The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4917 Holy Longmen Inheritance

Ten years have passed.

The cancer family has collected countless cancers and crashed.

I finally killed the enhanks around the Royal Palace, so that the Palace was completely exposed to the heavens and the earth.

As for all human giant, it is escaped from Beijing.

But it is still in the

The cancer continues to be crazy, and it will be killed in the capital.

They have to completely kill the kaeshan of the Yangtze Cown.

Then even Zhang Bin came back, I was unable to go back.

Because they will never give Zhang Bin to continue to arrange the opportunity to protect the Oil Hill.

"Boom ..."

Many kings of the cancer invoked the evil forces and then launched the Cancer Town in the world.

Start madness to attack the moon palace.

I sent an earth-shattering voice.

The capital is shaking, the earth is shaking.

"Human is over ..."

All human giants are sorrowful, and their faces are filled with desperate colors.

They know that Hongmeng only has a green sea plain is a green area, and there is no longer in other places.

Then even if Chai Baibo refines the Hongmeng, it is impossible to call the heavens and the earth, and it is absolutely impossible to be a cancer opponent, or will be killed by the cancer.

Even, it is very possible, and the cancer can quickly attack the moon.

The inside of the call is completely killed.

After all, the power of the cancer king attack is no less than the old days.

But they are multi-person attacks.

And continuous continuous.

Slightly tired, it will be replaced.

"Zhang Bin, you are too disappointed. I actually lost my agency. Renior of the cancer broke the enrichment of the Oil Hill, began to attack the moon."

The knee is sitting in the moon palace, the crazy refining, Hung Meng, the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

He pressed the uneasiness in his heart and continued to refine.

Hongmeng is equivalent to an incomparably powerful magic weapon, with countless array lines, and it is necessary to use spiritual power.

It's really not easy.

Need a long time.

Moreover, you need to take a lot of treasures, quickly restore mental strength, and let go of the spirit of transporting.

So far, he is only a few more than one-third of the array area.

He also takes nearly 20 years to refine.

However, Moon Palace can support so long, but it is an unknown.

Yan Xuelian and many human giant passed to the Green Sea Plain, see Zhang Bin, unfortunately, did not see Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin will not pay attention to them.

It is almost vomiting for one by one.

At this moment, Zhang Bin took the knee in the heart of the heart, bathing the red green light of the stone turtle.

The body makes the stupid pressure and horrible to the extreme moment.

The rule tree is swaying crazy.

Call ...

Zhang Bin Dan Tian's law ruined sea area in sharp change, the rule of the sea rotated crazy and began to expand slowly.


Almost at the same time, the broken voice sounded in Zhang Bin's spiritual realm.

He broke through and finally broke through the end of the earth.

Moreover, it is brute force and mana to break through.

This is of course the credit of Tiandan.

Even Zhang Bin has not taken all the medicinal herbs.

Just taking less than half.

"Ha ha ha ... I finally cultivated to the full age."

Zhang Bin issued an excitement to the extreme laugh, and his face has also floated ecstasy.

The most difficult stage passed.

In the future, even if the rule and the energy of the energy planet are not advanced, it can break through.

Because the main cultivation is willing in the future.

He continued to cultivate, consolidating his realm.

After three days and three nights, he came out from the light cloudy array.

I am shouting: "Array upgrade ..."

Suddenly, the lines of the array arranged showed the light.

The array is also suddenly expanded, and it will become ten times quickly.

Today's proportion reached 1: 100 million.

This is horrible.

It is also almost the limit of the .

Because all the rules should be cultivated to level 56 in the future, it takes a long time.

Moreover, to upgrade the energy of energy planet in the body, it is also very difficult.

Of course, if you can really do it.

The kaesa can upgrade, can achieve terrible one billion, even billion, 100 billion, trillion.

And the decade of array is of course exceptional.

Now there is about one percent of the area in the heart of the squeezing.

But still very few.

If you want to rely on anti-call Adobe, it is still very difficult.

However, Zhang Bin's inquiry, the mainland, the mountain, also upgraded.

The defense capacity has once again increased ten times.

His body made a richness of the ultimate.

Now, you are not easy to kill him.

Maybe even the cancer king is difficult to do.

Therefore, he still has a certain weight loss ability.

"Master, congratulations, through the assessment of the Shenglong door, officially become the disciple of the Shenglongmen."

Dragon Ball's voice suddenly sounded.

"I finally passed this damn assessment, it is too ubiquitous, the rules of the Holy Longmen are also too difficult."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he was looking forward to: "Sheng Longmen inherit, gave me."

He also expects to get enlightenment from it, improve strength.

Otherwise, his situation is worrying.

"The master, the content of the law, now you can inherit you, but many treasures of Tan medicine are going to the cave."

Dragon Ball said.

After that, Longzhu quickly transported the content of the Shenglongmen to Zhang Bin's mind.

Zhang Bin quickly read.

The Holy Longmen inherits, it is really not easy, let Zhang Bin are sighing.

A total of four aspects, one is the array, the oysters of the arrangement of the array. If you understand this, Zhang Bin can also create a more magical array.

I have already got a mailing inheritance, but it is not so detailed now.

Obviously, Dragon Ball has left a hand.

The two is the victory, the Shenglong door is studying the steps of the peak.

The crane soul is representative.

It can easily destroy the maintenance of the Optimus.

Of course, there are many many horror.

Three are Dan.

The study of the Shenglongmen to Danyang has also went to the peak.

It can refine the magical medicinal medicine far more than Tiandan.

It can also refine the energy of the energy, will, the soul Dan.

Can rapidly improve mana, brute force, willpower and soul.

The fourth is the cultivation of cultivation.

In fact, it is the fifth volume of the gods to win the heavens and Hongmeng.

It is the sacredness of the Shenglong old man, and there are countless days of disciples, the mysterious practice of the disciples.

Today, Zhang Bin's realm is here, and there is certainly no difficulty in reading such a skill.

He readed finely, and took Zhang Bin and Liu Chao.

Gradually, his face floated the strange smile!

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