The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5004 Life and Death

This is equivalent to Zhang Bin, one percent of the manual powerful energy.

At the same time exploding.

Of course, it is extremely horrible.

The devastating energy is an impact wave, and it is covered with a paw on the monster king.


The monster king made a bad angry scream.

The body is also rolling down.

Many monsters that have also chased it have also been fried in seven zero, miserable.

And Zhang Bin is swaying.

I haven't seen the movie.

" ..."

The monster king is very cattle, and the body is still not damaged, and there is a lot of monster lightning like a lot of powerful monsters.

They scratch the void and scratch the black cloud.

Such as light.

In addition, there are more than a few million.

If Zhang Bin has been escaping, even if it is controlled, it is necessary to catch up.

Then you will be killed by a monster.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin wisdom against the sky, he did not escape at all. He had entered the moon palace of Shi Tianfeng.

At this time, he finally found that Zhen Tianfeng can't receive the world or dragon pool, and can only be the benefit of the back.

Because do not summon it at all, even a moment of time will not waste.

Moreover, Zhen Tianfeng was originally outside the world.

Therefore, no spatial fluctuation will not cause any space.

Zhang Bin entered the moon palace of Zhen Tianfeng, and Zhen Tianfeng naturally floated in the dark clouds.

It looks a cyan stone.

The above countless tree grass is reduced to the ultimate, naturally, people can also make people feel that the stone is cyan.

Almost at the same time, the monster king swept from the edge of Zhen Tianfeng, and the horrible storm was blown, and the sky peaks were flipped.

Zhang Bin has a creepy feel.

He has never been any time, which has fallen into such a dangerous situation.

If he as long as it is slow in a slight moment, it will be caught up by the monster.

Or I have seen him in the sky in the sword.

The consequences are unimaginable.

Swiring, Zhang Bin watches the outside of the moon door and observed outside.

This door is very special, can't see it from the outside, but can see the outside.

Soon, Zhang Bin saw that the monster of the group team flew outside, and he was angry and murdered.

Obviously it is looking for him Zhang Bin.

However, they did not pay attention to the peak.

After all, in the void, such gravel can be seen everywhere.

Plus the shock peak is not a space container, not a space magic, without any space fluctuations.

Even, because of the seal, there is no breath.

Yes, the last time I listened to the Qingguang Domain, Zhang Bin did not arrange the seven-eight-zodial array of chaos in Zhen Tianfeng.

Therefore, Zhang Bin removes the array.

Now Zhang Bin is secretly grateful to the blue field.

If you are arranged in the havere of the array, it is estimated that it will be seen by these monsters.

Then it is finished.

Array the array, although it improves defense, it is easy to expose.

This monster is very persistent, looking for Zhang Bin three days and three nights.

Retreat again.

Then you don't have it slightly skew.

Zhang Bin has a darkness.

Then he began to think closely.

What kind of monster is this?

Obviously one of the domain, but it has never seen it, and has not been described in books.

The speed is super fast, it may be difficult to achieve such a speed of the top ten giants.

The war and defense ability are also super.

There is also a terrorist feature that can devour the will of human beings and make it quickly.

Most of the will of the will is the condense of will, and some mana and energy are wrapped.

But all are destroyed.

Never did not have the field energy to swallow the will.

There is also no human way to refine others, because it is the will of others, if it is refining, you will interfere with your will, then you are almost.

However, the monster is energy.

"This is a monster that is incomparably, it can threaten human survival. This direction does not have any other human beings, that is because of these monsters, it is eaten."

Zhang Bin concluded in his heart. If you want to destroy these monsters, it may only be dispatched by the master of the holy dragon domain, but it is difficult to do. I hope that they will not attack the holy dragon domain. "

He made a detailed place, found that the holy dragon domain will not pass here, and it is very far away from here.

He is only a little.

He didn't go out soon, but tried in the moon palace.

He wants to cultivate the loss of the loss and energy, and then condense the ax in the world.

The domain is too dangerous.

If it is ready, it will be undoubtedly.

Of course, he cultivated in the light intranation.

Wait until it is restored, and the outside has passed for half a month.

Zhang Bin stopped cultivating, but began to observe the stone monument in the central area of ​​Zhen Tianfeng.

But there is no additional discovery.

He began working hard to communicate with stone monument.

Issue a wave of waves.

This is what he often do.

Soon, the stone monument lit up the dark golden light, but it was a bit bleak.

Obviously it makes sense.

Perhaps one day can be unpredictable.

This is the legendary Temple.

"Yes, light is bright, obviously related to my will, and I am also related to my realm."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and his face floated with a thick look.

Waiting for yourself to unlock the seal of Tiandi, you can contact the domain with the Tiandi print.

It is easy to find the domain that is not recognized, it is easy.

You can greatly improve your own war, if you encounter the kind of gap, you don't have to be afraid.

Zhang Bin no longer delayed, he showed stealth and flying out.

Then he took out the night.

I plan to drive the fastest speed with the fastest speed with the fastest speed.

"Master, I smelled the breath of the monster, it seems to be my natural enemy, let me have a fashionable, unpaladous feeling."

The night is afraid of fear.

"They can refine the will, which will become powerful. It is really possible to be the natural enemy of your will."

Zhang Bin muttered in the mouth, and his face has also floated the color of thinking.

"Master, you said that they can refine the will, if you can refine the will tree, after all, that is also willing to condense."

The night hesitatus said, "If this is the case, if they find the domain that is not refined, maybe you can kill the monster palace, eat the will of the domain."

"Night, your brain is too big?"

Zhang Binnai is awkward, his face is full of weird expressions.

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