The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4870 killing the god, annexing the virtual empire


A horrible to the extreme giant, the spark is pole.

Zhang Bin and the virtual bust have a huge anti-earthquake force.

They fly back quickly.

With more than a thousand steps, stopped.

But Zhang Bin is going to retreat three hundred steps.

A tricky, Zhang Bin is slightly in the wind.

But don't forget, he only cultivates the middle of the city.

And the virtual bust is cultivated to the main peak.

"God, Zhang Bin is really too powerful, it can be better than the virtual bust."

"Zhang Bin is mighty ..."

"Zhang Bin is invincible ..."


Suddenly, some people shouted in madness, and their faces were filled with enthusiasm.

So strong, it will certainly give them a brilliant future.

The wind sweeps the world and secretly shocking, and the face is full of colors.

Zhang Bin's strong strength, once again exceeded his expectations.

If Zhang Bin broke through a small bottleneck, the kinemare master is very easy, maybe it is like a killing chicken.

"It is a peerless genius that created the trial avenue. The combat power is terrible, but you and I will tell me, it is your period. I want to kill you, with your body and magic flee."

Washing in your heart, he flipped in the same way, and crazy, a knife, Zhang Bin.


The void is cleared, and there is a black hole.

The murderous is rich.

The momentum is also more than ten times.


The most horrible ban on the faint, can explode 11 times the power.

And I haven't used it all.

Now he is a trick to kill Zhang Bin, lest the night dreams.

From the news that Zhang Bin, Multi-end, the fight is very strong.

Therefore, he doesn't want to give Zhang Bin any opportunity.

"Zhang Dong version of Shuanglong grabs the bead, kill ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly. His momentum and prestige have skyrocketed, and the Libra in the hand is full of fullness on the other.


A loud noise of the sky.

The sparks are empty, and the sky has become extra bright.


Virtuality feels that a horrible to the extreme anti-shock, his two hand of the tiger mouth cracking, blood.

His people also poured in the air like Tengyun.

His mouth spurted with blood fog.

And Zhang Bin is not very good, continuously retreats.

However, Zhang Bin did not hurt.

Moreover, he rushed the past as soon as he shot.

The mouth is crazy: "Trial ..."

Suddenly tried the big array, although only one person's trial of the trial.

However, he can draw some mana of countless judges.

Collection is together, it is extremely horrible.

The pressure is like the sky, and it is crazy to crush on the wrong body.

When the virtual stuff is dropped from the air.

And Zhang Bin is rapidly close.

I feel the crisis of death, he is crazy: "Wanye ..."

His towering will leave the leaves from the branches, and they have become a thousand knives, and they are covered with Zhang Bin.

Although he is under Zhang Bin, his will tree is extraordinary, but it is from above to Zhang Bin.

It is closer to it.

However, Zhang Bin is unrecognizable, he has become a stream, and the lightning is close to the void.

The two leaves on his will have a suddenly separated, and the murder of the sky is smashed.

Teach the blasphematical knife to block.

His mouth suddenly spurted a needle of a will of the leaves.

The speed is too fast.

Whether you want to block it.

Therefore, the tree needle is already shot on his forehead.



The fallen screams have made screams.

However, he is worthy of the huge giant, still there is no false.

He continued to work hard to move the leaves of the leaves to Zhang Bin.

I'm going to see Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin is invisible.

Instead, it is a coffin.

Hey ...

The will leaves all in the coffin.

But it is not possible.

The coffin is suddenly opened.

Zhang Bin took out again.

Crazy one-day scales have been bombarded on a false head.

Bang ...

A loud noise.

The fallen head exploded.

The flesh and blood, the cerebrose splash.

The fallen soul is still not dead, and it is chemically fled.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

The horrible power is on the fallen soul.


The virtual shouts have made a fear.

His soul is inexplicably crashed.

It has become a black smoke in a day.

Dissipate completely.

He is falling, there is almost no possibility of resurrection.

After all, today's Hongmeng has been magical, killing the human giant resurrection.

This battle, Zhang Bin's warfront of the main battle.

With powerful strength, horrible wisdom.

I have won the victory, kill the broken, and I have no damage yourself.

Exhibition of peerless talents and horrible fierce.

"Your mighty ..."

"Your Majesty is invincible ..."

All people are shouting crazy, and the face is full of fanatics.

The wind is shouting in the world.

At this moment, he was completely served against Zhang Bin.

As for the master master of the virtual empire, it is a very good.

Thoroughly surrendered.

And Zhang Bin's prestige has reached the vertices.

The virtual family is also glanced, his face changed, sweating.

Why didn't they think that Zhang Bin is winning, killing a virtual shock.

"let's go……"

The virtual home is a master, and it is shouting.

Take the 100,000 children of virtual home, plus some loved ones, and go out.

The pen is straight to the Snow Lotus Empire.

"Your Majesty, do you want to kill them?" The wind sweeps the world to ask, "I think that the grass is better. Otherwise, they went to the snow lotus Empire to move to it, it is unfavorable to the Tang Tang Empire."

"Sir of them." Zhang Bin said faintly, "they don't move, the Empire must know everything happened."

He is bright in his heart, if it is a broken virtual family, the name is not good.

Sealed the other party's empire, but also rushing to root, those people who know people, will not come to go.

Moreover, these people who belong to the dark attributes of the virtual empire will also be surfuse.

He is hard to take them.

Swiring, Zhang Bin took the army and entered the virtual empire.

I started to build a new army and appointed a new big general.

These naturally have hibiscus, wind sweeping the world, Yu Wen Cheng Tian, ​​Ji Shi and others are responsible.

Zhang Bin will not be busy.

He entered the gloomy array and continued to cultivate.

As if, annexed a virtual empire, for him, it is a negligible thing.

"It's really a mountain. My son-in-law is too big."

Furong is secretly praised in his heart, and the means of Zhang Bin and boldly admire the top of the five-body investment.

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