The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4988 you come together

"Oh ... banned? Dare to use it in front of me?"

Zhang Bin issued a despise, and there was a scale in his hand.

There is a bright light on the Libra.

Then I slammed the heavens on the other's crazy ax.


A loud noise of the sky.



Pang Yu sent a sharp scream.

The ax in the hand flew out, and the call was flying to the Jiuyun.

His people also roll up, spraying blood in their mouth, and continued to fly to the sky.

Finally, even the eyes can not see.

I have not fallen in a half day.

And Zhang Bin still standing there.

Even, he did not step on a flower.

It seems that he is like a mosquito.

"How is this possible? He just cultivated to Zhongsheng Middle?"

Both beautiful women see it stunned and shocked.

The mouth can put a few eggs.

"Where is the bid? Dare to be in our glare domain?"

Angry sound sounded.

A group of blue-spot domains flying.

Perhaps it is the sake of the glaucoma in the ghost, so it is the disciple of the Zhongsheng realm.

Level 6, seven, eight, nine, and ten levels.

They must be like a sea, and they are like mountains.

"A group of ants, you together."

Zhang Bin lifted the scale of the scale and said faintly.

"Lying in the trough, where is this madman?"

All disciples are almost vomiting blood.

Light merchants and is also a horror.

"Eat me a sword ..."

A genius disciple of the Chinese holy, rushed, and slammed the sword to Zhang Bin.

But it was flying by Zhang Bin one day.

The sword in his hand fell, and people were also being formed.

Of course, Zhang Bin is in his hand, did not kill his soul.


The two bodies of this disciple flew to a few hundred kilometers away.

But the scream of screaming is always.


"So fierce?"

The eyes of the rest of the disciples are red.

They danced with magic weapons and rushed over.

Take Zhang Bin together.


Zhang Bin seems to roar like a tiger, killing the sheep.

Libra dances, scales.

When a loud noise.

More than a dozen genius disciples were all thrown.

It has become a broken meat and flying all day.

However, there is no fall in the garden.

Of course, their soul is still alive.

Can re-emit a blood, quickly recover.

"This is impossible? Do you have to dream?"

Both beautiful women used the shock and dare to confident, and Zhang Bin did not mess with the hair.

It is also said that you can't speak for a long time.

"Miss, now I have won, there is another genius of the treasure, can you give me?"

Zhang Bin got up the Libra, walked over, and smiled.

"You - how would be so powerful? Isn't you genius than they? But they are my grandfather's proud disciple, talents are very good."

Luminant is awakened, asking if you ask.

"I slept every day in the dead pile, wake up, I have to fight yourself, I'm going to fight."

Zhang Bin said half of half a holiday, "Talent does not represent the war. The war is tempering. Although they have also experienced, but they are well-safe, living in the Qingguang Domain, all are greenhouses Flowers. I have no problem with thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands. "

"This is real?"

When the valence is shocked, she really wants her grandfather's Qingguang Lord to explain.

However, the laminate of the glare domain did not appear.

After all, he is practicing the trial rules in the law.

I don't know what happened here.

"Miss, hundred flowers? Dan medicine? Can you give me? I am really poor."

Zhang Bin said.

"Well, give you ..."

The brain of the light van is now confused.

Silly tens of kilograms of hundred flowers and many medicinal herbs, gave Zhang Bin.

"Thank you, Miss, you are a beautiful and kind girl. Goodbye."

Zhang Bin said, he said, he became a black lightning, and there was no trace of blinking.

He has made the internal world of Qingguang fields in the first time.

Go back to the ground.

Then he make up and changed his face.

Under the cover of the glaucoma, it is the glare domain master, and he can't find him.

There is no way to check how he enters.

"Where is the bastard?"

Finally, many disciples once again combined the body, fly back alone.

They are shameful and angry, and they are suffering.

"He has already gone, don't look for him, he is very poor, live in the dead heap every day, wake up and strive to continue to live."

The face of light is full of pity.

"Teacher, you are too simple, this is also believed? He is obviously lie."

A brother and rush to say, "He must be a unioneer genius. If it is not monitoring Tianjun, it is a trial of Tianjun."

"Hey? Monitor Tianjun? Judging Tian Jun? I know the former, when did you have a trial?"

The eyes of light vans are wide, and the face is full of doubts.

"Teacher, you don't know, when you enter the treasure, you have a big event, there is a super horrible genius, he is in the domain of the golden monument, because he has created a trial rule, the list list first. Rolling All the robbery, overlooking the ancient. Taicon forced ... So, now the first day the first is to trial Tianjun, the name is blocked. "

Some brothers were excited excited.

"How is this possible? Isn't that monitoring Tianjun to the second place?"

The van is jumping up, and the shock is shocked.

In the past, she is looking forward to knowing the mysterious monitors of monograms, because it is the first one.

However, now it is second, the first judge is the judge.

Who is he?

Is it possible to be the weird teenager?

"This is true, there is no one knows the trial of Tianshan now."

Some brothers said, "Then, the one is eight or nine is the monitored Tianjun or Justice."

"It's impossible, he said that you are the flowers of the greenhouse, so it is not strong. And his talent may be almost like you.

Where is Guangran?

"We are the flowers of the greenhouse? Fart."

Many brothers have been screaming. "That is just a despicable bastard, Tiantian Jun, come to tease us of these ordinary genius, it is just shameless."

"Grandpa ... you come over, big things."

Glone can't help but shout.

Inexplicably, her heart is jumping.

She wants to confirm immediately, is the other party monitoring Tianjun or Junjun?

This time, the glare domain is not shielded.

Therefore, the lancen domain is heard.

He is flashing ...

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