The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4981 should take the gas in Zhang Bin

When Luo Ba Mount glanced at it, he found two beautiful women in the tree.

One of them wears a veil, and the other is awkward, it is extra beautiful and fascinating, the body, the face, and the world.

Even you are so beautiful, what is the beautiful and noble?

However, he is a peerless genius, the official disciple of the Holy Longmen.

Still soon wake up.

He said something a little angry: "So many ancient holy fruit on the tree, you can't get it, why can't I see?"

"Do you know who our lady is?"

,, Nature is also. Such a top treasure, the first treasure ranked first, how can it give? "

"It turned out to be a big lady. Sorry. I will go right away."

The face of Luo Baishan changed, shrinking the neck, and started back.

Miss in Qingguang Domain, that is not he can provoke.

As for the ancient holy fruit, since it is the first treasure in the glare domain, it is not that he can get.


Light merchants are yelling.

Luo Baishan stands, it is not a moving, and the mouth is also careful: "Miss, why do you tell?"

"What is your name?"

Light merchants asked faintly.

"My name is Luo Ba Mountain."

Luo Baishan said.

"You first came to the depths of the treasure, I found ancient holy fruit tree. I can see your war, but you only cultivate into the second level of China, the realm is not high, it seems that your talent is good. I can Give you a chance, if you can resist me three tricks, I can give you an ancient cheap fruit, then your talent can get a certain improvement, the body of the body, the will tree will become bigger. "Guangran Jing faintly Say.

"Miss, how can he take you three tricks? Do you not hurt? Are you not in the trick? You are more boring."

That is in my heart.

In fact, the Guangrenjing is really trying to fight with the real genius.

After all, her tacit is super good, the war is terrible, and it is invincible with the realm.

However, because her identity is noble, anyone who is trying to test is not to use, I am afraid to hurt her.

Let her feel very addicted.

And it has always doubted that your own war is really invincible with the realm.

So, this time this is a good opportunity, she is of course to grasp.

This is also the reason why she asked to come in ancient holy fruit.

However, she is a bit depressed, there is a thousand holy fruit, but it is inexplicably nine.

It seems to be taken away.

She is not good to do, very angry.

She doesn't believe that someone can come first better than her.

But the fact is so, let her depressed, doubt.

The heart is angry, and now I have to violently violently.

"This, the big lady is Zhongsheng six levels? I only two, where can I resist you three tricks, don't hurt? You can kill me directly."

The eyes of Luo Baishan flashed the hot radiance, this is the best chance to get ancient holy fruit.

However, he still knows that the other party is so noble, her grandfather is, but the Shengguang Tianjun and gravity Tianjun.

The terror of talents, in the domain are famous.

After all, only one of him has created two rules.

The rest only creates one.

So, the talents of Guangman are willing to be very horrible, and the war is absolutely more than his genius.

The disciple of the Holy Longmen is a genius, but in the exterior of the exterior, there is no one to enter the previous 100.

It's really too big outside, too much genius.

It is just a glaucoma, and there is countless giant, and there is a numerous wisdom of wisdom, which has a very powerful genius.

Collect together, there are too many quantities.

There is no way to calculate.

So, he tried to remind the gap between the other party and the realm.

"I don't have to use it, but you can use it."

Light merchants.

A powerful banker can even improve 15 times.

And a small realm, the war is doubled.

The second grade of Rozhan in Luo Hill, and the vanithios.

In other words, the war of light merchants is about 16 times that of Luo Baishan.

Of course, it is a case where the talent gap is small.

This is very fair.

"Then I will give it a try."

The face of Luo Baishan has floated, such a good opportunity, of course, to be grasped.

A sharp knife appeared in his hand.

The body has made a vast momentum, and even behind him has floated a huge holy dragon vain.

Tooth dance claws, extraordinary.

"It turned out to be the disciple of the holy dragon gardener, not bad."

The smooth smile on the light of the van, and her huge sword appeared, and the cold breath was exuded. Her back has also floated a huge sun.


The extreme horror.

"Sword" ... "

The voice of the van is crisp, and the sword in his hand gifted the light, as if the sun integrated into the sword. The hot breath is also exuded.

When she stepped out, she has arrived in front of Luo Baishan.

The sword in the hand went down.

"Shenglong out of the mountain ..."

Luo Ba Mountain shouted, and his knife in his hands litred a light.

The knife broke.

Then he was crazy, a knife was on her huge sword.

This is the horror trick of the holy dragon gate, can explode 15 times the power.


A loud noise of the sky.


Luo Ba Mountain made a fear shout.

Because he felt the power of Pei Mo Yu.

He can't hold the sword in his hand, and suddenly fly to half the air.

But the other's sword is still like lightning.

He wants to avoid it.

However, the gravity of terror suddenly appeared.

Let his body move quickly.

The sharp sword is already on his shoulders.


His body was chopped in half.

Fall down.

Blood removal.

Fortunately, it is gone under the hand, and there is no hurting his soul.

Otherwise, this sword can completely kill Rozhan.

The top genius is also completely revealed.

" ..."

Luo Ba Mountain made a crack of screaming and quickly let the body together.

Lying on the ground, the face is full of pain, writing full frustration, full of disappointment.

It turns out that your own talents are alive, and there is still a very distant distance from the top genius.

However, your talents are fine than Zhang Bin.

Because Zhang Bin can't enter the treasure, you can enter.

Waiting for it, play Zhang Bin, a ventilation.

Yes, I have to take Zhang Bin a knife into two halves ...

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