The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4918, the cancer is crazy

Zhang Bin first went to a mysterious turtle.

This time is very easy to open.

There is no too much treasure inside.

Just only have a lot of medicinal herbs, inquiry, and a blade.

Of course, it is placed in the time refrigerator.

Zhang Bin is not polite, all taken away.

However, if he wants to go to the domain, he will also place more treasures.

After all, this is a rule.

The Shenglong Gate outside the domain can also supplement fresh blood and become more powerful.

In the future, Zhang Bin can first go to the St. Longmen first, it should be a relatively safe place.

And from the holy dragon gampers, he naturally reports the holy dragon gate.

Then Zhang Bin passed the green sea, and upgraded the Oil Hill Mountain.

He sent it again.

Jingcheng, the cancer king is still crazy to attack the moon palace.

The sound is shocked, continuous continuous.

Beijing shakes, rocking in the earth.

Darkness also swallowed everything.

It is all at the end of the scene.

"We really want to extinrate ..."

"It's over, it's over, it is estimated that the moon is about to attack."


The human beings in the middle of the city, the human giant in the mountains, all crying, desperate.

At this time, Zhang Bin fately, landing in front of them.

Of course, it is a secret that is transferred to the depths of the ground, then come out and fly.

"Zhang Bin ... you are finally here."

"Zhang Bin, you must save Hong Kong, save human ah ..."


Numerous giant is surprised and happy, even, some people are gratifying on the ground.

"Don't worry, human beings will not extinct, the cancer family will not succeed, I will come to expel them this time."

Zhang Bin faintly finished, just shouted, "Array Method upgraded ..."

His voice just fell, and the array area lit up golden light.

And the spread is far from the green area.


Many monsters have made a sharp call, all of them fall.

The green area of ​​the bullet is also appeared.

The area of ​​the green area is doubled.

It took directly to Beijing, and it was deeply in-depth.

Suddenly, a lot of cancer soldiers fall into the array area.

Optimus below, all explosions.

Optimus giant is also fearful.

"God, this is too amazing. How did this do it?"

All human beings are shocked to the extreme, and the face is full of not bonus.

"Walk, go with me to kill and drive the cancer group, the capital is the place of our humanity."

Zhang Bin said.

"Kill kill ..."

Many human giants are completely exciting, they are crazy.

With Zhang Bin, soon I entered the capital, along the green area, it is easy to enter.

The cancer family will not be able to defend.

They crazyly killed the cancer in the array area.

It is simply a massacre.

After all, the top of the cancer family is attacked by the moon.

Killing the cancer soldiers in the array area.

Zhang Bin once again started to engraighted the array, and kill all the way to the palace direction.

Many human giants are of course helping, picking soil, moving gravel.

Even, they also spread their uneven places.

Let Zhang Bin are easier to record the lines of the array.

Today, Zhang Bin can be said to have been supported by all human giant.

"What? Zhang Bin appeared again?"

The carcinoma black weather that is attacking the moon palace is really vomiting, and the teeth are almost bite.

He immediately quited the attack and let the other king top.

Then he flew up, suspended the void, and looked at Zhang Bin who was engraving the array with ice cold.

"Zhang Bin, you are just looking for death."

The cancer black sky shouted, "our cancer is invincible. Dare to work with our cancer group, never ended."

Zhang Bin did not look at him and continued to engrave the array line.

And many human giants are of course not willing, they began to break up.

"Intercourse, you have the ability to kill, see how we kill you?"

"The last day of your cancer is coming soon. Dare to come here?"

"You are so early to commit suicide ..."


The cancer black weather is in a hurry, and the face is blue.

Extremely fierce.

He didn't have any delays, and immediately started to stand in the cancer.

Of course, it is from the periphery, burn the array line.

However, this time is not good.

The human cold giant is hit with the trial army, and crazy attacks the cancer of the engraved lines.

The horrible wars broke out on the edge of the array area.

Human giant is standing in the array, the cancer can only be outside the array.

The former has the strength of the heavens and the earth, the latter can call evil.

Killing is very lively.

But the mortality is not high.

Because they don't dare to enter the other party.

In this way, Zhang Bin carried out recorded the array line, of course, was not disturbed.

Continue quickly, expand the array area quickly.

One is too amazing than the proportion of 100 million.

So, just three months less than three months.

Zhang Bin expanded the array area to the palace.

Put the moon flora.

The cancer royal king had to stop attacking the moon, escaped.

That is to say, before the pretext.

White is busy.

"Hey, stop attack? Is Zhang Bin shot? Obviously he knows that if the cancer is refining Hongmeng, he doesn't have any vitality. If you are refining, he still has a vitality." The sound of the Yue Yibo sounded a surprised voice, and the face was also floating, but his two eyes were shot.

In the past, he was a selfishness, not enough to be happy.

So, I was found to find the opportunity.

But this time, he will never be soft.

Zhang Bin is the only genius that can threaten him to control Hongmeng, kill.

Just, when you kill, but you have to think about it.

He no longer thinks, continues to work hard to refine the chanting.

"We have won ..."

Many human giants shouted excitedly, and their faces have also floated the color of ecstasy.

They did not find that Zhang Bin didn't see again.

Of course, he is transferred back to the heart area.

He came to Beijing not to save CHEF.

Instead, save yourself and humans.

That is absolutely unable to let the cancer family to refine the Hong Kong.

Because the cancer family is refined, you can instantly recover the virus, let Hongmund recover your life.

The cancer family can call the power of infinity, and it is too easy to kill him.

Now, even if the cancer is broken, then attack the moon palace, it is too late to time.

Zhang Bin continued to engrave the array.

Brute force and mana consumption are almost the same, try hard to practice.

This time, that is, it is taking the Tan medicine cultivation in the holy dragon gate.

And he created a good practice for yourself.

Of course, Hongmeng cream and the fifth volume of the gods.

He is ready to break through the early stage of the maintenance.

After all, the will tree is towering.

Accumulation is enough.

Breakthrough is not impossible.

"Zhang Bin, you thought to destroy our plans, then in the heart of the heart to protect the mountain big array, can you confront the ?" The cancer is smiling, "I Tell you, the more you do, the more you die, because this means that you will be able to fight, how can he not kill you? If he calls, there is not much, I can completely Make more green areas, then he kills you like killing the dog. Waiting for you, Hongmeng will also be our cancer. "

(The cold is basically good, I will send it today.)

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