The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4962 foraging

"Grandpa, the inheritance of the holy dragon gate is amazing, and it is very magical to the extreme, incredible ..."

In the palace, Hongjing Jing is showing a show in front of the Dongshan area, pretty red, excited excited to the extreme.

"Do you say that the maintenance of the hill? Can you arrange it in the body? The defense ability has improved too much?"

The Lord of the Dongshan area is a bit envious.

His brute force and mana are unbalanced, so he did not pass the Shenglongmen selection.

However, his son Hong Hao can pass the selection, it is the disciple of the holy dragon gates, he has of course heard of the struggle of the holy dragon gamper - the main array of hills.

"Yes, the mainstay of the hill is too amazing. I actually made my world's changes in the world, and the order was re-adjusted once, becoming extra reasonable, my war has improved a lot, as for defense capabilities It is even more terrible. "Hongjing Jing excitedly said that" the bad guys did not reliably, but his tacit is terrible. He has improved the Optimus Mountain, so that the power has improved three%. More than ten. With this, I can pass the selection of the disciples of the Shenglongmen. "

She knows more than Zhang Bin, and there are many ways to choose the disciples of the Holy Longmen.

The disciples of the Holy Longmen are even selection of disciples in their body.

Just like Hong Meng in the body of the Shenglong door in the body.

Once the disciples selected, they will go to the Holy Paragon gate to participate in the selection, and it can be passed.

Originally, she was in the same way as cheating, and I was a bit worried.

However, Zhang Bin is too busy, enhances the power of the .

That is absolutely able to make up for this defect.

"It's a little better to your brother, and you can't stop him is a secret of peerless genius. In the future, he will participate in the selection with you, it is a very ordinary genius, just can be selected by the selection." Dongshan domain is seriously .

"Well, I will."

Hongjing Jing took a head and then she walked away.

The mouth is muttered: "My brother is a big liar, big bad guy, it is estimated that it can't be a wife."

Of course, the Dongshan area is heard. He is crying, this child, what?

Zhang Bin also read numerous classes in Baolu.

Of course it is in a light intranation.

If you read it, don't worry about it.

With the increase in reading, Zhang Bin also has more knowledge of the domain.

His cultivation has also become efficient.

Various speed is increased.

After all, I read a lot of giant cultivation and experience.

This is a huge enlightenment for his genius.

The place where the holy dragon gampers inherited, they were suddenly clear.

His mana is improving, and today his rules have evolved to 65.

This is a big leap.

As for the energy in his body, it will be promoted to 65.

Yes, energy is equally a series.

The energy of the Optimus is a 60th level, breaking through a realm to improve the level.

Therefore, today's Zhang Bin can be said to be a master of Xiaosheng 5.

This progress is simply against the sky.

However, there is a huge credit with snow and night.

Without their help, Zhang Bin may now only cultivate into Xiaosheng Second.

It may even be reluctant.

"My luck is really anti-sky, I can get the magical will of Snow and the night."

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart.

His eyes are also projected on their own will.

Big snow and night becomes a lot, and now it is three times more than Xiaohong.

It seems to be a particularly spirit, exudes a powerful breath.

"The master, go outside the domain, we want to eat eggs ..."

Bai Xue and the night feelings should come to Zhang Bin's consciousness and say it immediately.

"Are you not afraid of danger?"

Zhang Bin asked some worriedly.

"There is owner, we are not afraid."

Two birds also said at the same time.

Obviously, their courage is still a little small, want Zhang Bin to go with them.

After all, it is still a young bird.

And it has never been out.

"Can't be a flower in the greenhouse."

Zhang Bin also felt the defects of two birds, and they were in the heart.

He has a detailed place to count, and today's strength should be able to confront the holy level 5 or even higher.

But it can go out once.

After training, you can let them go out for food in the future.

"What? Do you have to take them out?"

The Lord of the Dongshan area is a bit nervous.

"Is it a big danger?"

Zhang Bin's eyebrows.

"The big danger is not there." Dongshan domain said, "Because it is now close to the Qingguang Domain, the evil cancer domain has not chased us. However, it is impossible to not be dangerous, because in Qingguang Around the field, the dragon snake is mixed, the master is like a cloud. There are a lot of giant giant to snatch the treasure. "

"Nothing, I will train them in the nearby, if you can train the speed training, then go to the food."

Zhang Bin said.

"Then you are careful."

The East Mountain Lord said.

He did not send any giant to protect Zhang Bin.

This will never take bad things.

Be more and more reflects Zhang Bin's importance.

Maybe will trigger some ambitional kidnapping Zhang Bin, and the treasure.

What's more, Zhang Bin took a lot of money in Baolu.

Many will have the will of the bomb, most of which are what the heavenly bodies are produced.

" ..."

Zhang Bin became a black lightning, and the vine was empty.

Suspended over the East Mountain area.

Here, the gravitational range of the Dongshan area has been separated.

Of course, the East Mountain Lord is also reduced speed, and he is afraid that Zhang Bin can't catch up.

Zhang Bin took two birds.

The willbird is very magical, no one can recognize them, they look like the domain.

In fact, they are the domain.

Especially the domains such as snow and the night, there have been no more events in countless years.

What's more, or a pair, it will not be doubtful.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is not worried about being recognized.

Zhang Bin began training their speed.


Two birds flew in this wide world in this wide world.

It is more fast than lightning.

Start, Zhang Bin can also easily catch them.

But slowly, their speed exceed Zhang Bin, and is getting faster.

After a day, their speed is thousands of times faster than Zhang Bin.

However, it has reached the current limit.

Of course, it can be improved in the future.

After all, they have not grown up yet, just a beast.

"Let's go, go find the egg to eat."

Zhang Bin sat on the back of Xiaobai, and yelled his feelings.

"Master, you are sitting stable."

Snow is also a proud of it.

It has become a lightning with nightization, and it has no shadow.

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