The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4936 is a strong

"Hahaha, I finally evolved the fire of chaos flavors into burning the atrial cancer fire. It turned out that this is a magical secret law of nuclear fusion. It can be sent to the extreme flame, but it is necessary to use Will to do reactor ... It seems that outside the domain is very common for the application of will. "

Among the cultivation of the secret room, there was a big shouting of .

His mind is always moving, the fire begins to split, one change two, two changes, four ...

Endless split.

Until the fire in any of the energy planets, there is a fire of a burning cancer fire.

Moreover, there is a new discovery of , but the fire of burning the atrial cancer is not only quenching energy, but also provides energy, so his war has improved a lot.

It is simply a large change in the earth.

He continued to cultivate cancer holy.

Strong quickly.

Even, even the will tree has skyrocketed and become more hard.

"Not bad, this cancer is very good to win the day."

Zhang Bin, which cultivated in the light intranated array, also muttered it, "But I can give me a lot. I created the fifth volume of the gods, but I can upgrade, repair the fire of burning the alarmal fire." The quenching energy is imperative. I feel that my cultivation is a bit stagnant, that is, because my own energy quality can't keep up, but the mana is still progressing, even if I have to advance to 57. "

He thoughtfully thought of it, and then revised his own creation.

He began to cultivate.

Just three days, he cultivated the fire of burning the aid carcinoma.

Divided countless splits.

Incorporating a large number of energy planets, hiding in the depths of the world, supplying energy.

Also crazy quench energy.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin felt that his energy was slowly improved.

Fully keep up with the progress of the mana.

"Ha ha ha ... Yes, good, now my defect is made up. I can quickly strong. Cancer black days, thank you, you gave me a huge help. And my third part, maybe You can also continue to go to the domain to do undercover, you can really get a huge benefit, and you can also detect countless secrets. It is definitely a good thing. It is also a magical chess. And yourself in Hongmeng, it is the third division. Subverting the death of the death again and again. Of course, it is also related to my own wisdom and talents. "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart," Cancer is dark, you will never know, how did you defeat. "

Time will pass quickly.

One hundred years, blinks.

Of course, in the light cloudy array, it is 2000 a hundred years.

It is a very long annoyer.

A wide work martial spot.

It's all in the dark, and I looked at five genius.

Of course, is one of them.

Now he has already cut off the fifth heaven chain.

He can easily fly out of the field.

As for the other four geniuses, they did not have such a cow, they all cultivated to the Optimus, but they did not break the fifth heaven chain.

"You are a genius that is bitter, you take a treasure of unparalleled precious treasures, today, you have to test your war."

It's a truth, "Now, you have four full attacks."

"Kill kill ..."

Four geniuses shouted at the same time, they took out the magic weapon, killing the murder of the sky to the .

"The ant ants, smash ..."

Haot is a roar, scarful to the extreme willpower is crushing.

It is pressed in four genius.


The four people were on the ground at the same time, and there was no way to struggle.

They are very angry and angry.

You know, they are the most expensive royal, and human beings are exactly the same.

And is not.

Therefore, they did not abandon the attack, and they slammed the vain of the will tree behind them.

All the will leaves out, and the sky is covered with.


The sound is extraordinary.

The murder is also extravagant.

"Ha ha……"

Haoto made a contempt.

His palm is highly raised, and the moment it has become popular.

I took it when I took it.


A loud noise.

All the will leaves are patched on the ground, and it is chemical into a powder.

And the four genius also patted the meatcake.

Ah, ah, ah ...

The four screams rang, and then it will stop.

Because they fall.

It was taken directly.

Nothing to watch the excuses of many cancer people in the vicinity.

The forehead of the cancer black sky is also an emergence of two green killers.

He is hard to cultivate five genius, but one of them is too forced, and the other four genius will be killed.

Do you want to be so fierce?

Is this better than Wu?

"Your Majesty, I am sorry, I don't know if they are so weak, I kill them in a palm ..."

also puts a pair of innocent situations.

"You are suddenly too powerful, it is unclear."

The cancer is dark, "come, we will two single-handed. I have to try your strength, what is the power to do? Is it possible to propagate Zhang Bin?"

"The you have to be careful. I am afraid that you will kill you."


Bold ... "

"Mixing ..."


Numerous cancer people are very angry, and they are screaming.


Carcinoma is in the dark.

He walked more step by step, then he felt a punch.

Suddenly black light, the void collapse.

The power is of course very horrible.


,, .. . ..

In an instant, two huge fists are bombarded.


A horrible giant ring.


Yan Yu did a painful voice, he felt that a horrible to the extreme power came.

He flew away, and then fell in the ground, and then slammed a big pit.

Take a closer look, you can see that his fist appears cracks.

The mouth is also flowing.

Anti-view, that is, it is like a mountain.

One step is not refunded, as if the punch just now, it's just that it is, it is nothing.


All the cancer people have a breather, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

They know what is the power of the cancer black sky.

Always the first master of the cancer.

Is the throne of the first master to give a sail?

"Do you have a full force?"

The cancer is jumped in the dark, and the hot light is shot, and asked excitedly.

"Of course, it's all right, maybe one is one."

The said faintly.

" ... a little one?"

Numerous cancer people are stupid.

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