"The master, this is a sudden picture in my brain."

The night is very distressed and fear. "This seems to be my genetic memory. Holding the domain is not just the natural enemies of our willbird, but also human, domain natural enemies, that is, condense the will The creatures are the food of this monster. They kill food, eat their will trees and will. They become more powerful. Becoming more and more horrible. I have caused the killing of the sky, I don't know how much domain Death, how many humans have been eaten. However, they should have been extinct. But now it has appeared again. "


When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin took a breath, his face was also particularly serious.

If the night is saying, it is true, then you must find a way to kill these monsters as soon as possible.

Can't let them continue to be strong.

Otherwise, it may cause a horror disaster.

Rotary, his face has been boring.

What is the difficulty?

I haven't been strong now.

There is no appeal.

Even some people don't believe in themselves.

I can invite the Holy Dragon domain, even if there is nothing to grasp.

However, the holy dragon domain will kill those horrible monsters?

As far as the other party, if you want to escape, humans can't catch up.

He thought for a long time, he expected asked: "Then do you know what they have weak?"

"There is nothing in memory."

The night shook his head.

"They must have weaknesses." Zhang Bin's eyes lit up the light of wisdom. "Otherwise, they can't get extinct, and I have long been outside the country. Any creature that can cultivate the will tree has also been killed by them. Exhausted. "

"The owner, that is not necessarily, if they kill all the will creatures. If there is no food, they are starved to death, or they are not necessarily sleeping."

Dark night.

"Is this what you want? Or the picture appeared in memory?"

Zhang Bin is not afraid, but it is extremely exciting.

"This, I don't know, I just get your enlightenment, suddenly think of this."

Dark night.

"It seems that because of your genetic memory," Zhang Bin said, "This kind of hairless monster may be very easy to sleep. So, I went to the black cloud in front of the haak, before coming out A monster, then broke out the war, they woke up, they came out to attack me. "

"But this direction is nobody, you said that it was eaten by them, how can you kill human beings?"

Dark night.

"There is a monster having a duty, and they can also feel the breath of the will tree in the human body. Human enters, the monsters on duty will know, they will go to hunt human." Zhang Bin said seriously "Quick in ..."

After that, he immediately entered the earthquakery in the night.

Let him and the night are creepy, just a few breathing time.

There are more than a dozen monsters like black lightning, and they are silent.

Then, in this area, it will continue to shuttle.

It is obviously inductive a breath of Zhang Bin's will.

Come and hunt Zhang Bin.

"God, they can still feel the breath of the will tree, like my speculation."

Zhang Bin shocked the extreme, the face became a bit ugly, but it was also secretly glated.

The will tree in the earth-like is only a little big, and the breath is very weak.

Therefore, there is no monster in the monster.

Moreover, the earth-like print can completely block the breath of the will tree from Zhang Bin.

Do not disclaim.

An uniusible monster can not be able to induce an exception.

If it is not a shock, I can't escape it last time.

It can only be a dead road, because the other party can induce my will of my will.

It is easy to know the direction and position I escaped.

Therefore, any human beings entering the area are also hunt, no escape.

Naturally, I don't know the horror of this area, and no one knows that there is such a horrible monster in the world.

"Fortunately, this monster feeling is not as good as white snow and dark night. Otherwise, hiding in the Zhen Tianfeng, but also to be discovered."

Zhang Bin was afraid to sure.

"Master, you are wrong." The night said, "I feel that the will of the will tree is not strong, and the reason why they don't feel the will of the sky, that is because Zhen Tianfeng is refined by you. No more breath of the will tree. When I was outside, I didn't feel it. "

"It turns out." Zhang Bin suddenly realized, "It seems that this horror monster is more powerful than I think. We must find all the way."

"How can this?"

The night is stunned. Look at Zhang Bin like the monster, and I don't understand how his courage is so big.

"They have to sleep, this is weak." Zhang Bin said, "Now just want to find a way to find weaknesses in their body, see what method to kill them is relatively easy? So, you must first capture a captive."

"This is too risky."

The darkness of the dark fear is floating.

Zhang Bin is again thinking about it again.

Finally, he asked: "Black Night, you said, can this monster eat? Is it good to eat?"

He is looking forward to inspiring the genetic memory of the night.

"It seems that there is a precious treasure in the body, which is good for human cultivation."

The darkness of the night floated a faint confused color, muttered in his mouth.

"That finds a way to hunt one."

Zhang Bin is darkly happy, he decided to take risks.

He worked hard in the moon palace for three days.

It was found that there was no no monster.

He quickly flew away, and changed a position.

Zhen Tianfeng is not slow.

Therefore, there is nothing difficult.

And because he didn't come out, there was certainly didn't indute him.

"This induction, there is a certain time."

Zhang Bin muttered.

He finally started to act, find a small peak, take out the will of the holy realm on the peak.

Of course, it is not his own, but it is in the treasure house of Hongdong Mountain.

He hid hiding in the moon palace to wait patiently.

If he does not master the monitoring law, he still does not dare to do this.

After all, the black cloud in this area is too rich, with strange properties.

It is not far from the eyes of people.

If it is a lot of hairless monsters, then he is also hard to find.

That is not his hunting monster, but a monster hunting him.

Waited for about five minutes.

Finally there was quiet.

Zhang Bin surveillance, a monster flying fly.

The size is not too big, and the monster of the day is almost very large.

But it is also very powerful and horrible.

If Zhang Bin does not use the world's sword, he has not cheered a blow.

Between the blink, this monster landed on the peak.

Its two eyes shot the light of the ink, projected on the will, and wiped the idea of ​​starting Zhang Bin's launch will explode.

The mouth is open, and the will succeed.

At this time, Zhang Bin jumped out of the Moon Palace of Zhen Tianfeng, and the sword was in the neck of the monster.

This is a long-awaited attack.

Of course, it is incomparably horrible!

(Eight chapters sent, ask for subscription, seek recommendations. Thank you.)

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