"Talent is very general, not too good. Even my very ordinary tricks can't resist."

Light merchants are like a mountainous land, looking at Luo Ba Mountain lying on the ground with a scornful eyes.

Her face has floated a touch of disappointment.

It's a little but addictive, is it, is the world's genius?

"Miss, I am different from you. My parents are very ordinary, they are all Zhongsheng realm, almost no good cultivation resources, improve the treasures of heaven, have never taken it. However, I still rely. Excellent Tianfang passed the Shenglongmen selection, and even if it is a holy dragon gate, there is no treasure of heavily funds, just inspiring my potential, enhanced my fighting power. "Luo Baishan is very angry," and you are noble Not only the blood is excellent, but also taking a treasure that doesn't know how much to improve the heroes. Your war is surprising, this is not strange. But I know that I can't, I still want to be lucky, because I want to get an ancient Holy Fruit. This is the sorrow of our little people. "


Light mercente is cold, "What is it for you? Can you resist my sword?"

"You can resist it."

Luo Ba Mount's eyes lit up, his face was full of desire and expectation.

Of course, he knows or can't stop, I want to cheat a distant comrades.

"Give you."

Light merchants have taken a disturbed fruit, throw it to him, "This is a reward to you, see it on the face you hurt."

Obviously, she also knows that the other is very eager to get an ancient holy fruit.

I am porn in my heart.

I gave him one.

"Thank you, Miss."

Luo Baishan took the fruit, and his face has floated strong ecstasy.

I am afraid that the other party will repent, I will eat it directly.

And he quickly left here, looking for a safe place to refine fruit.

"Look at him is happy, it is really embarrassed."

That smile, my face floated.

"He is a genius, but the talents are limited, but he doesn't believe, it is not convinced. So, I gave him a chance, let him understand the gap between me," "Guangran Jing said faintly," As for his attitude, don't go to the mean. Breaking the fantasy in his heart, it is actually a very cruel thing. "

They continue to come here.

Waiting for the genius.

Sure enough, there were many geniuses.

For those talents are still very good, but they are very uncomfortable people, and the vans give them an ancient holy fruit and let them improve the income.

Of course, there is also Yao and Yu Zao.

All three guys are happy, this time is really making big hair.

I got an ancient holy fruit.

"Hey ... I have expanded one-fifth in my body world and the Shengguang tree. My talent is equal to one-fifth, which is very huge. My war has also improved one fifth. Zhang Bin, now I am going to defeat you, I will not waste your gray. I want to take a knife into two halves. Let you feel the feeling of being humiliated by me. "

Luo Ba Mount finally refined the ancient Holy Fruit, he stood up, there was a power and momentum of the world. At this moment, he arrived on the extreme, and the gigant was extremely

"Ha ha ha ... My talent is improved, although I can't take the top genius treasure as a big lady, but my talent will be far more than Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin, I want to throw you in the sky. I can't fall half a month. Fall down, I will slap you a meat cake. "

"Hey ... I am strong. The ancient holy fruit is magical. Zhang Bin saw how I put you in the mountains and can't come out half a year."

Yu Zao Qun and Yu Cheng also shouted, they arrived.

"It's a group of cowards, there is no one to come to me to revenge? Do you know that it is not my opponent?"

Light merchants have been waiting for a long time, and no one came to find her revenge, but anyone who came here was repaired by her.

Therefore, she really can't stand these so-called gantai.

Don't find excuses if you are not good.

Really genius, no matter where you can rise.

Regardless, it will not be discouraged, will not be lost, will not be defeated by the powerful enemy.

"Perhaps, the achievements that have not been able to enter the treasure will be bigger than these people."

Light vines muttered.

"Miss, let's go."

That said, "The domain door is the bigger than the fast, perhaps, you can find the teenage genius that makes Miss you appreciate it."

"Teenagers who make me appreciate? It can't exist."

Luminous van is in his heart, and his face is full of proud colors.

Her talents are too good, and the realm is invincible.

Can't defeat her with the realm, how can she appreciate?

She didn't delay, and took all the ancient holy fruit.

Go out of the treasure.

They have to go out and do not wait for the channel.

Qingguang domain will help you take them out.

So, two of them appear directly in the door of the treasure.

Then they saw Zhang Bin who was cultivating the knee pads.

"What is your name?"

Light merchants went to Zhang Bin, asked faintly.

Zhang Bin. "

Zhang Bin stopped cultivating and standing.

He looked at the van with a little quirky look, he was really inexplicably.

This woman has repeatedly talking to him many times, will it be a speech?

"If you can resist my trick, I will send you an ancient holy fruit."

Light merchants said, "Xiaoyan, if you can hurt him, I will give you an ancient cheeper."

"You - have you got a lot of ancient holy fruit?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up.

"Nothing too much, only nine hundred, I sent dozens of it."

Luminous villate is faint.

"Are you so lucky?"

Zhang Bin enjoys the pole, he took one, and the world and will tree have doubled.

This kind of treasure, although only the first useful, then taking it, it is not too much.

But he will have three borders, and there is still a loved ones.

Even, Hongmeng also has his own most talented son to destroy cancer.

Of course give more benefits.

"My luck is very good."

Of course, Guang Yantu is certainly unwilling to explain with Zhang Bin, she is a granddaughter of Qingguango.

"Zhang Bin, what are you doing? Come, come, you are ready, pick me up."

is a bit impatient, she pulled out the sword and said excitedly.

Seeing the Guangli Jing Dafa Shenwei, he went to dozens of genius, she also itching.

And she is just two realm than Zhang Bin.

If Zhang Bin uses a ban, she defeated him with ordinary moves, but it is worth proud.

(There is also one chapter, is being code.)

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