The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5014, please beast

Zhang Bin thought for a while, and his face has floated the evil smile.

He collected all monsters on the ground.

Then I got a transfer array on the ground. He entered it, and he only saw the conveyance array. He had no trace.

"The bastard escapes, and the transfer is running off ..."

In the mouth exploring a monster, a monster, the monster, immediately shouted.

Of course, listening to the ear of human beings, that is, the singularity of singing.

I don't understand at all.

"Hey ..."

Many monsters are also very angry, crazy roar.

They immediately launched their special ability and inserted finely.

If you want to induce the breath of any will tree, it is judged that Zhang Bin's position.

Unfortunately, they don't feel anything.

After all, Zhang Bin has entered the peak, only to transfer.

It will not disclose the breath of the will tree.

Since you can't induce Zhang Bin's breath, there are no ways in many monsters.

They entered the old nest with sorrowful angry breath.

Looking at this empty world, all treasures are not seen.

They are unparalleled and sorrowful.

Their hunting domasts, the vegetarian is a human natural enemy, and once hunted how much human giant, also hunting countless domains, capturing their will trees.

When was it so miserable by a human beings who only cultivate the Sixth level of the Chinese Shengjing, to capture every treasure?

"Revenge, we have to retaliate ..."

"We are going to hunt humanity, stronger, and kill all people ..."


They are crazy, the horrible murder is bursting out, and the world is shocked.

This is a group of demon, a group of demon can make the world.

If they let them kill, they are raging the world, they don't know how many humans will fall.

"But what should our ancestore beast? Is it stayed here?"

There is a strange animal depressed. We are really like tragedy. "

"Yes, we must find ways to take away the bones of the ancestore."

"But too heavy, and very special, you can't get in the space container."


Rotate, they have settled in detail.

They are here, don't leave, is afraid of the bones of the ancestore beast being obtained by humans.

Now they have no food, must take the initiative to hunt human, then leave here.

There is no way to guard the bones of the main beast, which is indeed a difficult problem that is difficult to solve.

"Hello, I am back again ..."

Suddenly, Zhang Bin's voice rang, he came into the outside as a ghost.

Standing at the edge of the hole, watching them like the dead.

He is the location of the nearby location, and the monitored monsters entered the old nest, he kill again.

Put them inside.

It is necessary to kill them all here.

At the same time, he observed and calculated carefully.

There is not too many monsters, about 3,000.

However, it is very powerful, and it is also very smart.

He wants all to kill all, but it is not too easy.

"Hey ..."

Many monsters face each other, anger is inexplicable, then ambitious roar.

Their eyes shot the ice cold to the extreme.

Deadly projected on Zhang Bin's body.

If it is a gaze, it can be killed, and the Bin has died countless times.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despise.

He took out a container filled with a number of ordnants wrapped in iron and placed directly on the ground.

The will of the will be accumulated as mountains.

The face of many monsters floated on the face of fear.

They quickly retreat.

"You have two people who are holding here, just don't stop thrilling. If you can't stand, you can take it out, I will take the will."

Zhang Bin's voice sounded in the moon palace in Shi Tianfeng.

Then he took the white snow and night.

They have always been cultivated, crazy, cultivate many monsters.

So, their body has a lot of bigger.

And they also have ideas, and they have done countless will bombs.

All are placed in their belly and can spray it quickly.

Plus this container filled with will.

But you can stay here.


Zhang Bin suddenly shouted, danced with a sword, and rushed to the past.

"Hey ..."

The eyes of many monsters are red, and they are crazy, and they will kill Zhang Bin.

The horrible blood war broke out.

Zhang Bin, a three thousand monsters.

Kill it is flusk, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

Scream screaming, bloody.

For ten minutes, Zhang Bin killed hundreds of monsters.

He is also scarred, and he is full of blood.

He retired back quickly.

Standing before the will of the will.

And the two pets suddenly spurted the will.

As if lightning, the monster that burst into the chasing.

Then explode.

Bang bang bumps ...

There are dozens of monsters that have been fried.

The rest of the monsters are also retired quickly.

Dare to pass.

"Hey ... Today, you can't escape, you are my trophy."

Zhang Bin issued a evil.

He quickly refined the monster flesh and supplemented consumption.

Concentrate the will sword.

Prepare for another battle.


However, many monsters are not a fool, and Zhang Bin will recover.

They killed all from all sides, but they just want to escape.

The space in this is too small, as if a grave is limited to their speed.

There is only one deadline here.

" ..."

However, Zhang Bin and two pets were rapidly escaped.

Almost at the same time, the horrible explosion sounded.

It is a few will of the container exploded.

Bang bang bumps ...

Tianshure cracks, earth-shattering.

All the will fruits are shocked in this incomparably, they take out.

The monster population is incident in the densely numb.

Then explode.

Bang bang bumps ...

I didn't know how many monsters were killed.

The body has become a fragment, and the head is also crash.

The flesh and blood is flying, the miserable pole.

The monster that did not die was shocked, quickly returned, escaped to a distant place.

And Zhang Bin is an elapsed with two pets, once again throwing a container filled with will.

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