The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4987 Talent? A punch

"Then let's find an interior training, or go to the space magic weapon? Don't hurt the flower grass grass grass? Such a beautiful place, I can't bear to destroy." Zhang Bin said.

Of course, it is not afraid to destroy the flowers here, but worry that the war is in a glare domain.

That may recognize that he is a judge.

If you have to send him a beauty, you are accepting or refused?

Moreover, the other party is likely to wanted to capture his tools.

The guy has created two ways. Who knows if there is a way to win other people?

This possibility is great.

Otherwise, how can it be otherwise, just one way?

Moreover, the glare domain is also very unassured to him, it is obviously a belly black.

"Just here, deal with you, I will finish it."

Pang Yu said proudly, "I won't break what flower grass."

"I don't care about the flowers and flowers, but you still have to pay attention to the size, don't kill people."

Luminous vans also said faintly, she doesn't believe that Zhang Bin can resist even if they move.

Maybe Pang Yuyi will take Zhang Bin into the pieces of the pie.

Also a square meter of flowers, what is it?

"This, still go to the space container, I am very heavy, I can't kill him,"

Zhang Bin said, "Then, it pollutes the flowers here."

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

Pang Yu got almost vomiting blood, and he couldn't stand it. He slammed a slap in Zhang Bin.

He wants to explode Zhang Bin's head.

Used full.

Although it is not useless, the power is also very horrible.

"Glade, give me the attention of Qingguang domain" ... "

Zhang Bin is also anger. However, he did not immediately counterattack, but quickly avoided it.

At the same time, he uses the idea to let himself speak like talking.

"Master, I also got a trial of the true gods gopened by the Junjun, can replace him, do you want to master the trial rule? This law is very cattle, outside the domain, the first ah? If you want, you will follow the rule of the sea ... "The sound of the glare domain sounds in the mind of the Qingguang domain.

Originally, the Qingguang Domain is really inductive gardens. The brain is thinking about how to let the light mercenter will live and die and improve the power.

But now the attention is being opened, excited to the extreme.

A flash has entered the rule of the sea.

He didn't have a way to induce the situation outside.

Of course, he is not worried about any accident.

After all, here is the world of glaucomes.

The glare domain monitors everything.

"The speed is quite fast, but have you escaped?"

Pang Yu smiled, like the same arrow, the past, the fists in the hands became rapidly, and slammed a punch to Zhang Bin's nose.

The horrible gas is almost killed by Zhang Bin.

Let Zhang Bin escape without a place.

"Gigbling ... This bastard is killed."

Xiao Yan smiled excitedly in his heart.

"The brother is really powerful, much too much than me, hey, this punch may have to kill this boy, I hope to resurrect?"

Luminous vans also looked at Pang Yu with admirable eyes.

It turns out that the super genius who is looking for, in fact, it is by your own side.

But you can't see it.

Moreover, Pang Shi is apparently pursuing himself, but he has always ignored him, and he does not put him in the eyes.

I thought he was mediocre.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin is a clear laugh, his fist is also awkward.

In an instant, the two bowls of fists will bomb together.


A loud noise of the sky.


The fist fragments sound.

Blood was taken.

"The fool is born, and it is really going to be exploded."

Both beautiful women shouted in my heart, they were actually very kind, so, I can't help but close my eyes, I didn't dare to see such bloody scenes.


The scream is also rang immediately.

Of course, it is sent from the mouth of Pang Yu.

He screamed, like an ordinary person hit by a truck, flying out.

I didn't know how much trees, and finally hit it on a rocker.

The ribbon has a big sound, and the rockery collapses and covers Pang Yu whole.

And Zhang Bin is a step without refund, and the wind is standing.

Of course, this time, he also used it.

The other party's talents are very powerful, and the war is terrible.

So, although he did not use a ban, it was used to use the trial rule.

However, he still did not call the trial mana in the people.

The reason why it is so embarrassed, that is because he refines an ancient family.

The war has doubled.

It has already reached the point of horror.

If the Qingguang domain is seen, it will be stunned.

"The brother is too fierce, it seems that the bastard is very far away."

Light merchants complained in the heart, but she also feels a bit strange, it seems a bit familiar with the voice, and the direction seems wrong?

She opened her eyes without helping.

also opened his eyes curiously.

Then they saw Zhang Bin's light and lightly stood there, and there was no damage.

Looking again in the direction of flowers and grass, I found that the rockery collapsed. The super genius in their hearts lie on like a dead dog, and the body was flooded, only two feet, still kept Jitter.

"How could this be?"

"How can this be?"

Two beautiful women are really facing each other, shocking inexplicably.

The genius is incredible, and it is a dead dog that is made by a fool teenager?

Said a good point to die each other?

Say good to the other party?

At this moment, Pang Yu just created the invincible image of the genius established in the heart of Guangrantia.

Even, she is a bit confused, who is the peerless day?

Is it a greedy teenager in front of you?


The cruster who presses Pang Yu is flying by horrible energy.

And Pang Yu jumped with a huge momentum.

He has already treated the injury, the fist is restored, and the broken wrist is also connected.

He is a cold, and his face is sad.

There was a huge ax in his hands.

High height lifting in the air.

Step by step to Zhang Bin.

The body burst into a rich murderous.

The two eyes are also shooting a cold murder.

"Eat I am a ax ..."

Pang Yu shouted, his feet stepped on the ground, and his people had jumped high on the sky.

The ax in the hand brought the cold light, from the sky, to Zhang Bin's head.

A ax is domain!

Pang Yu's huge horror team can explode 17 times the power.

He is really anger, so no matter who has been used.

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