The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4935, the first day of the cancer

"Give me ..."

doesn't have any embarrassment, just shout directly, and then slammed a knife on the left hand of the heave.


The heavenly lock is broken, just as it is like a radish.

Suddenly, the will of the sauce began to grow talle, and the leaves were also long, and it became ten pieces.

But this is of course just that there is only Haot you can know, it can't see it.

However, two of them still have been glanced, and the mouth is big to the limit. I can put in a grapefruit.

Even, never know the violent talents of , I also sent a big shout, "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can this?"

The heavenly chain is really strong, and if you want to cut off, it is almost impossible. It is used with a long annual moon.

"Oh ... Just still watching , now it is so big. It's really a laughter."

It's been in the heart.

He also forgot what kind of appearance did he surprised himself.

"Optimus medium, there is a lot of powerful, can more call 15% of energy."

It muttered in the mouth of the vine, and the face floated on his face.

His knife passed the left hand, then lifted high heaven, and slammed on the heaven chain of the right hand.


A loud sound, spark splash.

There is a gap in the chain of peanuts.

Then he continued to be crazy.

Dangdang ...

Just for a few minutes, the second heaven chain is completely cut.

He cultivated to the later period of the maintenance.

It is simply like broken bamboo.

"How can this be?"

It is even like a fool, and the eye beads are almost falling, and the chin is almost dropped.

Continuously cut two heavenly lock chains, how horror talents, how horror?

" ..."

The broken voice sounded, and the darkness flew like a ghost.

Falling in front of them.

He refined the Hongmeng, some people broke the heaven chain, and he certainly knows it clearly.

If he only dishes one, he doesn't care.

However, is two consecutive, he is very shocking.

Come and see.

"I have seen it ..."

The three people respectfully rudely.

And the black sky is to look at the vine with the hot eyes, and the face is full of joy, "What is your name?"

"When I returned, I am ..."


"Your talent is super good, you can have a two-way lock chain. However, cultivation is still a step in step, don't be too late, the foundation is the most important." Barbarian said.

"I want to participate in the genius selection, so I want to break the three heaven chains, reach the , attached to the rules."


"Hey? Do you want to cut three heavenly lock chains continuous?"

The dark eyes are big enough, "Do you feel you can do?"

"I don't have any grasp, but I can try it."

After the , he once again slammed a knife on the heavenly lock chain of his left foot.


A loud sound, spark splash.

Unfortunately, even a trace is not there.

"Talent is very good, but it is not more than Zhang Bin, that is the real enchanting."

It is quite in the heart, and he sighed slightly.

It also floats the color of a lot of a thousand ancient and pretty.

However, has not stopped.

He appeared in his hand.

When it is pressed, it is completely pressed together, turns a thick leaf, and turn it together, it becomes a semi-circular leaves.

However, the edge of the leaves is a blacked ask, which exudes a cold breath.

The will of his hand is also rapidly changed, turned into a saw bow.

He turned the leaves as a saw blade on a saw bow.

Then he started pulling it quickly on the heaven chain locking the left foot.


The harsh sound is ringing.

The heaven chain has a gap and then slowly deepens.

Finally, it is completely broken.


And the black sky, it's quite a thousand people, and it's all completely dumbful, just look at the monsters.

It is also said that you can't say it for a long time.

It is too big to give them a shock.

They have never seen it, some people break the heaven chain.

This whimsy, it is simply against the sky.

"This Tianda chain is actually as hard, but it is very good to break. I will try it, can you disconnect the fourth heaven chain."

After squatting, he started to saw the fourth heavenly lock chain.

However, this time is very difficult, saw it for a while, and only a faint trace.

Obviously, he wants to see the fourth heaven and lock chain, or can not be done.

However, when he stabilizes the realm, then you can do it.

"Ha ha ha ... our cancer also has super genius, and it is no more than Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin, this time you look at you."

It is very excited and crazy laugh.

His face is also full of ecstasy.

Their cancer, come to capture Hongmeng, the purpose is to use Hongmeng to give birth to some super genius.

Now I have just refined the Hongmeng, I have already had such a horrible genius.

This is simply the luck of the sky.

If he knows, is Zhang Bin's third part, then he will always cry in the toilet.

So, the sauxi became the first day of the cancer.

Got a full-scale cultivation of cancer black days.

Cancer black genius is the most distinguished royal family to master the most amazing skills of cancer.

And he made full efforts to cultivate , of course, did not hesitate to teach the most magical skills.

"This is the cancer saints that our cancer old ancestors have created. Suitable for the genius cultivation, even, I have no way to practice. Haoto, you study, fast, I hope you will be within a hundred years It is necessary to cut off the fifth heaven orchestra chain, then I will seal you for the big prince, can call Hongmeng half the power of the world, and then go to kill Zhang Bin. "Sthavish Christ excitedly

"It is certainly no longer negative."


As a result, began to study the talents of cancer.

Sure enough, it is very magical, it is much amazing than a lot of gods.

It is also too much.

Any organism is actually a energy body.

However, most of them have impurities.

It is powerful, not only from any impurities, but also the energy body has become more advanced.

First, we must evolve your own fire into a burning warming.

Then you can split infinitely, enter any energy planet, quench energy ...

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