"Zhang Bin is still burning the line of law, laying the maintenance of the mountains?"

The color of the cancer, "Is it," Is it, he wants to expand the area of ​​the , call more heaven and earth, thus confronting the ? "

"It is impossible to do it all. Zhang Bin is in the deadline."

It's been a thousand people, "Because Hongmeng also has a heart area, Zhang Bin has come from there, the heart is also the dark area, but it is green by Zhang Bin's trial rule. However, he did not lay down The maintenance of the mountains of the mountain. Can't win the power of the heavens and earth in the heart area. The heart area is extra large. It is a lot of power to the heavens and the earth who is called. It is easy to let the kill Zhang Bin are easy. Zhang Bin is dying in herself. "

"Mix, why not say?"

Carcinoma is furious, and you will be on the face of a thousand people.

Play a lot of old American head straight sway.

The rest of the cancer royal king also got a brow, and his face became very ugly.

Because CHANG Bo can refine the success of Huntong, you can call the power of the heavens and the earth in the heart, not only to kill Zhang Bin immediately, and also have a lot of grasp the cancer group.

After all, the evil power that the cancer king can call is not too much.

It can't be much better than heaven and earth.


It's been awake and praised, and it is said to be a head.

"Amazing, you immediately took the big army to kill the heart area, and all will be black."

Carcinoma is a black sky.


It should be made in a Japanese, and I will start with the cancer national army.

This is still known as this.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin is laughing.

He continued to engrave the array line, after half a year, the army of the ages was about to arrive at the green sea plain.

Zhang Bin launched the burnled array, then transferred, and returned to the green sea plain.

Immediately upgrade the large array of green sea plains.

Suddenly, the region of the enhancing of the horses and hostel is rapidly expanding.

This is too terrible.

Almost completely covered the green sea plains.

Then Zhang Bin went to the heart area and began to madly arrange the .

Some of the helper here, they opened the earth and exposed the rock ground.

Let's take the position of Zhang Bin, which direction is going to go.

Therefore, the speed of the arrangement is of course a particularly fast.

Once the mana and brute force have been exhausted, he tries to cultivate, Titan and many treasures taken, quickly feel the law.

Because Zhang Dong and Liu Chaofheng, I went to the Kyoto's law, so that the law of the rule rose to level 58.

Therefore, even in the heart area, Zhang Bin can also pass the rules to feel the law.

The cultivation is also convenient than in Kyoto.

Finally, there was a big army with a big army and returned to the entrance to the heart area.

Then he is dumbfounded because it is all covered by the Oil Hill Mountain.

The area here is too broad, and it is a daunting area.

"Come, quite a thousand people, wait for you to come in and send it."

In the array, Liu Qiang's voice was raised.

"Zhang Dong, Liu Chao? Where did they go?"

It's amazing, and it's a big anger.

He will never forget, and the scene of Zhang Donghe Liu Super bullets.

"You are not worthy of their two hands. I am enough for you."

Liu Qiang smiled and said, "Come come, kill in ..."

I have a good one, I will know the horror of the Optimus Mountain Barrier. Where can I dare to go in?

He immediately reported the situation to the cancer black day.

"The heart is not in the heart, is there a wide-ranked entertainment to the mountain big array?"

The color of the carcinoma has become ugly, and the teeth are almost bite.

He is with many giant to negotiate for a long time.

Then they once again transferred to the capital, of course, not in the .

Start crazy to spread viruses.

The place where no layout and hoshan is black.

The human army is now unresciling, and it is a group, and it is not dare to go out.

Can only stay in the mountains in the mountains.

Then the cancer family once again launched a terrorist attack.

Of course, it is to start an inch to destroy the enrichment of the Optometry.

This time, they are not entering the array area and go to destroy the array lines.

Instead, from the periphery, the array line, the dark green area, slowly advanced.

Obviously, they have found that Zhang Bin lay in the heart of the Optimus Mountain in the heart area.

And the power of Hualibo is competing for the power of the world.

They want to take the opportunity to kill the kaeshan of the capital.

Control all in the capital in the hands.

Then they can attack the moon palace crazy.

As far as their strength, it is likely to be more rapidly broken.

Maybe it can be broken before the perfunctory can refine the fire.

Then they can say a victory.

However, if they have not been able to refine the Moon Palace before Shingbo can refine Hongmon.

Then they can only escape.

Zhang Bin left, regardless of human death. "

All humans felt a strong sorrow, and their faces were filled with desperate colors.

At this moment, they hate the excellence.

If Yau Yibo can enter the moon.

That Bin must continue to lay the mainstay of the main, the cancer family wants to break, it is simply a dream.

Humans naturally can turn to safety.

They don't know, this is actually the cancer family and Zhang Binzhi.

Mutual exchange.

So far, Zhang Bin has not occupied the wind.

It is really his soil.

Zhang Bin kept a spark, so he quickly knew the countermeasures of the cancer.

He couldn't help but secretly admire, and the wisdom of the carcinoma is really horrible.

I came up soon, I came up with the way.

Degreement is not good.

If you kill the capital, arrange the array against confrontation.

That kind of calls, it is also possible to adjust the power of the heavens and the earth in the heart area.

First kill Zhang Bin, and then deal with the cancer.

And Yue Yibo has once, but the palm of it is, of course, I know a lot of secret.

It also hides the army in such a place.

And it is likely to master the trial rule.

If Zhang Bin does not go to Beijing, but in the heart area, it is in the heart of the Optometry.

That cancer can be more rapidly destroyed in the Beijing's enhancement hill.

Kill all human beings.

Attacking the moon.

Killing CHOPE can.

The big event will be fixed.

Then he Zhang Bin has certainly no living road.

Zhang Bin did not pay attention to him, he continued to lay an out of the heart of the mountain in the heart area.

After all, the zone of the enrichment of the main array in the mainly arranged in half a year is extravagant.

The cancer group wants to break, not so easy.

He has time.

Don't be too anxious at all.

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