The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5013, the fierce kill

No, many monsters are forced.

They all look at the will offered the will.

What it is?

It seems to be a will, but the surface is a bit wrong?

It is such a glimpse.

The will have near them.

What is more terrible is that a will result suddenly exploded.

The horrible shock wave broke out.

Let the front of the new will raise speed.

It seems to be lightning like lightning.

Then explode.

Bang bang bumps ...

Impact wave extension.

Destroyed energy sweaters.

All of the monsters.

The monsters were rapidly refunded and vacated.

But there is still more than 20,000 monsters in such a horrible explosion into a powder.

There is only 10,000 only left.

Even hurt.

It is gas to vomit blood, Zhang Bin did not escape.

Instead, all the will have all the will.

And he also ran to those warehouses, accumulating the space container inside.

The space container is an ancient will tree and fruit.

Higher research value.

Moreover, those will also be detonated.

Can be used to make a bomb.

Of course, if it is in an empty place, it is nothing to use.

Because anyone will fly, it will escape.

However, it is also good to use.

Moreover, the will also have research value.

See how many of the managers inside, what is the level of energy.

Maybe you can know what kind of point is strong in ancient times?

It may even find the mystery of their cultivation.


Many monsters are furious.

They have become black lightning, and they have a murder of the sky to kill Zhang Bin.

"court death……"

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he once again throwing a few will.

They are all surfaces with iron.


The monster was scared to fly and flee it quickly.

However, such as the fruit falls on the ground.

They rushed again.

Some of these monsters are sprayed out of the hot flame, and they can't burn over.

Want to deal with Zhang Bin with a flame.

And this flame is really terrible, and the iron skin on any will instantly melts.

Zhang Bin has no way, can only quickly detonate the will.

Suddenly, the horrible voice rang.

However, this time is not able to kill a monster.

However, the monster did not dare to be close.

Zhang Bin continued to quickly collect numerous space containers.

Finally, he danced a sword, rushed to the exit with the murder of the sky, and a look that would like to kill.

Where does the monster will let Zhang Bin escape?

They madly kill Zhang Bin.

However, their size is too large, and most of them can only be siege.

Moreover, they are still worried that Zhang Bin throws the will bombers.

So, other monsters don't dare to be too close.


Zhang Bin shouted crazy.

The sword in the hand is lightning.

Suddenly, the light is taken.

The sword is out.

Take a few monsters on the paws.

... ...

The paws of the monster can not stand, all break.

Then their body is chopped in half.

Blood shooting out.

And Zhang Bin is no loss.

He continued to rush crazy.

Because many monsters are not afraid of death, continue to intercept him.

... ...

Zhang Bin's sword was invincible, sharp.

I killed more than a dozen monsters in a breath.

However, his sword is also sharply reduced.

After all, it is the sword of the world, it is energy to gather.

So, he suddenly took the back and fled into a warehouse quickly.

Many monsters are of course losing.

But the horror of the explosion suddenly sounded.

However, when Zhang Bin just rushed over, I secretly released a dozen will.

It is now detonated by him.

Bang bang bumps ...

Horror to the extreme sound.

Nearly thousands of monsters became fragments, and they were miserable.


Almost at the same time, Zhang Bin has become a lightning, and once again, it has dropped.

I was thrown out quickly, and I was crazy to detonate.

Let the world become an explosive world.

Even, he still throws the will.

Smoke is filled, and the shock wave swept throughout the space.

Zhang Bin has a monitoring rule, so he can clearly induce where many monsters are hidden.

He turned into a ghost, chasing behind them, throwing the will.

Let the explosion continue without any stop.


Numerous monsters were made up.

There is no strength.

Just flying in this world.

But everywhere is exploding, wherever you are dead.

Although this space is huge, but for their rapid existence, there can be dozens of times in an instant.

Therefore, it is really unparalleled.

They are kept dead.

Keeping stupid calling.

Smart, escaped.

Of course, it is certainly killed by Zhang Bin.

Of course, there are also some fierce, through special sense of sense, induced Zhang Bin's position.

Crazy kill Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin directly threw the will.

If you don't dance the sword.

He is condensed with a lot of swords of the world.

There is a one, it is almost endless.

Of course, this is just the illusion of many monsters.

So, many monsters are cold.

The mortality rate is too high.

They have to escape.

Thoroughly gave Zhang Bin with their nest.

This battle has killed tens of thousands of monsters.

There are not many remaining.

About a few thousand, all fled to the outside.

Looking at the hole.

Waiting for Zhang Bin to kill.

They are so good to kill Zhang Bin.

They are a wide world, they are not afraid of Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin landed.

His face is filled with murder.

The eyes of his eyes are also shot.

He has already killed his eyes.

However, he still did not rush out.

He entered the Zhenfeng in the sky.

Of course, Zhen Tianfeng is hidden in the meat.

He began to take monster flesh and quickly recover strength.

Then condense the sword of the world.

White snow and the night are of course ventilated, carefully observe the outside.

The monster did not enter.

Therefore, they have not bother Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin was cultivated in the light-fashionation, and the speed of restoring is of course very fast.

What's more, the monsters have magical abilities, which can make him quickly restore brute force and mana.

So, he quickly recovered, and it condensed more the sword of the world.

Then stop cultivation.

"Don't come in?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"No, just explore the brain in the hole probe."

Snow said.

"It seems that it is not easy to kill them now."

Zhang Bin's eyebrows, in fact, he is most afraid of them to escape.

That is definitely a human disaster.

Other giants can have no shock, let alone, they don't know the horror of the monster.

So, the monster is hunting them, it is absolutely not easy.

After all, the monster can judge strength according to the strength of the will of the human giant, and the powerful them do not attack, and they are weak.

That is definitely a critique.

If they hit. On their terrible speed.

It is almost impossible to chase them.

"Is there any way to kill all?"

Zhang Bin caught in meditation.

And many monsters are also detailed outside, screaming.

Also think about the way to deal with Zhang Bin.

Now they know, Zhang Bin has a treasure, hiding in it, they can't feel the will of Zhang Bin's will ......

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