The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4986 Qingguang Domain


At this time, a cold cold snorted.

A giant will appear like a ghost.

He, it is the glare domain master.

He stands like a mountain.

There is a hazy sun behind it, and the sun is a horizon.

It's too terrible.

It seems that the world is not placed in his eyes.

"See Master ..."

Pang Yu suddenly scared the atmosphere and did not dare.

Stretty on the ground straight, don't dare to move.

He knows that he has a blue-light domain to be angry.

"Nima ... this Shaby, actually caused the Qingguang domain to provoke, simply mad at me."

Zhang Bin also broke in the heart, he was more careful, blocking any breath in the body, and did not let the other side see him is a trial Tian Jun Zhang Bin.

Although it is the first place, but there is no powerful day list, but it is far from the main ratio of Qingguango.

People are double Tianshu, and both of them are ranked.

It is one of the top giants outside the domain.

That is not dead, in front of the Qingguang Domain, far away.

"Mix, who makes you proud, who makes you show all the strength?"

The Qingguang domain owner did not pay attention to Zhang Bin. He just looked at Pang Yu with ice cold eyes.

"Sorry, Master, is the disciple, please ask the teacher to be punished."

Pang Yu scared the soul, and looked at the head.


The blue-spot domain is cold, suddenly, the horrible pressure is crushed on Pang Yu.

Suddenly, Pang Yu is like a nail, directly enters the soil and rock, and only reveals a head.

It seems to be extra funny.

"Grandpa ... I don't want to live, I originally said that my talent is so bad ..."

Light merchants cry and crying, don't dare to see people.

"Spandan, your talent is not bad, you don't know, your body world, your will tree, it is much better than Pang Yu."

The blue-spot domain is soft.

"Why is my war?"

When the eyes of the light, the eyes of the vans are suddenly bright, it seems that his talent is not bad, the difference is the fight.

"This, this is the problem of grandfather, that is, I love you, afraid that you have suffering, afraid you to shout, so, don't let you experience, don't fight in the life and death crisis, no, don't work harder than yourself ... After that, it has been difficult to completely play. "

The main support of Qingguang Domain said, "In fact, I feel so good, you are my granddaughter, no one dares to bully you, you don't have to go crazy training and life and death with others."

"No, I must put the combat power, I will go to the life and death experience ..."

Light merchantia is delicate.

"This, this ... then I want to give you a special training plan, otherwise it is easy to fall. Grandpa is going to plan, tomorrow, no, three days after you come to me. You can start to live and die." The Qingguang domain is said.

Perhaps, after three days, Guang Yantu forgets this?

"Grandpa, you see, how many times I can increase the power?"

Light merchants are very excited and asked.

"This, at least twenty times."

The Qingguang Domain Lord finished, he went.

I won't see the movie.

Obviously, where he is going to have a headache.

Let the light merchants live and die, it is a big thing.

One is not good, it will fall.

If you send people secretly protected, if she knows, there is no effect in life and death in the future.

However, it is really dangerous outside the domain, countless strong domain, will not ask who your elder is.

That is killing directly, then eat it.

"Too good, Master didn't punish me again."

Pang Yu is dark and happy, and immediately climbed from the mudstone.

"Twenty times? Not bad, I am the most powerful."

Light merchants are also secretly joyful, then she brought the eyes on Zhang Bin, who turned his neck, and said coldly: "You can go, don't welcome you here."

At this time, she finally understood that in fact, this stupid teenager's talent and fighting power were not.

It's too bad to be more than yourself.

Even, it is more than a point of the brother of the Pang Yu.

I actually thought that his super genius, I want to make him, it is too shameful.

She can't hate him immediately.

"This, 20 ancient holy fruit?"

Zhang Bin installed a little embarrassed.

I originally wanted to teach Pang Yu, but since it caused the attention of the glaucomer.

He can only have a job.

It is very perfect with 20 ancient holy fruits.

Of course, if you encounter Pang Yu in the future, you still have to fight.

Let him know the truth of Tianjun.

"take it."

Luminant is a bit unpleasant, with 20 holy fruits to give a stupid boy, how do you want to be unhappy?

However, she speaks to the Jiing.

So, she is still throwing a bag, which is of course 20 ancient holy fruit.

Pang Yu envy on the side is almost crazy.

Such treasures, they can only get one, but this is stupid, but it is 20.

"Wait for me to hit him, grab it back."

Pang Yu squatted in his heart, his face floated evil laugh.

Zhang Bin is very happy, one grasped, quickly looked at it, I received it in the body.

Then he greedily asked: "Miss, you have said before, but also give me more treasures. Can you give me a few kilograms?"


Luminous vans is really fainting, what kind of teenage is this? Get 20 ancient holy fruit is still not satisfied, you still want her hundred flowers? And do you want a few hundred kilograms?

To know, her hundred flowers, that is used to calculate.

"Teacher, let me teach him such a greedy generation?"

Pang Yu said.

The van is slowly nod, it is too kind, it is really awkward, I can't pay attention to Zhang Bin like this.

Let the brothers are best.

"Zhang Bin is, do you want to get a hundred flowers?"

Pang Yu looked at Zhang Bin with unrestricted eyes and asked coldly.

"Yes, of course, if there are some other magical Danyang, it is better."

Zhang Bin used a look to look at Pang Yu and Miss.

"court death."

There are two of them, and the plus is completely anger.

Of course, they didn't say it, just a laugh in my heart.

"If you can catch me three strokes, your wish can be satisfied."

Pang Yu said with a smile.

"Miss, do you say something?"

Zhang Bin asked excitedly.

Luminant is almost no vomiting blood, and she has seen the real strength of Pang Yu, naturally not worried about Pang Yu will lose.

So, she didn't hesitate to nod, "of course the calculation."

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