The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4961, brother is a legend

Zhang Bin really glanced, and he didn't have a god in half a day.

These two willbirds are too busy. Can you make his will tree more fruit?

I have nothing to do so.

However, this means you have cultivated to Xiaosheng Ten level?

However, I have not become stronger.

Is this in camouflage?

"Camouflage? Does not exist."

Snow can know what Zhang Bin's heart is thinking, "The owner is so huge, how can I set a fruit once? Of course, you must knot ten. But you are still a small group, wait for the fruit to grow to the first The fruit is so big, it is considered Xia Sheng Ten. "

"What is the meaning?"

Zhang Bin asked in his heart.

"Of course, it makes sense." Snow said, "You have a lot of speed, you will use a hundred years to cultivate to Xiaosheng Ten, and you will be enough for ten years. That is, for you. In terms, there is no primary, secondary, such probability, directly is the Saint-Shengzhong Sheng, China Saint-Dasheng, Great Holy Holy King ... "

"So amazing? Is there any sequelae?"

Zhang Bin surprised, but it was a bit worried.

"How can there be a sequelae, your will tree is more than 1,000 more than others. Waiting for us to cultivate, there will be a lot more." The night pluades, "the owner, you put 10,000 hearts ..."

After finishing, two of them drilled into a will.

Sleep in it inside.

Obviously, they say that the nest is the will.

And they sleep, it is very quirky, and there is green light on the body.

Even, still swallowing the energy and mana in the will, then feedback, energy and mana becomes more and pure.

The will tree has become spiritual.

There is a big trend.

"Lying, this is too amazing ..."

Zhang Binzhen was like a fool, and then he told the East Mountain Lord.

"Too cow is forced ... What kind of will?"

The Lord of the Dongshan area also heard it, and the shock is very shocked.

The Hongjing Crystal, also heard in the side, is also envious of the extreme.

Xiaohong is also a little shy, escaped to the crystalline in the body.

It doesn't have such a magical ability, it is impossible to make the will tree so much fruit.

It can only grow the will tree slowly.

"Domain, how do I cultivate them in the future? What kind of food is given?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"The willbird is basically no food, they absorb the energy and mana, but only have few parts, then help interact with willpower, let your will tree become more healthy, becoming more High. Of course, if you get the eggs of many domains, they also like to eat. However, don't feed them now, when they become very powerful, they will go out to find food. Basically don't worry about them. Safety. "

The East Mountain Lord said.

"It turned out to be a symbiotic relationship, but it is good."

Zhang Bin's face floated on the face, and it was too dark to grow up.

If you want to feed the domain, he is really feeding.

But just need to feed energy and mana, that is, a piece of dish.

What is huge, energy and mana in your own body, the source is endless.

Always consume.

"Brother, you said, let me have a lot, then selection through Shenlong Gate, now you can teach me ..."

The crystal is not letting Zhang Bin's sleeves.

She is not a fool, since Xiaohong told her Zhang Bin's will tree huge, and the Dongshan domain owner also hinted, let her give good to Zhang Bin.

Obviously Zhang Bin's talent is incomparably, he passes the selection of the Shenglongmen is a little problem, and it will grow into top giant.

Holding Zhang Bin's thigh, it is absolutely correct.

Just let her have a bit of heart, this brother's character is a bit problem.

"I can pass your lowest inheritance of your holy dragon gate, but you must say that you have passed the selection, I tell you that the low-level inheritance of the Holy Longmen has a dragon ball, a stone turtle, the assessment is exceptionally harsh ..." Zhang Bin fine I said that I said how my past is selected.

"God, are you already a disciple of holy dragon?"

The crystalline jumped highly, and her face was full of madness, excited excited to the extreme.

After all, the Shenglongmen is the first cultivation of the people of the family, and it has cultivated too many powerful storms.

There are famous in the domain.

However, if you want to become a disciple of the Shenglongmen, it is difficult.

"You can say this, my brother is the holy dragon gate has a history of history, the talented disciple, shoulders the heavy responsibility of the Shenglongmen to become the first powerful martial art outside the domain." Zhang Bin said, "But what do you know? Otherwise, countless The wild heart will play the idea. Just like Hongmeng, thoroughly tragedy. So, brother can only disguise into a very ordinary disciple, the worst, only more than you. And you must keep this secret Do not tell anyone. Otherwise, no one protects you. "

He got two willbits, and naturally, he also knew the magical ability of the willbird, you can induce the will tree in others.

In this case, there is a little red crystalline, you must know his will tree is particularly terrible.

Of course he wants to prevent it.

"This is too tasty, is it, don't you get better than the worst disciples of the St. Longmen?"

Hongjing crystal almost did not cry, and then think that Zhang Bin's will tree is more than a thousand times higher than her, and there is a weak feeling.

The gap is too big.

Is your own talents so bad?

"Is it hit? Can this hoe can't be checked?"

The Lord of the Dongshan area is a bit distressed.

However, he knows that it will not be hit now, and if you go to God's gates, it will be huge.

That may not even select it.

So, he also has no sound.

"However, your mana and energy cells are completely balanced, this is very good, countless people don't have such a talent." Zhang Bin said again, "Plus you got a small red, the will tree can still be long in the future Big, it is great than most geniuses, and there is no problem in entering the holy dragon gate. If it can get heavy vertex, the income is excellent. "

"But than you, too much."

Hongjing Jing got some comfort slightly, lifted his head, and his tears were white.

"Don't be with my brother, brother is a legend, know?"

Zhang Bin said.

"I ignore you ..."

Hong Jingjing was also critred, and the drums said.

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