The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4869, the army collapsed

Zhang Bin's voice has just fallen, and the soldiers who are patrolling at the border patrol run out.

At once, it became the people of the Tang Tang Empire.

Soldiers who don't run the bright attributes are not very loyal to the virtual empire, but because their loved ones have not escaped.

Once your loved ones escape.

They dare to escape.

However, because there is a black attribute soldier patrol, most people don't dare to escape.

After all, they are not too powerful.

"We also welcome the soldiers of the dark attribute to join the Datang Empire." Zhang Bin once again shouted again. "Although you can't master the trial attribute, but you can calm the frontier, you can kill the cancer, you will bring you, establish a very incomparable Strong Datang Empire, completely restore his life. "

Although the emperor island is far from the virtual empire.

However, Zhang Bin's heroic deeds have long been communicated to the virtual empire.

And not to say Zhang Bin's horror talent, he created a unparalleled road - trial avenue, there is such a horrible power, and it is really easy to kill the monster and the cancer and a virus, let Hongmeng recovery vitality.

Following such an emperor, of course, there is too much forward more than follows.

So, most soldiers are exhausted.

Soldiers who have no family and loved ones, they ran out directly.

After all, they have been on the boundary line.

It's too easy to escape.

More exciting, Zhang Bin once again said: "Join my soldier of Tang Tang Empire, don't worry about your family, if someone dares to persecute, I will destroy his nine."

The emperor is a word of Jiu Ding.

And the Datang Empire is so powerful, I don't dare to do it.

Therefore, they didn't have worries, and they ran out.

Just one moment, the three trillion army basically landed.

Just only have a virtual family, less than 100,000 people.

Just only have a family.

It can't be called an empire.

"Ah ... Zhang Bin, you are a good poisonous heart ..."

If you are really mad, he flew out of 100,000 virtual families.

Suspended in front of Zhang Bin, yell angry.

"I didn't attack your empire." Zhang Bin said faintly, "It is your own incompetence, there is no way to keep the child. I am extraordinarily, you have chased me in the past, I haven't worked. "

"Hey? Our virtue has been chasing you?"

The fallen face changed, stunned.

"Yes, then I will practice to the big master, in Lujiazhuang, your son is a virtual to grab my friend's daughter ... It's just shameless, what you are like this, also made a emperor?" Bin said.

"It turned out to be you, killing my son, killing me two elders ... Do you dare to tell me? Due to death?" The virtual rumor was in a hurry, yell angry.

This is an anger that is installed, in fact, it is very deep.

This is also the only way to save their imperialism.

If he killed Zhang Bin, the Datang Empire also watched it.

Even if there is no, the Datang Empire is crushing.

He can also flee from Zhang Bin's trial.

Even after Zhang Bin, there is a successful giant, and may not be able to catch him.

Then he has mastered the trial of trials in the future, becoming the master.

There is even possible to master Hongmeng.

If you don't pick it up, he wants to kill Zhang Bin, that can only be a dream.

Now he even has no army.

And Zhang Bin is a countless army, countless people.

"Your Majesty, let me kill him."

Da Dao said.

He worried that Zhang Bin didn't play a false.

After all, if Zhang Bin fell, he will die.

"Your Majesty, I also have absolutely grasp the killing of blush, let me shoot?"

The wind sweeps the world.

"No, I personally deal with him."

Zhang Bin was confident, he flew out of the dragon boat, and picked it with the virtual order.

This is a big risk.

However, he must do this.

Because he has an annexious empire, he must show a powerful strength.

It can first get to those Optimus.

Also allow everyone to worry out.

Even can attract more giant to invest in the Tang Tang Empire.

That maybe, the emperor of the Yunyu Empire will surrender.

If you make big derivative or wind sweep the world, then there is no such good effect.

"I am a one-on-one pair of Zhang Bin's next one. So, if I fall, don't retaliate, don't resent it. You can go to the Tang Tang Empire, you can go to another continent." Said to him.

In this way, if he killed Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin's belongings will not attack him.

Then he has an opportunity to escape.

Accident is very good.

Then he made a moment, behind the vain of the will tree, but the leaves are completely true.

Dark blue is, tough, sharp.

His will tree is also a huge exception.

Not Asa's previous wind sweeping world.

Of course, the current wind sweeps the world because the treasures have become bigger, and of course, it has exceeded the fallen.

"Come come, Zhang Bin, we will finally fight. Life and death."

A sharp willbew knife appeared in the hands of the broken hands.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin, of course, shows that the other's heart is thinking, he is smirk.

The heart is moving, there is a scale in the hands, and the trial table is floated at the feet. There is a vain of countless judges. It also floats the vain of the will tree. Now there is already a coarse, and the two leaves are also close. 100 square meters of area.

Excorps to a sharp pressure and momentum.

This is because absorbing a lot of beliefs, let Zhang Bin's will have improved huge improvement.

The will tree naturally grows up.

But because there is no breakthrough to the maintenance, the leaves are only two pieces.

Suddenly his momentum is like the sea, the pressure is like the sea, swept the heavens and the earth.

"God ... Just cultivate into the middle of the city, but can practice the will tree to such a huge point? Zhang Bin's talent is also very good? It is just that there is no ancient people before."

Countless giants of the virtual empire shocked in the heart, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

Switch, or some people secretly worried, "Zhang Bin's will of the will tree, but the gap is too big, he actually dares to pick with the virtual order?"


Zhang Bin had a past, but his speed is not too fast.

Preventing the other party suddenly used the meaning of the leaves.

The farther distance, the more time he strains.

Haven't approached the other party, and the Libra in his hands took a murder of the sky.


The fallen smile, his will knife in his hand rapidly on Zhang Bin's sky.

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