong Queen did not have any nervousness, faintly said, "What kind of people do you know Zhang Bin? Do you know what kind of achievement in the future? I told you that I just want to see it. He, see what kind of person he is, if it is barely enters the eye, then marriage, we don't pay any price, if you are not satisfied, I don't want it. However, when I tested his wisdom, tested his Tianfang After that, I will change my mind immediately, not only to marry, but also to make the treadmaking empire. "

"His wisdom is very high? Tiantian is very good? Can you control Hongmong in the future?"

The wind sweeps the sky.

"His wisdom is absolutely unbearable, even a lot. As for his talent, huh, huh, huh ... not I can't afford you, you give him shoes and don't match. You are a dog, there is such a smart The wife, and his marriage is successful, you have a super genius son-in-law. "Furong queen said.

"What? I don't help him with shoes? You say hello."

The wind sweeps the world, I am screaming, violently jumping.

"Some time ago, he only cultivated to the early days of Hengkoki, and some people said that he killed the early days, medium and later, and you didn't believe it, I also didn't believe it. So I personally Test him. It is incredible. Now he has cultivated to the main stage of the maintenance. "Furong Queen said," I have a full force and him, and I even use a ban, it is far from his opponent, and finally I use it. Out of the will of the leaves, I still can't hurt him ... I ask you, you can defeat the present in such a realm? "

"Shu ..." The wind sweeps the world, "Is this true?"

"If it is not true, will I ask for marriage with him? I will make the wind empire to dowry? Our eyes will agree? At that time, she suffered from suffering, worried, I was afraid of Zhang Bin. Agree to marry. Then she estimates that this life will live in depression and disappointment. "Furong said.

"Although it is true, the price we pay is too big."

The wind sweeps the world.

"You have steal music. With such a son-in-law." Furong Queen said, "Have you seen such a strong genius? I have to know that he also created a unparalleled trial. Correiding all evil, dealing with the invasive cancer, letting Hongmeng resume life. Can you expect it in the future? If he can't control the Hongmeng, create a brand new emperor, what talent is qualified? "

"But his realm is too low, and the middle of the sunsyncho. He is a peak, a full-time peerless genius, he is not an opponent." The wind sweeped, " The point of this, it is estimated that it is necessary to cultivate the mid-stage or later, which requires long time, he may not grow up. "

"Mouse-inch light." Furong queen did not say good, "he worked hard to restore his life, and then let the boneless sea recovered his life. He is extended to support the time. That can have Time is growing. Although this is very difficult, because there will be the attention of the cancer royal family and human ambassy. However, you don't forget, he still stands two super horror giant giant, they have cultivated to the Optimus Successful, one of them even easily kills the loneliness of the success of the Optimus. Therefore, any powerful giant came to attack, all came to death. After retreating 10,000 steps, even if he Without growth, the soul of the squat collapsed, Hongmeng was controlled by other people or cancer people, and the other person did not die, because the two strong people behind him will certainly protect him. Then he can grow up, wait for him The cultivation to the maintenance of the maintenance, it is to control the giant of Hongmeng. The power to call Hongmeng and the fight, and it is not that his opponent. So, no matter how to analyze, he finally controls Hongmeng. Create an unparalleled emperor, but also control The trial rule is estimated to have been inherited. And you are his father-in-law, how many benefits do you get? Let you do real princes, and it is a big prince, it is a good time. The princes have a lot of times. "

If she knows that Zhang Bin's two giant, Zhang Donghe Liu Chao has already destroyed Hongmeng, flying to the domain, and it is estimated that Zhang Bin is not dare.

And Zhang Bin also will not marriage with the Trendy Empire.

Because there is no necessary, directly cross the past.

Kill the emperor, no one can block.

"You are right, we are very cheap."

The eyes of the wind sweeping the eyes lit up, and the face was also floating the color of the rich.

He immediately called the Wenwu Baiguan, Fengjia Master.

It is a matter of marriage to marry the princess.

"What? Our Taoist Empire has been successful with Datang Imperial Marriage?"

All the ministers' eyes are bright, and their faces have a surprise.

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